posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by AKNOWLEGE_ME
everthing is relevant my freind
if you do not see how long the path before you is then you indeed have a long way to go.
as for the numerous cliam that humanity will be ascended by an external force, if it is true than it true than it is extremly troubeling and must be
stoped at all costs.
the human rac is infected with a desease of the soul, it doesn't cause us to die but all that surounds us. this desease is one that we should have
purged from our selves long ago but instead it was embrace and allowed to fester and grow. many say this desease is hate, but it is only a syptom.
the ture source is greed!
that petty emotion common to all humans has turned us into a force that can destroy the uninverse. if we achieve FTL travel we would spread across the
depths of space expenentionaly, consuming all that we touch.
greed causes jelousy
jelousy breed mistrust
mistrust inspires hate
hate fuels destruction
destruction brings only death!
know imagine six billion acended beings all wanting everything and with the power to tear the cosmos apart to do it!
if there are other that are here to stop us there only fault is that they didn't act sooner.
as for the 'vail', yes, it is very real, but is isn't what you think.
the vail is of our own design and our inability to acept that there is any truth of ther than our own (the truth of this can be seen through out the
ages). we buit our own cage and we built it out of solid gold.
as said by yoda "you must unlearn, what you have learned"
[edit on 22-7-2009 by RokNinja]