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The cigarette conspiracy

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posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:41 PM
You are definitely not the only one who feels this way. I have felt this way as well. This is the government's way of paying for their mass expansion, as well as to help engineer an economic collapse.

The government has grown so big that it can't pay for itself. So they tax everything that they can, and justify it with that it's all for the people, and for our health, so that they can continue to grow. This is why they will NOT ban tobacco. The federal government makes more money from tobacco products annually than Phillip Morris and Winston Salem combined, being that they reap the taxes from ALL tobacco companies, which is more than what the retailer pays the supplier, and each company makes from their sales.

Aside from that, these tobacco companies, who employ farmers, packers, and many other types of jobs, are getting so heavily taxed, that they can not pay their employees, so they let some go. Therefor, increasing the number of unemployed people. Also, as always, the ones who truly suffer any corporate tax increase is who? The consumer. WE pay the difference in taxes. OK, so no one is going to go broke from buying cigarettes, but, there is the ripple effect. So, you spend a couple thousand dollars a year on cigarettes, at $7 a pack $70 a carton, x 4cartons a month, (for an average just over a pack a day kinda guy, like myself) thats $ 280 month, or $3,560 a year. which to some, who only make $20,000 a year, before taxes, well, yeah. We can see the damage. Because, you and me know, that people will look for change in the couch and in the dryer to buy a pack in those hard times, (low income smokers, you know what i mean)

Basically, no one (well, maybe a couple people) but not many people will really quit smoking, just because it's expensive, they will just be hurting more those last couple days before payday, and hey, maybe even start making smaller payments on their credit cards, and other things, slowly and indirectly putting them in debt, to satisfy this addictive habit.

It's just another taxing tool, to hurt the American people's wallets, combined with all the other taxes, and to expand their unconstitutional grasp on the people. squeezing us all to the point of debt, so when social fascism takes over, it is welcomed with open arms. because its better (for sheeple) than starving to death. Why do you think communism was welcomed so openly in Russia?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Wolf321
Either the government stupid (beyond there usual levels)

There's a common misconception. The government pretends to be stupid, incapable, moronic, and incompetent. In fact, they are a living organism in the form of mass bureaucracy and hierarchy made up of some of the most brilliant, selfish, and greedy individuals on the planet.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:55 PM
I'm going to start hand rolling smokes, i've heard they are better for you and much cheaper, anyone know if this is true? I smoke marlboros and newports, the 2 harshest ciggs on the planet I think lol. I really gotta switch to something else.

Whats a good brand of rolling tobacco?

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:58 PM
The price increase in cigarettes over the past few years has been ridiculous. Long story short I was forced to move back in with my folks about five years ago, cigs were roughly $4 then, now they're about $7. Almost double the price in just five years, Really?

To offset the price I've been ordering my smokes from in most cases their prices are close to half off retail, it really makes a difference.

I hope the above link isn't against the t and c, if so I apologize, go ahead and delete.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:59 PM
The morons in Washington say the extra cigarette tax is to help pay for Obama-Care. So I don't think this qualifies as conspiracy, since they let us know they want more money.

As far as the nicotene reduction, I think it will have bad consequences for those smoking now, but it may mean that cigarettes are less addictive to people that try them for the first time when they have less nicotene. I'm no expert on nicotene addiction, and I don't smoke.

The morons that run The State are going to start taxing anything they deem unhealthy. In order to tax more effectively, they need to regulate the business involved, in this case, cigarettes.

In my great state of Kentucky, they recently raised tobacco, alcohol, and cell phone RINGTONE taxes...I still haven't figured how those are unhealthy. Maybe people's blood pressure goes up when they ring in public places and the sound is annoying.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:10 PM
My father calls it "the nanny state" they want to force you into doing what they feel is best for you by regulating it into oblivion.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:12 PM
Well, what they told us in my state is that the $1 raised on every pack goes into the school system. Which is actually necessary in Florida. But we're unsure of exactly where the money is going. We never do...

All I know is that smoking is bad for you. 1 cigar every week is fine, but cigarettes are just bad.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:14 PM
this is awesome now alls they have to do is take all of the chemicals out of them, instead of lowering the nicotine level

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by KyoZero

You can have whatever opinion you want.
I think churches should be fined for panhandling.
Doesn't give me the right to go around whining and complaining about it until I get my way.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Wolf321
When I first heard about this, I thought it could mean only two things. Either the government stupid (beyond there usual levels), or there is something behind it all.

This is actually a little of both. More craziness with a hidden agenda.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
reply to post by KyoZero

You can have whatever opinion you want.
I think churches should be fined for panhandling.
Doesn't give me the right to go around whining and complaining about it until I get my way.

indeed, this is going beyond ridiculous and into the realm of "absofabtastically absurd".

