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Man made circles?? Debunk this woven one...

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posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:01 AM
Wow.. it either took many hours to work this one out or someone sussed a way in which to do this very fast indeed.

Yes, there are some far more intricate designs, but this one just makes the mind boggle.. Imagine having to be sure of where you were every step of the way.

There is massive room for error in this one.

It looks as though it has been woven. Like looking at a piece of cloth through a microscope.

Stunning bit of work.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:07 AM
Maybe a few old ladies made it?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by spinalremain

Those old ladies were over 6 feet tall.

And they had walking chairs that turned into snakes.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Extralien

This is absolutely incredible! What are your thoughts in how they are made, besides the idea of aliens (which I won't discount)? I have heard of the idea of satellite usage, but how can individuals do this on the ground?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:22 AM
Nice one

Despite it being a rather simple shape, the basket weave is an awesome effect.

If this is manmade it looks as though it must have taken some time to do.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:23 AM
Its so hard to say what is and what is not a hoax.

I would like to know the scientific data behind this one-elongated crops,trace elements in the soil, ect,ect.....

This isn't the first "woven" one though.....

However, experts can distinguish a genuine crop circle from a hoax. Hoax circles require a physical object to flatten the crop to the ground, resulting in the breaking of the plant stems. In genuine formations the stems are not broken, but only bent, about an inch off the ground. The plants are subjected to a short and intense burst of heat which softens the stems to drop just above the ground at 90 degrees. They reharden into their new and permanent position without apparent damage to the plants.

Left untouched, they will continue to ripen and grow. Thus far, farmers
and plant biologists are baffled by this event. Other physical changes in the plants themselves are used to identify a genuine crop circle. Farmers have reported greater crop yields in the years following the appearance of formations in their fields.

Crop circles have complex woven patterns of swirled plants. Not only do the plants swirl clockwise or counter-clockwise, but sometimes certain sections will swirl one direction and layers on top go another. In other instances, the stalks are woven like a piece of loose cloth on the floor of the formation. Aerial photos show the patterns are often imprinted on the earth in alignment with tram lines or darkened sections on the earth.

More investigation needs to be done before any analysis can be concluded.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:28 AM
I think it is stunning.. No idea how it was made.. that is what makes this one very clever.

If it was made by some off planet source, then they are making a point.

If it was made by Human hands, then why do all that work and not make a claim to it.

First you lay one row, then you gotta take a step back to lay the other row, but the second row can't interfere with the future process of laying the third row. Otherwise you'll start to make a mistake right away.

I don't even want to start thinking on it.. too much to work out.. And someone(thing) has done all that !!!

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:31 AM
It's beautiful. It's awe inspiring but it's almost certainly man made unless you're trying to say that little green men from Mars have a thing for whicker. . ?
It must have took the hoaxers ages to do but as far as I'm concerned all the complex crop circles are fake.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Mintwithahole.

How is it that they are done so quickly? And why haven't planes taken note of those that take days to make (if they do). Also, they would be next to impossible to do at night to get the proper perspective.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
It's beautiful. It's awe inspiring but it's almost certainly man made unless you're trying to say that little green men from Mars have a thing for whicker. . ?
It must have took the hoaxers ages to do but as far as I'm concerned all the complex crop circles are fake.

Please see my previous post on construction process.
Your sweeping statements that IT MUST BE MAN MADE says it all. Then again it does not surprise me LIVERPOOL (Fail)

I for one will be taking another walk in the Wiltshire country this weekend to judge for myself before I open my mouth and pass such sweeping comments.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by ottozia

Originally posted by Mintwithahole.
It's beautiful. It's awe inspiring but it's almost certainly man made unless you're trying to say that little green men from Mars have a thing for whicker. . ?
It must have took the hoaxers ages to do but as far as I'm concerned all the complex crop circles are fake.

Please see my previous post on construction process.
Your sweeping statements that IT MUST BE MAN MADE says it all. Then again it does not surprise me LIVERPOOL (Fail)

I for one will be taking another walk in the Wiltshire country this weekend to judge for myself before I open my mouth and pass such sweeping comments.

Well, if you wont believe me how about the crop circle researcher Colin Andrews? He said in a conference in Laughlin that all the pictograms and large circles are fake! Simple as. . . You're trying to make the whole crop circle bunkum look more mysterious than it actually is. One day all the crop circle books will be moved from the paranormal shelves and replaced on the art shelves.
It wouldn't surprise me if you believed in father Christmas, the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy as well!

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:09 AM
It would take nothing more than a group of ATS'ers to go out and attempt to make something and post our efforts ..

If we can get anything remotely similar to this then it would seem very possible that man can make such wonderful patterns like this.

To do it in one night, unobserved, in darkness and with nothing more than a bit of rope and a plank is an amazing feat. Very hard work, both physically and mentally. It's hard enough just plotting something like this, let alone the actual activity of creating it in a field.. this is a very large circle too..

Look at the road and imagine a person in a car.. or inside the buildings.
You could place several of those trees in the background in the centre of this circle and still have room for ten more..

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Mintwithahole.

