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Avian and swine flu vaccines cause sterility and death

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posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by jonny2410
No one will force you to have the vaccine so stop getting your knickers in a twist!

I don't understand. If what I've read is accurate, then the vaccination is manditory. How are you going to be able to say no?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:17 PM
Whoever believes they wont be forced to take the shot must be high on fluoride and mercury........... Most countries have stated their intentions of a mass forced flu shot (Genocide) program. UK included as posted on infowars today..........

*****Warning *****
Any Government branch, officer, Health worker or anyone else who tries to stab me with that filth will be expelled to the afterlife (promise)!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:36 PM
I can't see how they could do that other than making it mandatory for things such as school, travel, and certain jobs.

granted that would cover a huge percentage of the population, but i don't see them going door to door forcing people to take it. (not yet anyway)

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by unfndqlt

Here's something to scare you. All shops, grocers, markets can only sell food, water, smokes, booze to people that have the scar/mark/injection site of the vaccine.

Hows that for a plausible senario?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:52 PM
perhaps more like with the "vaccine" comes the RFID chip? Then grocers etc could refuse to serve you if you do not carry this RFID response to their scan??

The thing of it is, what good is even the RFID chip. From the sounds of it the vaccine will eliminate a majority of the population, as will the camps. I guess we now have the answer for the countless number of ABS "coffin liners" in GA. Coupled with the push over the last decade to build all these "concentration camp" looking facilities.

As for why? Well since it would seem NWO is the goal, that means one small group of elite controlling everyone in the world directly. Given the population at this point, that might be a little difficult. Thus the leaked around factor of 80% reduction in population would make that global control much easier to facilitate.

Ruby Ridge was a police action that backfired. WACO was an exercise to do a police action and sneak it past the people. OKC was a false flag to try to shift public view in favor of the agenda, or at least into a direction to make it easier to facilitate said agenda. 9/11 was an exercise to pull the wool over the eyes of the world, to test the ability to facilitate the agenda, and clear legislation to put it into play. Tie our troops up overseas so they can't go up against UN troops here?

Just a thought.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by Studenofhistory
The mainstream media is not telling us about these facts (see links below). This is how the Elite will depopulate the planet. Vaccines don't work as advertised. Read the shocking facts about avian flu vaccine deaths and sterility.

Ok, alot of things can kill you. Ever read those little notes that come with medicines? If you take too much paracetamol, you're doomed. If you smoke to much, you could die. If you drink too much you could die aswell.

Personally I'm gettinng sick and tired reading posts that the vaccinantion is bad for you. They even haven't developed the vaccine yet, so go figure...

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:12 PM
They are clearly working on a swine flu vaccine. There's another thread on ATS that says that the FDA will fast track the approval process without the usual testing. The last time there was widespread innoculation for swine flu (in the 70's I believe) it caused deaths and thousands ended up seriously ill. Given that the avian flu vaccine IS causing sterility and deaths and that the same company that produced it (Baxter) is also in the process of producing the swine flu vaccine, why on earth would any sane person risk taking the swine flu vaccine? Back in the 60's a few hundred babies were born deformed because of thalidimide and it was a national scandal. Now millions of women (3 million in the Philipines alone) are being made sterile due to vaccines and there's not even a peek out of the mainstream media. That's bad enough but the July 27th NATION WIDE terrorist exercise scares me silly. The only excuse I can think of for a nation-wide terrorist exercise is some kind of pandemic.

As far as developing a fact sheet to give to family doctors, I suggest in the interests of time, to copy and paste the quoted points from the posts at the top of this thread.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:17 PM
yes, i really think "they" want to kill us all, and vaccines is one of the many ways...

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by stumason

If you have done any amount of research you would know its not about money. They have all the money they ever need. Sh#t they create the money. Money doesn't give you power, control gives you power. ei, The mafia isnt powerful because they have money, they're powerful because they wack fools who don't agree with them.

It is about power and control. We are disposable slaves.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

I think that its implausible. At least without having the flu kill thousands more. Doing something like that is just inviting revolt. I'll agree that it's scary, but it would just set up a revolution.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Master Shen long
Whoever believes they wont be forced to take the shot must be high on fluoride and mercury........... Most countries have stated their intentions of a mass forced flu shot (Genocide) program. UK included as posted on infowars today..........

