posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 12:00 PM
Originally posted by elevatedone
Staff will give the OP some time to produce the photos, then the thread will be closed.
Thank You.
or the thread will be closed, or are you prejudging it too?
To the OP, it seems bad form to be posting sensationalised sounding topics and not include the whole gamut of information that you have, which only
leads people (like myself) to speculate the truth of it as very doubtful. I can appreciate if you're new, I've been here more than a year and only
just figured how to post youtube links properly.
It'd be great if you could post as many of the pictures as possible AND in their raw/unedited form.
It would be interesting (?) if you could give us some more details of the events that transpired and why they think you're special. My mum tells me
I'm special.