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Jesus Christ is the only way

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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 12:35 AM
Reply to post by keeblerelf

If you are really, truly asking for proof of your existence, I feel deeply troubled on your behalf.

What do you think you are then? A sims character? A computer program? AI made from an ET?

For your own mental and physical health I do hope you are not questioning your own existence, but it seems you may have been sincere in your question. Sadly, that seems suicidal to me.


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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by Agree2Disagree

Regardless, it could be interpreted differently and really means nothing to me.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega" is one of the things that gets me flustered. God does not exist because of infinity and to imply things have a beginging implies that things also have an end which to me is simply absurd. Of course you could imply that your god created the begining and the end but then where does your god come from.

You call me closed minded but whenever its about where god comes from and asking for answers in that realm I am always met with extreme resistance.

There is no god but there could be beings of incredibly enlightened conciousness however they would have a place of starting and to decide to worship only one is simply wrong. To me aliens make more sense than some god randomly creating things and that we should waste our lives on this planet believing that there is a man in the sky who watches everything we do, makes up rules for us to follow (though some contradictory and needless), and gets angry when you don't pay tribute to him, instead of trying to enjoy life here.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Agree2Disagree
Reply to post by keeblerelf

If you are really, truly asking for proof of your existence, I feel deeply troubled on your behalf.

What do you think you are then? A sims character? A computer program? AI made from an ET?

For your own mental and physical health I do hope you are not questioning your own existence, but it seems you may have been sincere in your question. Sadly, that seems suicidal to me.


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Statistics show we're likely to be living in a computer program due to the exponential growth of computer technology. Regardless of how "sad" it might be, what does it matter?

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:53 AM
Reply to post by GenLo

When it comes to explaining the origins of God, it's impossible and IMO irrelevant. He says He is the alpha AND omega...which I suppose is open to interpretation. My take on the matter is that AND implies coexistence.

Everything begins with God and everything ends at God. It fits perfectly with my "parts to a whole" analogy.

When you ask questions concerning the origins of God of course you are going to be met with resistance. What do you expect? There is no easy answer.

Most, note I say most, humans find it unsettling to admit that they don't know something about their own particular belief system. We have this drive to somehow know everything there is to know about a particular 'something' before we place our belief in it. And typically if we don't know the answer it is hard to say "I don't know" because the next phrase to be heard after those words are uttered will undoubtedly be critical of our belief system. Perhaps something along the lines of "you don't even know where your own God came from!? And you still believe he exists!!??"

So this is where the creative mind comes into play. When we try to rationalise seemingly UNKNOWABLE things such as cosmic origins or divine origins, all we can come up with are theories. We cannot explain for certain so we formulate possibilities to fill in the gaps of our own belief systems.

I hope this helps you understand a little bit more about the complexities of origins. But in truth, it's not about where we or anything else comes from, it's about where we're going.


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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:56 AM
Reply to post by GenLo

Statistics are not a universal law, they are a man made conception. In that respect, they are fallible and subject to scrutiny.


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posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Evangelical
One of the greatest mysteries is that the Bible accurately predicts the coming of Christ and that in all the history of the world Jesus is the only one to have claimed He is the Messiah. The only logical conclusion is Jesus is the Christ. The NWO is probably real and is the instrument of Satan and we ate indeed nearing the end times.

A. How is that a mystery
B. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

That is all

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 02:27 AM
It should be 'who' is God - not 'what' is God. You pegged it when you said "'s idea of God" - "Mankind" is the problem - not God. God put His laws into place but it was man who wasn't happy with them, or Him.

As all of us know, or should know, mankind is the most egotistical, vain and greed filled creature on this planet. Even during the days when Jesus was on this planet and man was witnessing His miracles, they still doubted Him.

Why do non believers never, ever question any other history books - except the Bible. The Bible is not only the history of the earth's creation but Jesus' journeys as well.
I wasn't around when George Washington was alive but I've always accepted the historical documents that verify his existence.

Non believers, to me, seem to discredit God for one reason and that is because God comes with laws that mankind doesn't want to abide by.

Earth people have become nothing but a spoiled and vain species.

