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Big Blobs of Mystery Goo Floating Off Alaska Coast - No one knows what it is nor seen anything like

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posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:02 AM
Sounds like something huge puked up a giant hairball!

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:12 AM
This is it...

Giant Uplift of land in Alaska

Giant Puddle of Organic Goo floating off Coast

Something Hatched

It's heading to Japan most likely

I've been waiting for this my whole life, long over due...

Thank You God I knew if you were going to allow Armageddon you'd at least bring in One Giant monster...

[edit on 16-7-2009 by mopusvindictus]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:25 AM
But to be serious for a moment

Bio Mass and Uplift are on opposite sides of Alaska

Can't possibly be related to one another.

My guess,

Something large melted in the ice this summer, perhaps a cluster of long frozen sea creatures, within them were biological agents that managed to survive feeding off the thawing flesh and bloomed into a currently unknown kind of algae or some similar biomass unseen by us in the present time. The guts of long frozen sea creatures could contain a wide range of organisms that might survive the thaw and flourish.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:47 AM
Disclaimer: I'm a theist but not of the Abrahamic faiths. I have minor biblical scholar and scriptural skills. Also I am not a scientific/legal or medical expert in any field. Beware of my Contagious Memes! & watch out that you don't get cut on my Occams razor.All of this is my personal conjecture and should not be considered the absolute or most definitive state of things as they really are. Use this information at your own risk! I accept no liability if your ideology comes crashing down around you with accompanying consequences!

Explanation: Could the bio-goo possibly be the result of a pod of sperm whales all getting runs at the same time and producing a big sloppy Ambergris slick???

Personal Disclosure: I wonder what might give whales the runs???

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 10:28 AM
I'd say it is decomposing sea algae. Some algal blooms are blue in color and can be dozens of miles long. The bird carcass is possibly the result of it (a goose) landing on the bloom assuming it to be solid. The algal mass is very tenaceous and heavy and may well trap a heavy bird around the legs.

Do a YouTube search for sea algae, especially those showing the events in China just before the olympics. That's what sea algae can do.


posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 11:05 PM

Aww, it's just animal excrement. Poor thing probably had a bad case of diarrhea.
The question becomes, what kind of animal?


posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
But to be serious for a moment

Bio Mass and Uplift are on opposite sides of Alaska

Can't possibly be related to one another.

My guess,

Something large melted in the ice this summer, perhaps a cluster of long frozen sea creatures, within them were biological agents that managed to survive feeding off the thawing flesh and bloomed into a currently unknown kind of algae or some similar biomass unseen by us in the present time. The guts of long frozen sea creatures could contain a wide range of organisms that might survive the thaw and flourish.

I completely agree with you. Those incidents between Barrow and S. Alaska are way to far from each other. I also agree with your theory. Melting ice can release all kinds of goodies, also baddies like unknown bacteria etc...

[edit on 16-7-2009 by favouriteslave]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 11:48 PM
Could this be the precursor the Cthulhu?! Actually, I've read some good lovecraft short stories, one of which was a gigantic pile of death and goop floating on the ocean, within was a horrible beast.

Actually... now that I've seen the closeup, it looks more like the black slime from Ghostbusters II. Perhaps not Cthulhu, but Vigo the Carpathian...

[edit on 7.16.2009 by Avarus]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 12:27 AM
How ironic! An oil/algae monster coming to choke us!
'Crude' and of course, disgusting.
Wait till it gets it on with the floating plastic trash blob!

[edit on 17-7-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 04:15 PM
kinda spooky!

Good job Questioningall (our Alaska informant!) ; )

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Looks like there's an update. It turns out it's algae...

Black goop afloat off Arctic coast identified as algae ALGAE: Still, experts don't know why there's so much of it.

A sample of the giant black mystery blob that Wainwright hunters discovered this month floating in the Chukchi Sea has been identified.

It looks to be a stringy batch of algae. Not bunker oil seeping from an aging, sunken ship. Not a sea monster.

"We got the results back from the lab today," said Ed Meggert of the Department of Environmental Conservation in Fairbanks. "It was marine algae."

Miles of the thick, dark gunk had been spotted floating between Barrow and Wainwright, prompting North Slope Borough officials and the Coast Guard to investigate last week. A sample was sent to a DEC lab in Anchorage, where workers looked at it under a microscope and declared it some kind of simple plant -- an algae, Meggert said.
more at link.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Avarus

Ehhh, funny you came with that one, I have a muslim friend at work, I asked him flat out if the quran han any DoomsDay's in it , I got surprised when he said yes..

He said : when the ice has melted on the north pole, the enemy of god will emerge an and come down and fight with Cant remember who, then Allah will come, after the Battle !!

Some thing along those lines, this man is a Fullbread Muslim..

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 03:15 PM
It's apparently a rather huge algae bloom...

posted on Jul, 19 2009 @ 05:49 AM


Mystery Blob is SOLVED!!

It is algae -

We got the results back from the lab today," said Ed Meggert, of the Department of Environmental Conservation in Fairbanks. "It was marine algae."

Terry Whitledge is director of the Institute of Marine Science at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. He hasn't had a chance to look at the DEC's sample yet, but a friend with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration e-mailed him a picture of the gunk.

"Filamentous algae," he concluded.


"It means it's just stringy."

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:20 PM
I make it a regular habit to walk on the beach. You may think that is irrelevant but keep reading. I've seen all sorts of strange algae washed up in the drift. I've seen clear and red blobs that can be punctured by stick. I've actually seen black blobs of algae that smell like rotting trash, the sea is a mysterious thing.

posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 11:35 PM
my thoughts are algae migrated from another location due to the ongoing climate change in the north.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by Jomina
reply to post by iTz C1oCKWoRK

Yea the sewer form is legit, but I believe it's been identified as some sort of Tubifex. Still a VERY strange place to find a tubifex, and theyre a little confused on how it got there, and is survivin

As to the Tubifex I think ppl are using them as fish food in fast grow
urban fisheries.

Tubifex for fast grow guppies

I'd never even have guessed at this, and I didn't even know Tubifex
worms existed or that guppies would "pig out" on them.


posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by GEORGETHEGREEK
reply to post by GEORGETHEGREEK

The dangers are obvious and i guess very soon there will be people within or outwidth ATS to confirm my observation on this..

You are correct that the possibility is there.

Anoxic mass extinction event of the Super Greenhouse

It is called an Anoxic event, and a severe one can cause a
horrific collapse event like it has in the past.

What a lot of ppl do not know is 20% of the coral on Earth is dead.

20% of coral is dead and more is dying

This could be another sign post of things to come.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by waveguide3
I'd say it is decomposing sea algae. Some algal blooms are blue in color and can be dozens of miles long. The bird carcass is possibly the result of it (a goose) landing on the bloom assuming it to be solid. The algal mass is very tenaceous and heavy and may well trap a heavy bird around the legs.

Do a YouTube search for sea algae, especially those showing the events in China just before the olympics. That's what sea algae can do.


The other thing some of these minor anoxic events can cause is
the release of hydrogen sulfide gas, and that will kill even humans
in a high enough quantity.

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by booda
reply to post by fprrtp6

why do you think the swine flu was created in a lab - was the same done in 1918 when 50 million died.....

A US Army general commented it looked like it came from a lab.

General comments did this come out of a lab ?

The general helped during Katrina clean up

He has a Bachelor of Science in Vocational Agriculture but beyond that
I do not see him as a high level scientist.

His masters degrees are admin related.

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