posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 01:17 PM
Seeker – I think I need some help with this mindless state, this ocean of awareness that you talk about. I become that ocean sometimes. My mind
becomes very silent and it feels like I am looking out on creation from another perspective that is both there and not there. It feels a little
antiseptic. It’s almost like I am looking out on life from behind a glass wall.
Guru – This is not the full experience of the ocean of awareness. This experience is part of awakening, but it is what I would call the cocoon stage
of awakening. You are transitioning from living in the ego-mind, but there is still a fundamental division in your perception and it is like the layer
of protection that surrounds the caterpillar when it is becoming a butterfly. You feel like an observer of the world because you are resisting
integration with the world, with what is. But there is a new consciousness being born within you. It will soon emerge from behind the glass wall. Or,
more accurately, the glass wall will no longer be a barrier.
Seeker – Then I become a butterfly, I suppose.
Guru – The full emergence into the ocean of consciousness is not unlike the emergence of the butterfly. A truly dramatic transformation has taken
place. The butterfly is the caterpillar, but it is also a wholly new creature. The caterpillar has given birth to another version of itself, and this
new version bears no resemblance the old one. It exists in a completely new dimension. Where the caterpillar crawled, the butterfly soars through the
air, drifting on gusts of wind, brilliant and delicate. It is fully integrated with life, it IS life. Where has this marvellous creature come from? It
is as if the caterpillar was hiding the existence of the butterfly.
This is what happens in the transformation to awakening. Once you have emerged out of the cocoon, there is a totally new relation to the ego-mind. You
are in another dimension of consciousness while still being very much here and now. You are silently one with all that is. You are love itslef.
Seeker – You make butterflies sound superior to caterpillars. Are not all creatures equally brilliant reflections of being.
Guru – Yes, and so the awakened man is no better than the unconscious man. There is no better or worse, higher or lower, once you have seen reality
for what it is. There are different manifestations only.
[edit on 14-7-2009 by Silenceisall]