God is a just God but mankind has really pushed the limit - especially in the last 20 or 30 years. I don't blame God one bit if He has removed His hand of protection over our nation, and planet - which I do believe He has.
But look at how we've treated Him. If I were Him, I'd be angry too.

And the Bible makes it clear that if you aren't with God, then you are against Him.

Reality being, it boils down to God vs satan - and who you choose to serve.

Just a heads up though - regardless of what any person believes or doesn't believe, that isn't going to change God's plans one bit. Jesus will still be returning and the tares will still be divided from the wheat.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 02:39 AM
If you need just one item of proof of how mankind changes God's laws to try to suit his own agenda, look no further than the Gay/Lesbian "bible".

The authors claim this:

You CAN be gay and a Christian! No guilt involved! You CAN be sure the Scriptures say nothing against homosexuality at all! You CAN live the life you were meant to lead.

It connects with Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered people as no other translation ever has ever done. Pick it up, settle back in a comfortable chair, and be prepared to be enraptured by the radical love that God has for all people.

Website Link

Of course it "..connects with gay/lesbian/bi/trans people as no other translation ever has done......".
It's a book of total lies and twisted scripture - written to make sin a tad more comfortable for the sinner.

And while yes, God loves all people, He also makes it very clear that there are consequences to sin and non repentance. Yes, Virginia, there IS a hell.

The point being, you can find a book that claims to be a 'bible' on just about any subject you want. All designed, and written, with a particular agenda in mind.
There's even, yes, an "atheist bible"

It's each person's choice what, and who, they want to believe - but please keep this in mind -

Life here on Earth is a tiny, tinyyyy piece of time for all of us. And for the life of me, I cannot understand why some people are so willing to give up eternal life in Heaven over this garbage down here that we call life.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by Egyptia

You are most correct, my friend - these last days are really going to demand a choice from people. And the Bible is crystal clear that most will choose to remain 'asleep' and reject Jesus.

satan is racking up with this generation.

If there are any interested persons reading this that want to know Jesus and His promises to His children, a good place to begin is start reading the King James Bible. Not the New International Version or even the "New" King James Bible. Mankind has rewritten those, along with soooooo many other "versions" of the Scriptures - with watered down meanings, twisted words and entire verses omitted.

There are good resource links on this site - to the right on the page - if anyone wants to start their journey.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by slymattb

You mean there is no evidence to suggest the Romans constructed the Bible, you know what the "Roman Catholic Church" means?

Constantine the Great wanted a religious text for the new religion, which he personally monitored the creation. The records are there.

If the Bible is historical fact, where is the mention of the moon, planets, other solar systems. Dinosaurs, other species, hydro centric universe (sun at the centre of the galaxy, not the Earth) and mention of life being possible universal (The Qu'ran does)

Second who to say that Sumerian, Egyptian and pagan tales where not taken from the stories of the bible. You just don't know.

Are you suggesting Christianity pre-dates Mesopotamia and Egyptian culture
That statement of yours has just proven the historical inaccuracy of the Bible if you think the Bible was written before those two societies.

Genesis is based on the Sumerian creation story, it is near identical.

There is no God. Get over it.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by nomorecruelty
Non believers, to me, seem to discredit God for one reason and that is because God comes with laws that mankind doesn't want to abide by.

I'm sure the whole of society rejects stoning and executing homosexuals. Nor do we want to face death penalties for other minor offences. And sexual intercourse is our biological imperative, so why deny sexuality? We need to increase the population somehow.

If you want to live under religious law, please join the fundamentalists in Iran - we do not want your poison in the secular West. Thank you.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 04:06 AM
In the end of the day you can argue as much as you like, its your choice to believe what you want to believe, and your views will not change the ones that i have come to with much seaching and pain. I KNOW Yeshua IS the only way to God. And His sacrifice and FREE gift is something i accept with all of my heart.
If you do not agree, i wont hold it against you

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Selahobed
In the end of the day you can argue as much as you like, its your choice to believe what you want to believe, and your views will not change the ones that i have come to with much seaching and pain. I KNOW Yeshua IS the only way to God. And His sacrifice and FREE gift is something i accept with all of my heart.
If you do not agree, i wont hold it against you

That is a CLASSY answer!

