posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by dino1989
My response was cynical but maybe tinged with a hint of reality.
I don't know why Obama would push Cap and trade. Higher taxes? Higher fuel costs? Higher food costs?
Makes no sense.
I don't know why Obama would put us in such a massive debt. The leverage that China has against the US dollar, the risks of hyper-inflation
(especially with the talk of ANOTHER stimulus package).
Why is he doing this?
With unemployment rising to almost 10 %, everything that he has done so far, has created a situation where further "rescue" is only going to create
more damage.
Currently they are now talking of bailouts for small businesses. So then the government can dictate policy for every mom and pop store that takes
their version of TARP.
I say two years. and I'm sticking to that. Is there ANYONE out there that thinks we are moving in the RIGHT direction?
I'm collecting gold coins, creating food stores now. And I am usually the one (in my group of friends) that is the rational one.
If there is anyone out there that can put a positive spin on what has, is occuring in our country, please let me know.