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Marrs, Sitchin, and a possible 2012 connection?

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posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 08:34 PM
From Jim Marrs rule by SECRECY and some of my own comments, you get the following for your enjoyment regarding the Sumerians, and Planet 12. Oh, and yes, I recommend the book, to be sure. It is about much more than I post here.

My comments are after quotes. Ellipses are used where I choose to leave information out, not to obscure the meaning, but rather to condense content and prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.

From page 100:

Famous students from the London School of Economics include David Rockefeller... future President John F. Kennedy Jr, Robert F. Kennedy... author Zecharia Sitchin...

So we aren't dealing with an uneducated "quack" when discussing Sitchin.

Page 378:

"All the ancient peoples believed in gods who had descended to Earth from the heavens and who could at will soar heavenwards," explained... Sitchin... "But these tales were never given credibility, haven been branded by scholars... as myths."

Empirical evidence to one society's history becoming a myth to a future one discovering it???

...Sitchin reasoned, "Now that astronauts have landed on the Moon, and unmanned spacecraft explore other planets, it is no longer impossible to believe that a civilization on another planet more advanced than ours was capable of landing its astronauts on the planet Earth some time in the past."

And possibly the future? Or right now?

It is significant to learn that the Sumerians never considered, or referred to, the beings who brought them knowledge as "gods." This was a later interpretation by the Romans and Greeks...

This shook me a bit.

The Sumerians called them... Those Who Came to Earth from Heaven.

We have all seen the various painting seeming to depict UFOs right along with saints and angels. If nothing else, it makes me consider the possibilities. I will leave it here for now and consider providing more based upon interest. Not so much out of pride, but my newly found understanding that topics that interest me do not necessarily interest the rest of ATS.

Thanks for reading!

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 08:41 PM
heya Chemly,

While I don't really believe the Nibiru stuff -- at least within context of 2012 -- I admit that I've never really read Stitchin's works, just excerpts others have mined.

There's a frequent patter about him that goes like this: "he didn't really understand Summerian ......... not a linguist, not a scholar..... etc. etc."

I'm interested, if you care to expound upon your OP. I think it's perfectly plausible, even likely, that the Earth was visited prior to our ancient recorded history. Seems like every culture [that I'm aware of] has writings along those lines. Who are we to label them myths?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by argentus

Well, you speak where I left off in the book. Let us move a little farther forward. Thanks for the reply!

Jim Marrs rule by SECRECY page 378 continued:

To understand the Sumerian version of the origin of humanity requires only a slight shift in mindset.

Here, Marrs seems to give us a key, a little insight into his views (possibly) about this information. A "slight" shift is all that is required. Let us attempt this together.

Sitchin... has told how his shift of mindset occurred. As a schoolboy studying Hebrew in Palestine, Sitchin had the audacity to question why the Old Testament term Nefilim was translated as "giants" when the original word meant "Those Who Were Cast Down." Predictably, instead of being praised for his initiative and attention to accuracy, you Sitchin was chastised for questioning the Bible.

Once again, I do recommend the book and hope that I am not breaking any ATS rules here. There is more, if it seems prudent to continue. To be honest, this book is SO heavy, this is a good way to have a little fun with it!

Thanks again argentus

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by argentus

I am also quick to point out that Sitchin himself thinks that the next passing is more like 2050 or 60. In the past, that was always a large red flag for me as it seems that everyone "knows" that if you are going to set a prophetic date, set it outside of your lifespan. Certainly Sitchin has done that here as he is no spring chicken. That being said, maybe it is a protective move of sorts? Who knows?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:09 PM
I'll see if I can acquire the book, and thanks for the nudge....

Funny that I wouldn't buy Stitchin's book, but wouldn't balk at Jim Marrs' take on the whole thing.

Amazon won't ship here; apparently this lil' Caribbean nation is far too seditious or something....... Do you know if it's offered as an online book?

Sounds like a perfectly plausible point to proceed from -- what you were talking about -- I think there's a lot of valid info that is lost through interpretation from various religious texts. I think things get interpreted sometimes in the manner in which the text resonates to the person translating it, and particularly when translating a phenomenon that is unfamiliar.

Back about 30 years ago when I was in college, I decided to read the Bible, highlight anything that strongly resonated as technology. Well. Pretty soon, the majority of what I'd read was more yellow highlighted than not.

It was eye-opening, and I hadn't even gotten to Eizekiel yet

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:10 PM
Ive heard of Zach how ever never of his theory...

I will however say that to coincide with everyt other little coincedence....i think i may have downloaded soem data recently coinciding with his theory...

The "Gods" where simply a alien race....