I'm just going to start growing my own, I swear. Private property and personal use still has it's freedom. For now.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by jeasahtheseer

Well i don´t know if they r less hazardus but they r subposed to be alot cheeper, but im guessing they have the same amount of hazardus materials as normal one´s.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:15 PM
The wailing and gnashing of teeth of non smokers would be far greater if all smokers were to quit tomorrow.
The evils of second hand smoke would suddenly become secondary to the evils an empty wallet.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by zerbot565

Inhaling chemicals in general leads to lung cancer. Smoke from burning tobacco contains more than 4,000 of them.

Cigarette smoking leads to emphysema and various other cancers. It's also a risk condition for numerous diseases.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:01 PM
unbelievable tax on cigarettes, and beyond reasonable and without representation I might add.

But alas, our government only wants to help. Those kind faces of politicians as they sweet talk us whenever a camera is present. Somehow they just seem to convince enough people with their bullcrap. And its always bullcrap, that's the most predictable thing nowadays.

With FDA regulation of tobacco it might become a controlled substance, or I should say nicotine would be a controlled substances. In other words, the government patents all rights to nicotine by labeling it controlled. Wow....what power. That would also mean you could not grow it either unless maybe you had a license.

I can see the "illegal" fields of tobacco now, protected by armed amateurs, selling their crop on the street for millions. LOL. And the prisons would once again be overfilled with those naughty boys who are caught "dealing" in tobacco, or harvesting tobacco.

Are we really that sleepy to let this slime ball government get away with this crap???

BTW....your garden is next. And yes I am taking bets....10 to 1 in case you want to bet against me.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by fetidchimp
The wailing and gnashing of teeth of non smokers would be far greater if all smokers were to quit tomorrow.
The evils of second hand smoke would suddenly become secondary to the evils an empty wallet.

I believe I read a study somewhere or saw something on tv that second hand smoke actually isnt as harmful as people say. Like for instance they say the second hand smoke is more harmful than the smoke the smokers are actually inhaling (first hand smoke?), but this is supposedly not true.

And not saying this is right or wrong, just saying what I saw.

I think it was some tv show on showtime or hbo or one of those premium tv channels, I can't remember what show. But it was like a documentary type show with these 2 comedian guys, but it was a serious show and they would like expose all these "myths" about certain things.

Edit: It was called Penn and Tellers BS. I'm going to try to find the episode now.

haha nevermind i looked it up on youtube and it turns out they made a whole episode saying that the second hand smoke isnt harmful, but apparently they didn't do their research or experiments correct or something. So they had to retract that statement that it isnt harmful.

Yeah I really didn't think that second smoke isn't actually harmful, that makes no sense. Because any smoke is harmful to you lol.

lol sorry.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by jeasahtheseer]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:12 PM
One thing I always wondered was if the FDA would be putting anything INTO the cigarettes that was not already there, or maybe increasing the amount of harmful chemicals that already exist. Either way there ARE cigarettes without any added chemicals or additives and whatnot, for example Natural American Spirit cigarettes.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 09:23 PM
OMG!!!! ......Senate bill the Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking Act of 2009 (“PACT Act”) (S.1147) which contains, among other bad ideas, a provision to make ALL cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products nonmailable. This legislation has already been passed by the House of Representatives and is currently in a Senate Committee that could send it to the Senate floor at any time for a vote!.

Why don't these $@#% leave us smokers alone......I know!!, lets go to the whitehouse lawn and have a sit down WHILE WE GO THRU OUR WITHDRAW SYMPTOMS!!!!!!.

Cigars are exempt from this bill.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by tiso_us]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:18 PM
I didn't read all four pages of this thread, so if this is redundant, my apologies--What about the FDA banning the "e-cigarette"! Banning a cigarette replacement product that vaporizes a water and nicotine mixture, and is essentially harmless! I was going to buy one, and lo and behold, they've been banned. (No justification offered, except the "inadaquate testing" BS) I guess that goes along with the overall conspiracy outlined in this thread, the government wants smokers to smoke MORE and pay MORE and probably DIE. I have no trouble believing that. The control matrix knows no shame. Big business and Big government often co-conspire to the detriment of the ordinary person; war, agribusiness, the medical-pharma industry, it's all the same. We always get shafted by the combined Government-Corporate death machine.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Phenomium
You know? If smokers KNEW this is what they were doing......this would actually be an opportune time for smokers to quit if they had ever wanted to.What better way to quit than to (by force) slowly cut back on the intake of that part of the cigarette that actually gets you addicted. Once again, it boils down to will power but this does make it easier if you really want to quit. If you don't want to quit and you are the smokers equivalent of a vegetarian (you know the whatever rights activist)?...........YOU'RE SCREWED.

Obviously not a smoker... Cutting down on the amount of the addictive part of the cigarette = smoke MORE cigarettes to balance it out. My example was to indicate in debate to a comment about were lungs meant to inhale smoke.. were veins meant to take in drugs, or stomachs meant to take in all the chemicals in our food and water, Bet you won't stop eating or drinking..

Anyone can quit IF they really want to. But the whole point is why should someone else have the right to force someone else to quit doing something they want to do. Which ties into what this thread is about in the first place, Cigarette conspiracy, not whether or not the tax means it's and ideal time to quit.

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