posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 02:03 PM
This is a philosophical thread about a desire for a experience. Its a hypothetical question that may question if you even would want to experience a
abduction, or visitation, however you wish to phrase it.
You are standing in a field and a flying saucer ship comes down...doors open and your favorite type of alien comes out (lets say a nord). Offers you a
trip around the galaxy.
You accept...go on, and for the next few weeks, you experience the most mindblowing experience you can possibly imagine..from the edges of the galaxy,
alien worlds, foods, pleasures, mysterys, travel through time to watch the big bang and before, to the ends of existance and watch as the
last star flicker out into existance, you cross dimensions, meet beings akin to angels...everything you could ever even ponder has been
They take you back to your home, your time, and drop you off, noting only a half hour has passed since you left. They wave and zoom off.
Now...there you are. no proof, gone only a half hour, and will never see them again. the epic things you have seen weighing on your mind for the rest
of your life, knowing that anyone you told would either not believe you (not really...some may believe that you believe kind of thing), or some may
believe you...but those usually also believe in unicorns and fairys...which is fairly unsatisfying.
Imagine the feeling of general isolationism you would get after awhile...seeing what you seen.
Would you want the experience without any way to prove what you have seen, altering your life forever and potentially destroying any and all binds you
had to this current state of reality.
Before snapping to a "yes" verdict...consider what your past has proven to you. When you were a toddler, tiny flecks of color amused you for you grew into a child, simple cartoons...then you experienced more and the things that used to amuse you no longer did...your tastes grew
with new input.
Imagine now, in your age, after experiencing the internet, books, complex programs, etc...everything was taken away from you for good and you were put
back, with your mindset now, with only flecks of color to entertain you for the rest of your life. would it drive you over the edge of sanity?
Anyhow...whatcha would you find life purpose after such life altering would you keep your sanity