Its all very very plausible, imagine living 6000 yrs ago, never seeing electricity - when all of a sudden an illumines object appears and teachs you agriculture and how to adequtliy survive - build a humanity...

My "downloaded" hunch also tells me that evolution was in fact real, however prior to even ancient sumeria there was genetic purification that was essentially installed and allowed to breed itself out as normal evolution would...then come the alien gods teaching the now someone logical and comprehending humans...this purification that installed into the human the its humab vs animal realm tendencies, logic, the compartment we call a soul so these beings can learn their lessons living through our bodies....reliving life in order to learn new lessons....

If this doesnt make sense, thats ok - it does to the ones its meant to make sense to...

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:15 PM
From Jim Marrs rule by SECRECY.

page 379:

Sitchen's question was will founded. Rather than simply "giants," the Holman Bible Dictionary defines the Old Testament Nefilim as "ancient heroes who, according to most interpreters, are the products of sexual union of heavenly beings and human women"...

So we see some confirmation in a bible dictionary here. This had me remembering some of the Greek mythology I learned a couple of decades ago...

Genesis 6:4 (New International): "The Nefilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. The were the heroes of old, men of renown."

Hercules anyone? I don't know but this is very interesting to me. Hope you agree!

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Chemley

Well, that could work -- 2050. I'm fairly certain that anything of any size that was a regularly recurring celestial body would be visible and known by now -- if only to amateur astronomers. One of my pet peeves is the frequent lens flare photos wherein the photographer claims to have shot a "second sun" ......... oh nooooes! It's coming!

All manner of unscheduled./unknown stuff --asteroids, meteors, etc. -- could smack us most any day.

I gotta admit, this all fascinates me, the ancient astronaut thing. I don't think that's far-fetched at all. One starts reading any religious text with an open mind and it's not a far stretch at all to imagine how extremely advanced technology and species might appear to our ancestors.

I really have room in my mind to imagine that "they" could've even been a species that gave our DNA a bump....... who knows?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by argentus
I'll see if I can acquire the book, and thanks for the nudge....

Funny that I wouldn't buy Stitchin's book, but wouldn't balk at Jim Marrs' take on the whole thing.

Amazon won't ship here; apparently this lil' Caribbean nation is far too seditious or something....... Do you know if it's offered as an online book?

Sounds like a perfectly plausible point to proceed from -- what you were talking about -- I think there's a lot of valid info that is lost through interpretation from various religious texts. I think things get interpreted sometimes in the manner in which the text resonates to the person translating it, and particularly when translating a phenomenon that is unfamiliar.

Back about 30 years ago when I was in college, I decided to read the Bible, highlight anything that strongly resonated as technology. Well. Pretty soon, the majority of what I'd read was more yellow highlighted than not.

It was eye-opening, and I hadn't even gotten to Eizekiel yet

Well, when it comes to Bible highlighting you and I could derail this thread in no time!
I have actually come to believe that the god(s) of the old testament is / are either schizophrenic or different god(s). (Un)fortunately, this might help to confirm some of what we are considering in this thread. Glad you are adding to this friend!

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Krystian

Sure, that's entirely possible to me Krystian. Just one thing........ if the "others" fed humanity a myth of them being gods........ then..

I'm really pissed at God, for letting us demonize each other in His name for all these thousands of years.

Better to think it was just humanity's interpretation, I guess. Besides, we have a thunderstorm going on right now. Y'know, don't wanna temp anyone

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:24 PM
I have a big problem with Sitchin.
He does something that I cannot abide -- he bends the evidence to fit his own agenda, instead of bending his theories to fit the evidence.

I actually agree with the ancient astronaut theory, but not in the way that Sitchin has put forward. In fact, I think he has done great damage to the area of study. He is so limited in how he interprets the mythology, and unfortunately, his interpretations have made their way into the collective understanding of Sumerian religion.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Krystian
Ive heard of Zach how ever never of his theory...

I will however say that to coincide with everyt other little coincedence....i think i may have downloaded soem data recently coinciding with his theory...

The "Gods" where simply a alien race....

Its all very very plausible, imagine living 6000 yrs ago, never seeing electricity - when all of a sudden an illumines object appears and teachs you agriculture and how to adequtliy survive - build a humanity...

My "downloaded" hunch also tells me that evolution was in fact real, however prior to even ancient sumeria there was genetic purification that was essentially installed and allowed to breed itself out as normal evolution would...then come the alien gods teaching the now someone logical and comprehending humans...this purification that installed into the human the its humab vs animal realm tendencies, logic, the compartment we call a soul so these beings can learn their lessons living through our bodies....reliving life in order to learn new lessons....

