The Numbers
144,000 * 6 = 864,000 --- 144 * 6 = 864
144,000 / 6 = 24,000 (earths circumference) --- 144 / 6 = 24
24, 000 / 6 = 4,000 (Simple Geometry from circumference)--- 24 / 6 = 4
4,000 / 6 = 666.66 (for infinity) 4 / 6 = .666 (for infinity)
144,000 * 36 = 5,184,000 --- 144 * 36 = 5,184 (yrs = 1 full Sun Cycle.)
144,000 / 36 = 4000 --- 144 / 36 = 4
24,000 / 36 = 666.66 (for infinity) --- 24 / 36 = .666 (for infinity)
4,000 / 36 = 111.11 --- 4 / 36 = .111
144,000 * 216 = 31,104,000 --- 144 * 216 = 31,104 (Ly - Distance to galactic center)
144,000 / 216 = 666.66 (for infinity) --- 144 / 216 = .666 (checking sources for all 666’s and dual meanings)
24, 000 / 216 = 111.11 (for infinity) --- 24 / 216 = .111 (checking sources for all 111.)
4,000 / 216 = 18.5185 (MPS.. Earth traverses the Sun) --- 4 / 216 = .0185185 (for infinity)
144,000 * 666 = 95,904,000 (yrs - solar system to traverse the galaxy) --- 144 * 666 = 95,904
144,000 / 666 = 216.216 (for infinity) --- 144 / 666 = .216 (for infinity)
24,000 * 666 = 15,984,000 --- 24 * 666 = 15,984 (checking sources)
24,000 / 666 = 36.036 (for infinity) --- 24 / 666 = .0360 (checking sources)
4,000 * 666 = 2,664,000 --- 4 * 666 = 2,664
4000 / 666 = 6.006 (checking sources for both ->) --- 4 / 666 = .006006 (for infinity)
666 * 6 = 3,996
666 / 6 = 111 (all 111.11/11.1 could have dual meaning, Sun Cycle and resident signals checking sources.)
666 * 36 = 23,976
666 / 36 = 18.5 (MPS)
666 * 216 = 143,856 (exactly 144 short of 144,000 possible clue?)
666 / 216 = 3.083 (possibly ancient mathematics for Pi)
Above are all the numbers that can be gleaned from multiplying and dividing 666, 216, 36 and 6 into 144,000 and 144. Also 666 times and divided by 6,
36 and 216. There are many numbers within these sets of numbers that match either dead on to current beliefs, or very close to current beliefs and
matches exactly to ancient beliefs. However, there are other numbers that seem to have no bearing to anything. Most of those numbers are 6, 36
divided and multiplied into 666. However 216 multiplied into 666 may in fact be a clue on how to find more relative numbers.
What I will be doing over the next few months and possibly years is trying to find a correlation/connection to each of those numbers. There are only
a few that I need to research to see if they could in fact give some very interesting information. If my hypothesis is correct, then those numbers
will in fact give knowledge to a possible event science currently knows nothing about. When I find the books I need, that I have within my collection
I will report back within this thread if those numbers are in fact something important. And I will report back if they turn out to equal nothing. I
will not be posting what it is I am looking for at this time, so as to help protect all of us who are seriously looking into if there truly is secrets
imbedded within religions across the world… from those Google Professors that have already infected this thread. All are welcome to connect the
dots, if you will, with what we know to be true… to those numbers that correlate to current or ancient wisdom. Also, though it is not mentioned
above in the numbers listed above, if the numbers 666 are turned into .666 then the numbers generated change drastically and starts to make other
stories that are extremely similar throughout the ancient world either make more sense or might in fact help give clues on where to begin a more
in-depth examination.
Right now however, my life is keeping me pretty busy at the moment. I am sorry I have not been able to respond to all the posts and keep this thread
active, however there are a couple of posts I would like to single out at this time.
Tyler 720
Excellent post. I found some time a couple of days ago and played with that concept. You might want to add President Barrack Hussein Obama and the
words shot and then murder. Thanks for adding that insight.
Thank you very much for posting that information. I thought about doing the same about what is mentioned in the bible with regards to those 144,000
souls and the Mayan connection but once this thread was hijacked by the self proclaimed Google Professor I decided against it. The information you
provided was spot on accurate. Have you read Maurice Cotterell’s theories and evidence? If so then I would strongly recommend you read
Key of Hiram and all the subsequent books. This information
when looked at through the prism of ancient knowledge boggles the mind. For you see, for me its not simply the numbers being in several civilizations
that has me wondering and searching for clues… it also has to do with all the unexplained artifacts that have been found over the last couple
hundred years. Like what was found in a cave just after the civil war. That item was not officially invented for another fifty years, but there it
was… Let alone
This Tablet. I'm not sure this search
or quest will lead anywhere, but I refuse to quite simply because others believe there is no there, there... Besides learning more about our planets
history is never wasted time... Free your mind and the rest will follow... Once again thank you for your comments I hope you continue to add more
insightful posts within this thread in the future.
To all, I will try and find more time this weekend to add more information and respond to other posts.
--Charles Marcello
[edit on 22-7-2009 by littlebunny]