Per above questions.
As far as feeding "soft shells" a good main staple would be -Tera fauna ReptoMin- floating food sticks. its a Scientifically formulated diet wit
Calcium & vitamin C- for Aquatic turtles (good for Cooters and the little guys also)
Water conditioner is a must so is -sun shine- with shade available-a place to crawl up on- CLEAN WATER. Take them out (carefully and let the run
around while changeing the habitat (if your in a safe place they can scoot fast!) my cooter will follow me around at times.
the soft shell (when big) are hard to pick up- you have to grab them toward the rear and are slippery you have to pre-plan it you just can't carry
them a ways -best to transfer them to a container and then carry to area where they can walk around.
I raised my soft shelf from a hatchling and its still bitchy when you try and pick it up (cooters are mellow though)
Soft shells LOVE CHICKEN cooked -just a few chunks of white meat a couple times a week. cooters don't (mine doesn't.)
"Mud turtles" like chicken ( mud turtles don't grow bigger than around 4-41/2
inches ..a good pet. you need to make them a hinding place where the can go hide (I made a bridge mine hides under ) then you put a piece of chicken
in the water and the come swimming out and grab it and take it bake to their cave.
dry brine shrimp all above turtles like sold in little dispensers by same company. for snacks
the really small guy likes all the above.
as far a buying turtles (I found all mine) I can't really say. Some states have laws on size (under 5 inches etc.. its illegal) check web sites that
sell turtles I've seen them.
again the main way to take care of a turle is -clean water -a staple food (food sticks) (then snacks a couple times a week ) Sun-shade-platforms to
sun etc.. AND HANDLE CAREFULLY -carry low to ground when taking out for a walk or transfer to carrier to carry (especially soft sells that long neck
will reach around and bite he he he he)
Halley-feed the food sticks about a table spoon full
a day and 3 to four pieces of chicken about the size
of your finger nail every 3rd day or so
(you can give 'em a little more sticks just watch them
but "they will eat till they bust so be carefull!! soft shells are real pigs for
[edit on 13-7-2009 by RUFFREADY]