*****Warning *****
Any Government branch, officer, Health worker or anyone else who tries to stab me with that filth will be expelled to the afterlife (promise)!

Oh my brother, testify! I'm not warming up to the idea of mandatory shots, either.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by son of total newbie

Originally posted by Master Shen long
Whoever believes they wont be forced to take the shot must be high on fluoride and mercury........... Most countries have stated their intentions of a mass forced flu shot (Genocide) program. UK included as posted on infowars today..........

*****Warning *****
Any Government branch, officer, Health worker or anyone else who tries to stab me with that filth will be expelled to the afterlife (promise)!

Oh my brother, testify! I'm not warming up to the idea of mandatory shots, either.

I hear you..... Good luck to us all mate

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:41 PM
Just remember that what ever their plans are they can never factor in how we the public will react.

We are the unknown to them.

We can defeat them if we stick together. I'm not saying people won't die but you don't have to if you keep your brain working.

People power is what they fear most of all so don't give any of your power away.

You'll still be able to buy stuff, that's what black markets have been since the beginning of time.

Keep your family safe, keep them informed, they may not believe you but just tell them so you won't be racked with guilt should the sky fall in.

And evil never works alone, somewhere behind the scenes good people will be working to help us defeat them.

That is when you need faith, not just any faith, but the faith that it will all turn out okay in the end. Because YOU are not alone, we are all in it together and WE can make the DIFFERENCE.

Well that's what I believe anyway, it helps me to sleep.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Thank you for those positive words. My girlfriend keeps telling me that dwelling on worries like this only generate more negative energy, that I should think positive thoughts which will help bring about a positive reality. I really do believe that which is why I participate the global healing experiment
but having said that, after reading the shocking details of how the avian flu vaccine is killing people outright and sterilizing millions with the possibility that the swine flu will be just as bad or worse, I literally feel like a gun is being pointed at my head and thinking positive thoughts just doesn't seem like the right response. I can't help thinking that we may miss our window of opportunity to nip this thing in the bud if we just stand back and (literally) pray. At what point do we have the right to fight back?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:15 PM
No matter what the motive, the vaccine is NOT good for you and may make you very sick, sterilize you or kill you. This we know, factual evidence is available.

I heard on the Officer Jack McLamb radio show today they have used the military to test the vaccine and it has killed I think they said 1 soldier and make 20 very ill, and the Dr who was analyzing the situation said they were testing the "kill rate" of the vaccine. The military is used frequently to test vaccines.

So what do we do? The one page factual info on the vaccine is a good idea, however, I do not think it will help to NOT get the vaccine. I have thought about it a lot and I have yet to come up with an answer....

And I ain't going to no F__ing FEMA camp, EVER!

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:20 PM
Is it possible that the plan is to cause so many deaths and serious illnesses among the general population from swine flu vaccinations, that the resulting public outrage (maybe riots!) will give the government the excuse to declare Martial Law?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:23 PM
I told my French family. However, we don't have any acceptable conspiracy websites or anything that kind. No one believes me and I know nobody in my area to back me up a little. So by Christmas, assume we Europeans are all dead except the elite and their families .

This vaccine, no matter how bad it is, is preditably imperfect and probably ( due to the so-called crisis ) will be the cheapest possible, with a strong tendency to f*** us up from theinside, infected or not !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd print a lot of flyers to warn everybody in my city, but I don't feel comfortable killing trees. I don't feel particularly sad about the human race being wiped out. Even myself. I leave the sadness and the desperation to others.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:35 PM
the sad part is most people will take this thinking it will cure them. but It won't.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:36 PM
I have known for a while now about the seriousness of the Swine Flu,
but it just keeps getting more and more serious (well at least to me).

I couldnt help but to try and share this information with as many people as I Possibly can.

So I posted this along with a bunch more information about the Swine Flu on my favorite
forum I visit a lot which is and I also posted it at

I just have to give a great big THANK YOU! to the person who originally posted this.

The Direct Link for what I Posted, along with all the additional information can be Viewed at
Swine Flu Vaccinations SERIOUS Warnings!!

Mod Note: Sorry if I broke any rules with this post. Please correct this if so, thank you.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:39 PM
you might find this interesting doing some serious research in to this i need to know if my 13 month old daughter should have this vaccination or not?

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