I'm with this guy.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Selahobed
If you do not agree, i wont hold it against you

Well, you are by suggesting you "KNOW" and obviously we don't. So, therefore, you are somewhat holding it against us for not aligning ourselves to a fictional book.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Cotechs

I agree with you 100%, when the discussion leans to the issue of credibility toward something that in the passion of the believers is not other way but what is been indoctrinated as the true by those that consider themselves the leaders and closes to god is not arguments.

Enlightenment comes to those that seek the truth even if the truth is not what they have believed to be.

But religion is like something that run on faith, and how can you argue with something that is abstract.

Main Entry: 1ab·stract
Pronunciation: \ab-ˈstrakt, ˈab-ˌ\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Medieval Latin abstractus, from Latin, past participle of abstrahere to drag away, from abs-, ab- + trahere to pull, draw
Date: 14th century
1 a : disassociated from any specific instance b : difficult to understand : abstruse c : insufficiently factual : formal
2 : expressing a quality apart from an object
3 a : dealing with a subject in its abstract aspects : theoretical b : impersonal, detached
4 : having only intrinsic form with little or no attempt at pictorial representation or narrative content

— ab·stract·ly \ab-ˈstrak(t)-lē, ˈab-ˌ\ adverb

— ab·stract·ness \ab-ˈstrak(t)-nəs, ˈab-ˌ\ noun

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:55 AM
Ok this is just going to go around in circles. All I want is for these types of threads to end. They are of absolutely no use and just take time. I argued almost exactly the same freakin topics (i.e. in another thread and its just how its been going in any other stupid thread about religion whether it was started by an atheist or xtian. Let these threads die and stop making new ones, no one has or will be converted to either side so enough is enough already.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by GenLo]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 09:57 AM
I watched Leading The Way yesterday, Dr. Michael Youssef, and his program yesterday was about the seal of the Holy Ghost. Awesome sermon.

In this tumultuous world I have to admit sometimes I wonder about my salvation, doubt creeps in, but it is only fleeting, the Spirit of the Holy Ghost always reminds me that I am a child of God, and that Satan is just trying his old worn out tricks again. This program reminded me that when we are sealed by the Holy Ghost, we are under the protection of God.

Dr. Youssef explained that the way to know for certain if you are sealed by the Holy Ghost, is whether or not you believe with all certainty that the only way to God is thru His Son Jesus.

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

Those of you who know the truth, you know who you are, and you know there is no power, no threat, nothing under the sun that could ever convince you that Jesus is not the Son of God, or that He wasn't born of a virgin and didn't die for your sins. You are among them with "this mark" that Dr. Youssef talks about. It was a two part series, I am posting a link to the second part. The first couple of minutes talks about their global outreach program, radio, etc., maybe you can fast forward thru that if you want. But the program is very uplifting. If you don't have speakers there is even an icon at the bottom right that will give you closed caption.

[edit on 21-9-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by infinite

No not really. Its someting i know and have accepted. Its real TO ME. I can afford to be wrong, and if i am in the end of the day what have i lost? I have a good life (not always so), good friends, and a great capacity to love more than i ever had previously-that includes you my friend.
However just for one second im not wrong, then i havent lost anything either. I can therefore afford to be wrong, you cant afford for me to right.
But either way im still gonna love you guys and my life will be richer for it.

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by nomorecruelty
Lee Strobel used to be an atheist, too - his story is inspirational and worth reading. He actually started his research with one goal in mind - to discredit God and the Bible. In the end, ............ well, you can read his story, or listen to it on youtube.


Yes, that is all fine and dandy, I have allways believed in a is RELIGION I have a hard time with...I have studied many in great depth, only to continue to find flaws and THAT is my quest and daily struggle, finding the CREATORS truth.......discarding all of the manmade dribble and controll tactics etc involved so much in religion....

I want to know and LOVE and appreciate my creator, but religion seems to misrepresent in many cases I feel, and if ANYONE thinks they have ANY truth, please share, I am completely open, yet not open to brainwashing or nonsense, or "opinions" about "theories"......if anyone has cut past all the bull, you are the one I would love to speak with!

posted on Sep, 21 2009 @ 03:05 PM
How do I react?? LOL

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