If this doesnt make sense, thats ok - it does to the ones its meant to make sense to...

There is evidence that the Sumerians actually did understand and utilize electric technology. If you haven't before, look up the "Baghdad Battery".

Thanks for the post!

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by argentus

I get ticked by those videos too. Yet something resonated as I considered the rapid weather changes and geological reformations (African rift, Alaskan land raise, strange tides, etc). It just doesn't seem that global warming could have a real hand in the more fanciful things going on.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by Chemley

I'm still pretty new at learning about this subject (reading through Gods of Eden and some of Sitchins work), but I find it to be really interesting.

All through our history, we humans have made some mistakes in trying to interpret ancient accounts. I'm sure people like Sitchin are no exception. But just because some parts here or there of Sitchin's work doesn't quite sound right, doesn't mean all his work is completely off. This is a subject that's intriguing and well worth looking into.

Thanks for sharing your views.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Chemley

I have actually come to believe that the god(s) of the old testament is / are either schizophrenic or different god(s). (Un)fortunately, this might help to confirm some of what we are considering in this thread.

No kidding!

I've always thought it interesting that both of my Bibles refer to God as callining himself "us" and "we" in Genesis. Again, that could be a translational problem, but why would someone make such an error, particularly when referring to God, unless that was strongly stated in the original text?

Give you an example:

Okay, many instances of this, but in Genesis 1:26: " And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness....."

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:32 PM
Interesting post. Thank you.

I don’t have any argument with the possibility that alien astronauts have visited Earth or continue to visit Earth but I have a slight issue with "evolution."

If man evolved from some single-celled animal that was "miraculously" created out of the "primordial soup" then why or how does man have the ability to prophesize? Prophecy has been going on for thousands of years and I’m pretty sure everyone has the ability to “see” into the future to some extent – so how can man do that if we evolved out of some single-celled animal?

I’d almost prefer to think that technologically advanced beings come here to Earth to find out how/why we have such advanced capabilities.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:38 PM
Jim Marrs rule by SECRECY

page 379 continued:

A native of Russia, Sitchin was educated in Palestine and London, where graduated with a degree in economic history from the London School of Economics and Political Science. After a stint as a writer and editor for economic and historical journals, Sitchin relocated to New York City in 1948 and soon became a U.S. citizen. During his years of study, Sitchin became fluent in a number of languages, including ancient Egyptian, Hebrew, and Akkadian, a later form of Sumerian

Once again, we are not talking about some un(der)educated crackpot here.

Sitchin and others have simply taken the attitude that perhaps the ancient Sumerians were putting down... history as they understood it... the Sumerian descriptions of many ancient cities were believed fanciful stories until their ruins were discovered and excavated. Why not also consider their written history as reality?

Hmm, so we start from the supposition that all Sumerian history is myth, then we find some cities that are factual. Yet, the rest is still myth? Not too sure...

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Chemley

Sure, I mean, we're apparently in the midst of a roughly 40-year elevated hurricane cycle, and we don't relly know how outside forces or even really, internal forces affect the globe. I know what you mean though.

I get an automated email(s) from the USGS every time an earthquake of 4.0 or greater occurs around the planet. There seems to be an increase in the past two years, however I hasten to add that my observation of this is such a tiny little and subjective sample of the overall trend.

Sort of like Al Gore using Katrina and other hurricanes as de facto evidence of increasing hurricanes attributable to global warming..... it was just a rediculously small sample to have merit, nevermind that the following year was just the opposite.

I think in regard to what you were just talking about, we have to be careful to not attribute extraordinary importance to possibly ordinary events.

It's fascinating, though!

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by Chemley

I have actually come to believe that the god(s) of the old testament is / are either schizophrenic or different god(s). (Un)fortunately, this might help to confirm some of what we are considering in this thread.

No kidding!

I've always thought it interesting that both of my Bibles refer to God as callining himself "us" and "we" in Genesis. Again, that could be a translational problem, but why would someone make such an error, particularly when referring to God, unless that was strongly stated in the original text?

Give you an example:

Okay, many instances of this, but in Genesis 1:26: " And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness....."

Objection. Leading the witness:

page 384:

...This explanation also clarifies one of the most puzzling verses in the Bible. After being assured in the Bible that there is only one true God, Genesis 1:26 quoted the singular God as saying, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...."

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Chemley

haha! Leading the witness................... yep, many parallels

reply to post by misfitoy

Good point. We shouldn't toss all the data simply because of finding difficulty with one point of it.

i]reply to post by bowlbyville

Not sure. Perhaps it's relative in some way to higher instincts? I know that animals can sense/anticipate things that are outside of my awareness.

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