Well, if you wont believe me how about the crop circle researcher Colin Andrews? He said in a conference in Laughlin that all the pictograms and large circles are fake!

So are you saying that they are a form of trick photography? If that is the case, then why have I seen documentaries where individuals walk around the crop circle? Or are they planted in the photo?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Mintwithahole.

Oh the Easter bunny is real... In France they call him Pierre lapin...

The rest of the year they call him rabbit stew...

It's not hard for someone to disclaim anything.. I could quite easily say that you don't exist and are a mere figment of ATS's server..

Just because one group of people made a few circles does not tie them to every other circle ever made..especially those that appear in wood carvings from several hundred years ago. This has not been happening in just the last few years.. they have been appearing for a long time.

Why would anyone, in their right mind, pass on a skill such as crop circle making and keep it completely secret as to who and how.. Why do we not see masses of info and examples from the 'man-made'rs'? Why do these people not get arrested for vandalism or sued by the farmers for loss of crops..

Heck, I think I will sue for the loss of tomorrows shredded wheat breakfast

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by MatrixProphet
reply to post by Mintwithahole.

Well, if you wont believe me how about the crop circle researcher Colin Andrews? He said in a conference in Laughlin that all the pictograms and large circles are fake!

So are you saying that they are a form of trick photography? If that is the case, then why have I seen documentaries where individuals walk around the crop circle? Or are they planted in the photo?

I saw a documentary where three or four circle makers made a 600 ft long pictogram in a single summers night. Thats about six hours long. You're not giving these crop circle makers enough credit. The buzz they get from making them is watching the so-called experts making a fool of themselves by declaring their art as genuine signs from the gods (aliens).

The real genuine circles appear to be much smaller and have the wheat forced down from a central point rather than revolving around its axis or central point. Of course, the UFO alien believers will do anything to convince us that the circles are the result of alien contact because it enforces their belief in flying saucers and little green men. It almost becomes a belief system which is why when I was down in Avebury last year I watched groups of people actually saying prayers and holding hands and chanting, etc, in them.
Just imagine being an artist who made the circle. . . Imagine the buzz they get from their art bringing about such an outlay of emotion and feeling- but then again, thats what art is meant to do Isn't it?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 11:43 AM

But to try and move a notion that a higher advanced race decided to draw a basket woven image as a sign of communication is far from realistic.

In regards to how this was done, well they said they same thing when v1 and v2's were bombing England during ww2.

Use your brain don't abuse it.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 12:18 PM
I thought this was going to be a hard one to explain but I was wrong, this one is simple!!

Woven?? No... They just bend the crops down in alternating directions/angles and it makes a pattern! I used to do that on carpet floors when I was a kid. It happens when I vacuum the carpet too..

The fact that this crop circle was found in "East Field, Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire" is enough to tell you it is most likely man-made. That is where all the man-made crop circles are!

So I will show some evidence of it being man-made.

First, they created an outline with a simple rope, and a pivot point. You can clearly see the outline, and you can even see the pivot point dirt patch. Then after making the outline, they made the first "weave" using the preexisting track lines to help them keep it straight!. The "weave" is nothing more than alternating directions that they bend the crops.

This one sucks! It's totally man-made. I don't trust any from Wiltshire anymore. So many crop circles have originated from that location that it is getting ridiculously obvious that they are man made. Someone should have caught some "aliens" making these by now, but no... just a bunch of men with no lives.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

At last, finally someone who has given this subject a little more thought when arguing their side of the fence.

You started off well and stated what may be the obvious if this circle was a fake. Although I am not sure how you deduce there is a pivotal point, apart from it being a darker area on the photo unless you have been there or made the circle. Anyway I will give you that one.

However when you come to the more interesting part of how the weave was done, your construction explanation drops off very quickly.

Please share with us a step by step process how this weave "COULD" have been done. As I will be there over the weekend, I will be able to consider your "COMMENTS" and check if its possible, as well as your pivotal point.

In refference to my previous post I will be considering the following points.

1. Access to and from the site un-noticed
2. Resources required
3. Topography of the land
4. Limited geographical area to work within
5. Surrounding area giving advantage points
6. Duration of construction
7. Constricted visibility during construction
8. Attention to detail and quality control
9. Orientation to compass bearing and historical landmarks
10. 3D perspective from above, all in proportion and allowing for topography of land.

As I have stated before I am neither a crop maker or lover, but someone who would like to understood and make his own judgement based upon experience and actually seeing them. I deliperately stay away from the more interesting parts sure as bend nodes, electric static reading etc etc as this is outside my area of expertise.

Unfortionatley everyone I have chosen to visit so far. has proven to be very purplexing indeed and I have yet to read any serious posts in this forum or else where which explain how it "COULD" have been done given the 10 points above.

If it has, please point me in that direction. Meanwhile I look forward to your weaving process.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 02:27 AM
Does a magician reveal his tricks? does a graffiti artist admit to his work? The humans doing these things get their kicks from getting away with it while people on here ascribe their work as alien in origin

[edit on 15-7-2009 by woodwardjnr]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by Extralien

ET grafitti artists...great

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