posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 05:09 PM
I've had a personal shift last October that completely changed my perspective on reality and what's going on in the world. It was as if a switch
was turned on and I started to actually look at the way the world works instead of living in the little bubble that I was, just worrying about myself
and nobody else. After the thing took place, it took me a couple months to actually start searching for some truth in the world. I used to be
someone who just hated people in general. I hated talking with people, and I really had no hope for humanity at all. Now, after that has happened,
I'm making more of a conscious effort to be nice to anybody I can. I don't really care anymore if people like me or talk bad about me or anything.
I don't need anybody else to boost my ego. Since then, I have been pretty happy most of the time now. I have a good life and I'm enjoying every
day I'm alive. I think this is what life should be like. Enjoy everything and don't let anyone or anything get you down. My entire life, I've
had the feeling that I was different in a way. It wasn't something I could really talk to people about either. I just had a strong feeling that
I'm meant to do something in my life. Whether or not it's just wishful thinking, I still like to hold onto that idea. Now, it seems like I'm just
waiting for something big to happen as I know a lot of people are. There really seems to be a lot of that happening with people nowadays. Whether
it's UFO enthusiasts waiting for disclosure, or the MSM waiting for the swine flu to hit, or the Alex Jones people waiting for the STHTF, and the
Galactic Federation of Light people waiting for first contact, there seems to be a lot focus on something big happening soon. I had that feeling last
summer, that there was something coming. I don't know why, but this was even before I started looking into anything bigger than my little bubble. I
talk to normal people now and there were a lot of them that are consciously aware of 2012 and were curious about it. I've been doing research on it
within the past 7 months or so and I tell them whatever I can if they're interested. Most of the time they just laugh it off and think I'm crazy
for spending my time researching this stuff, but I don't mind really if they believe in it or not. I am happy that people are curious though and
just being curious helps people consider different possibilities. If anybody wants to read about that consciousness shift event that I had, and some
of the other stuff I wrote in the past few months, send me a U2U and we can exchange emails. It's nice to talk to like minded people who have an
open mind about things. I'm still not sure what to believe with all this stuff, but I have a strong feeling that there is something going on with us
as a race and I'm pretty excited about it.