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The Nephilim, coming of planet x and all that it entails

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posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by Maj35t1cI2

as your sig says go back to sleep. I am not bragging. It is no brag to be able to tear something down. Be it a person, animal or structure. A proper brag is in in building something and creating something. Now that is worthy of a "brag". I am sincere in what I posted.

If you can not seperate your genitals from your brain then don't reply. This post was not intended as a wee wee contest . Just as a hope for my personal , and mabe others, spiratual development.

so zip up.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by awakentired
reply to post by Maj35t1cI2

so zip up.




no seriously.. if you're saying that you're part Nephilim because of strange occurrences.. why not part Elohim? why not part Seraphim?
you do know the Seraphs had 6 wings.. and we have 6 main wings of the ventricles in our brain.. i think the Seraph wings are symbolic.

i ....don't things are as literal as they seem on the surface.


posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 02:53 AM
Follow me into the woods, after dodging the hornets nest I whack, and you run in panic, right into a deadfall or a snare, I will walk casually up to you and flip your nose..........silly alien

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by Doc Holiday

when i stand there and watch you run I'll just wait for your whails of glee

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by Doc Holiday

I almost paniced once. 120' straight down dive off of Okinawa. My dive partners were 2 USMC Recon Rangers. I'm the Noob. We enter the cave at 120' depth bottom at 140..the cave is covered in ugly bugs...shrimp.. I have 20% air left ..signal low air.. leader replys ok... I think he's going wrong way..surge of panic starts from the groin to the head...I fight it off and figure he has more experience. If he's wrong I die ..If not I live.. so be it.
Panic is a mindless act that gains nothing. It kills more often than it will aid.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:01 AM

Only 1 question my friend. Why does your avatar clearly state you are an American patriot (with the flag and the bald eagle and all) yet you talk like you are from England? "when he was beating up me mum". We don't talk like that here

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by awakentired

never seen a man strong enough to stand in glee? while getting swarmed with hornets.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:08 AM
my nieghbor would not stay out of my yard, so I left a lunch sized paper bag on my pick nick table.....
He opened it and found ther yellow Jacket nest that I pinched off after dark, from the eave of my awning, and I leave a paper bag on his porch or in the front seat of his truck "with nothing in them, he no longer opens them.....

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:11 AM
Well. If your carved outa wood like you say. Then U2U me when the world really starts to go down the pooper, i could use another wooden trooper for my platoon of unsaleable red devils.

Eff redemption. We are god unwanted children.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by Retikx
Well. If your carved outa wood like you say. Then U2U me when the world really starts to go down the pooper, i could use another wooden trooper for my platoon of unsaleable red devils.

Eff redemption. We are god unwanted children.

fight club, anyone?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:15 AM
just my opinion, fighting is nothing more than an uneducated, show of superiority, the mind is much more powerful, and for it to get to the point of physical confrontation, is generally the ones not thinking far enough ahead. There is no need to confront the enemy, you need to remain unknown to truely continue to do damage without worry of retaliation!

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by awakentired
reply to post by -NewSense-

.......I do not like to spill blood. But I can not stand idle while a man smacks a lady around in front of me. I will not harm him if I can. Last time I almost broke my hand because I slammed his head agains the floor....

I hate this, why didn't the women get up and bite the guy, did she just lay there in shock. I've always thought guys fought like dogs and girls fought like cats, you guys are strong and hurt were sneaky and viscious she could at least bite him or something. Maybe she's been battered for years which is sad but still annoying. But, those are the people who wont hit you back but fifteen years down the road kill you in your sleep. But, back on topic.... Has anybody close to you ever commented on your strength or acted sort of put of by it? Like it wasn't normal?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:17 AM
1) Some people have natural talents which you should embrace. I have never been great at sports but from an early age martial arts just felt easy to me and right. When you get to a certain level you dont think abut the movements, they just come. This is made a lot more easier if you have a natural ability which it seems you may. Harness it and use it to your advantage, it could be your destiny.

2) Don't get deluded by this site - read it with an open mind and don't convince yourself you are an alien on earth from the planet x on a mission from the Ashtar Command. If it turns out you are when you die then fine, but during this life live it as best you can with the cards you have been dealt.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by awakentired
Many strange things have been happening in my life...since childhood ..I have many..many records in physical activities...I have come close to breaking a person's back in defense of another...but have never slain....Have even taken personal injury during a fight to prevent spilling blood.

This is a fact. From Jr. high to Bar fights i've been in over 100 fights. Have lost 1.

That was on purpose because I was wrong.
I can not be beaten. My stepfather tried it with 2 32 oz bottles when he was beating up me mum... he ended up arrested and I picked glass out of my hard head.
Many more before and after this ... a guy pulls a switchblade on me and swings it at me....I step in and catch it before his arm passes his ear..swing his arm around and point the blade behind his neck and ask him to leave me peaceafully.

ihave an olympic background in gymnastics...but I think this goes deeper. I fear that I may be a decendent of the nephilim, because or the weirdness in many altercations. Question is , If true can I be Christian ...true believer life?

I have a question...

Have you ever ventured outside of arizona and been involved in any bar fight?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by altered_states

Originally posted by awakentired

I have a question...

Have you ever ventured outside of arizona and been involved in any bar fight?

maybe he's not from Arizona

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 04:30 AM
I've never been beaten at a fight I guess i am also an Dude you just come off as some pathetic fool bragging about things that to anyone else, does not matter. Me and you have one thing in common...we made claims and there is no way to prove it. You know what they say about people who talk about achievements they cannot BS. I am not full of BS, something tells me you are
. I only brought mine up because you think it makes you an alien or whatever it is, and I know it doesn't. You continue to are bound to lose one day...I outgrew it because it doesn't take intelligence to pop someone in the jaw. I say my friend that are full of it and quit trying to make yourself sound like you have superstrength..

[edit on 14-7-2009 by kerazeesicko

[edit on 14-7-2009 by kerazeesicko]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by Wookiep

I don't understand how the title of this thead or anything to do with the nephilim makes you hard as nails.. loads of people have probably never lost a fight. To the OP, this thread is a load of crap.. it's not believable and as someone else suggested earlier, you sure as hell don't sound like a yank.

Captain Scarlet anyone?

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 04:46 AM
Just because you're "supposedly" tough as nails does not mean that you're some extraterrestrial super race. Humans can be very, very tough and resilient. We weren't always sitting in homes with air conditioning and refrigerators.
And just wtf does the thread have to do with planet x?

[edit on 14-7-2009 by Trauma]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 06:52 AM
You didn't just happen to have watched the film "Unbreakable" did you ?

It's BS threads like this and the "I beat up and stabbed repeatedly a fishman-alien in my bedroom" threads that have made me rarely visit this site anymore.

And no you're not Nephilim, if you were you would already know and would not be asking us the question

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by awakentired

Join the UFC and beat some real fighters. You can't assume perfection because you beat up on rowdy drunks. You need to step into the Octagon with guys who are as tough as you. It's as simple as that. Hitler also thought he was protected by providence and he was wrong. It's when you start to believe you can't be beaten that you become weak. Now get in there and "Git It On!

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