I'd like to apologize to all decent believers in advance for this. This has nothing to do with you. Thank you.
It seems to me that whenever someone just mentions the word 'atheism,' nearly every major supporters of religion (especially organized religion)
jumps on the bandwagon and makes comments like "Ah, yer all just to arrogant to see the truth, you all think you know something, but don't" and
"well your young and are just going through some teen angst phase" or even crazy stuff like "You all think your god and invincible, but soon you
will see the truth"
Quite frankly, I'm
sick of it. Really, by what right do you have to call
US arrogant. OK, sure, maybe there are a few of us who needs
to shut up and stop whining. But seriously, there are plenty of religious folks who claim "God says this" and "God says that" or "God told me
this" and "God told me that."
If something good happens, "It's God's will," and if something bad happens, "ah, well then, God works in mysterious ways."
How does anyone know God says. I'm serious about this, I really want to know. Enlighten me so that I will no longer be arrogant. Oh, and don't you
dare say it's in the bible, or Qur'an, or whatever. The Bible says a lot of things... A
HELL of a lot of things. And a lot of people say a
lot of things that aren't in the religious texts.
Come to think of it, ALL religious texts were written by people. There has not been one good, hard, substantiating evidence that says otherwise. OK,
you could say that they were "Inspired by God." but that does not prove a single thing. For all we know, the bibles could have been written on a
seriously messed up acid trip mixed with some shrooms and weed. (no offense to reefers, But seriously, some stuff shouldn't be mixed ) (I don't
smoke btw)
For all we know It could have gone like this:
"Dude, I'm totally trippen' out right now. This stuff's pretty strong."
"Dude you should TOTALLY wright down what you're seeing right now. It'd be AWESOME!"
"Right on!"
I'm not sayn' that's what happened. Could've though. It's a possibility. (actually that would be pretty awesome)
And what's this
about bashing young atheists? Why is nearly everything a young atheist says a "phase" or "teen angst." Why is it always
"You kids may think you know everything, but wait 'till your older."?
Yeah, there are a lot of really dumb kids out there, I'm not going to lie, and a lot of them seem to worry about really trivial things. But There are
no more dumb kids then there are dumb adults:
And just because some of the things they say may seem trivial to you doesn't mean they're actually trivial.
Listen to kids for God(less)
sake! or else you may end up with something like this little extremity:
but that's beside the point.
I'm 20, btw, and NEVER have I claimed to know everything. I've ALWAYS tried to be humble and open minded. yeah I've said some stupid things and
I'm still due for some some stupid things to say. But NEVER on the subject on religion. Even before my 'conversion' to atheism, I've taken open
mindedness seriously. VERY seriously. I've always kept quiet about my beliefs and will
still keep them, more or less, to myself. God was
always beside the fact to me, I always just try to be a good civil person (but perhaps being a liberal Quaker sort of helped with that). I still do,
just without a god.
Long story short: keep your generalized assumptions to yourself. We atheists don't
know there's no god (though, I admit, a lot of us do), we
just don't see any substantial evidence. And if we happen to be wrong in seeking truth may I be struck by her invisible pink hoof...
I'm still here.
All hail the Invisible Pink Unicorn!
And may all be touched by his Noodly Appendages!
(I feel better now)
[edit on 7/13/09 by Redajin]