posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 07:51 AM
After reading the (suspect) FEMA mandate, sounds like they are 'preventing' terrorist acts, basically meaning they ( theoretically) will stop
'terrorists' before they make another attack.
Bottom line to you and me, means its probably a run up to prevent homegrown 'terrorists' such as those that dissent against the Governments
participating, ( gun owners in the US ) 'anarchists' ( ie dissenters in the UK) from trying to speak their piece .
Which means they will probably either show the public what happens should they complain or 'besmirch' the Governments 'good name'.
Which would mean 'rounding up' suspected terrorists ( people pretending to be terrorists for the exercise) in prelude to the real round up of the
public they dont want ( you and me), that way the public don't get scared when foreign troops roll through the streets under mandate from the UN to
protect the public from terrorist action.
As far as my paranoia allows me I'd even say that this is the run up to martial law, it gives the people a glimpse at what would happen should the
Governments 'suspect an imminent attack' by whoever the flavour of the month terrorist is.
They'll round up those that argue against the corrupt banker run Governments and place them in the FEMA camps.
I also wouldn't be too suprised to see a few people 'disappear' into the camps straight away, as they 'conduct their exercise' they come across
'terror training camps' or suspect individuals hellbent on killing and maiming the public. So why not take them out straight away.?
They're ot trying to protect the terrorists, they are trying to protect the ones that pay their wages against the likes of you and me.
I for one , being from the UK have not heard about any of this , and to be honest, I'm quite worried about what is being said, I'm all for
preventing terrorists from bombing more civillians but thats what we have 'intelligence' agencies for isn't it? To find out and prevent the
terrorists from making an attack, but to run an exercise through not just one but 5 countries sounds a bit suspect to me, after all ( not being rude
to the American contingent of ATS) when has America ever done anything with anyone else? Don't say WW2 , that doesn't count.. Its always been
America looking after America's interests.
If I were the Americans that frequent this and other conspiracy sites, I'd hide my guns then go back for them after the event.
Good luck to all through this crisis ( management).