posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by grover
This not a right vs. left issue. What it is is basic science. The same jokers who are telling us that we're going to burn up were telling us we
were going to freeze to death 20 years ago.
How about we look to solve the problem(to the extent that it even exists). I totally agree with you. We should assume that the problem exists and
that there is a man-made component to the problem. OK. Now that we are there, lets develop an objective goal for a specific level of carbon
reduction at a global level and then set about devising the most cost effective way to achieve that goal. That solution would not be in the form of
"cap and trade" or any other solution that would impact US lifestyles as significantly as the current proposed solutions would. The reason for
that is that the socio-economic components of the solution are the main objective and the carbon reduction merely ancilliary benefits.
Have the wealthy nations contribute to a UN fund that enhances the industrial infrastructure of the third world and you will have a far greater impact
on the environment than these solutions currently being proposed. Again, the reason this is not a good solution is that carbon reduction is but an
ancilliary benefit to the global socialists.
All I am saying is that we should look for solutions here with a limited objective and dispense with the other components. If this is all about
science, which, obviously I don't think it is, then lets have the best scientific solution to hit the reduction levels we wish to achieve at a global
level. I would anticipate the US contributing heavily to a global solution, but again, make the solution scientific.
The other problems with the currently proposed solutions is that they do nothing to improve the quality of the environment of the third world. Yes,
we can do something that will tax productivity of the wealthy nations and "feel good" about that. There are a lot of folks in parts of the world
living in dire environmental states that would have no benefit.
This is exactly like the banning of DDT. Oh yes, we feel great in the western world about banning DDT. The fact that malaria is the largest killer
of people in the world and that it could be essentially wiped out were we to use DDT in parts of the world does not register.