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Want to know how crop circles are made ? Here you go !

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posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 12:14 AM
Looking at crop circles simplistically, there may be a number of ways they MAY have been created but obviously the majority concensus appears to attribute them to either an alien agency or entirely man-made.

I'm going to disregard the alien point of view as there is absolutely NO supporting evidence or even a minimum working theory or hypothesis as to how or even why they would even take the time to do such an activity. Anyone with solid evidence supporting aliens, then here's your opportunity to speak up !

On the other hand, the man-made faction seem to feel that all it takes is a bunch of people working to a design in the middle of the night and using flash lights to create designs of the utmost complexity and beauty. But there is yet another possibility that keeps it within a human made framework, and providing a possible explanation thats still well within human capability.

Now, here's an alternative explanation that simply needs us to do a little more than a little "outside of the box" lateral thinking.

We know for a fact that a certain major government has/is developing technology based on particle and/or energy and/or laser manipulation for shooting down missiles.
We also know that said government also has space capable access e.g. ISS, shuttles, etc.

Now put these two facts together and lets posit a very realistic scenario.

Let's say that some of this particle, etc technology has been installed on a space platform. This capability has existed for quite some time and is not flight of fancy or wild imagining ... it's orbiting above our collective heads this very moment.

So, this technology is deployed in space and one would tend to imagine that at some point in time there has to be tests conducted ... if only to guarantee that they can target ground based and airborne locations with complete and pinpoint accuracy.... after all, thats one of the selling points behind their design, the fact that collateral damage can be reduced significantly.
You don't simply conduct one test and say, "that's good enough for us" but rather you'd have a schedule of regular tests to conduct to maintain peak weapon performance.

Also, one would assume that these space borne particle, etc based weaponary would be capable of having their power output controlled ... after all, you wouldn't use a sledge hammer to kill a fly if other less severe options were available to you !

So what form would these tests take ? Well, if it was my desicion, I'd simply crank down the power output to a very low and safe level, pick a spot somewhere on the earth below me and also pick a TOTALLY safe and people free location like, let me see ... how about an isolated farm field in the middle of nowhere in the early hours of the morning ! Then to fully test the precision and controlability of the weapon, simply program the controlling computer to create a complex pattern using the weapon on the selected isolated location and easily giving an unambiguous and VISIBLE feedback of the weapons precision.
Now being automated and under computer guidance/control, even the most complex patterns could be created within a very short space of time.

This immediately removes the difficulty of explaining the following points:
- just how a few people can so quickly create complex patterns.
- just how they're able to do this in complete darkness with just flashlights
- just how they can do it without ever being seen
- just how they manage to leave no traces of their presence
- the various anomalies e.g. stalks all bent in a certain direction, etc
- just why these crop patterns can appear all over the world

However, one major side effect of this scenario is created unintentionally ... a raging debate as to whether aliens created these patterns OR a bunch of people tramping around in the dark and stomping down wheat stalks ... in the meantime the weapons testers/designers are splitting their sides in laughter at us !

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 12:37 AM
What are your thoughts on these?

This one appeared in 2001
Maldekian Crop Image

We sent this from the Arecibo Radio Telescope in 1971

And this is the supposed reply:
Arecibo Message Reply

Edit to add:
My feeling is that both ETs and humans are making the circles.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by Lifthrasir]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by Lifthrasir

Lifthrasir ... good pics that I haven't seen before ... thanks.

But again, I see NOTHING in any of those pics that discredits or refutes my simple theory and reasoning behind crop circle formation.

In fact, the more complex the design, the EASIER it would be to create it from a space borne vantage then trying to come up with more and more ridiculous theories or explanations as to how a few people stumbling around in the dark managed to create thenecessary complexity in a few short hours ... and completely unobserved !

If we simply admit that yes, we do have the necessary technology (which we do) and the capability to use it from low earth orbit (which we do), then this remains the simplest and most logical and fully explainable answer to crop circle formation and the reason they exist.

Bear in mind that EVERY crop circle location is EASILY visible from low earth orbit ... also bear in mind that crop circle complexity has increased over the years, not decreased ... which would be commensurate with an increase in the tracking and aiming technology capability being used.

Just makes complete and total sense to me... don't need to blame invisible aliens or invisible humans tramping around in the dark

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 12:51 AM
In fact, I'm so confident that this is how they are created that I challenge ANYONE to show me even ONE crop circle design that couldn't have been created by the simple, logical and rational method that I've proposed ... c'mon, lets see it !

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:16 AM
I very much agree with you -- governments have space-borne weapon tech and much more that we (the general public) don't know about. This, I do not contest, and you back it with sound logic.

What I'm arguing is that not all crop circles are man-made. I do have a few other thoughts in mind -- that these crop formations (especially the Maldekian image) are being used as disinformation of some sort, but this is highly speculative, just like questioning motives for aliens making these circles if indeed they do. Mere motives are difficult to argue for or against in many cases.

There are a few cases that I'm reminded of, however, from long, long ago. I'm still on the fence about them, but they're still worth considering. I was able to find a page including all three.

Wood Engraving (for reference)

Unfortunately, I did not find the Staffordshire reference and am in most doubt about that one.

Edit to add:
These early cases are few. If there's a solid date for a huge number of cropcircle appearances, then it could be correlated with a rise of technology, such as airplanes (aliens see that we can fly, so they start making messages) and laser technology (secretive gov't weapons agencies beginning to test their precision equipment.)

There was an interesting hypothesis proposed by a few who looked at the Arecibo reply (I can't find the reference) as well. At the bottom of the Earth-borne message, the Arecibo telescope is depicted, and at the bottom of the supposed alien message, a vastly different form is shown. This hypothesis (I don't know how they concluded it) is that the ETs beamed a message into the various charged fields around the earth and they were drawn by these fields using microwave energy or sound itself.

I find the "sound" speculation interesting because of cymatics.
Sound Cymatics
With Water Do you speak German?

Taking that into consideration, is it also possible that some of the more geometric crop circles (especially ones that occur on magnetic ley lines) are made by the planet itself?

[edit on 12-7-2009 by Lifthrasir]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by Lifthrasir

I understand the point you're making that crop circles aren't necessarily a modern day phenomena as per your reference and I certainly don't dispute this.

I'm sure that there have been pranksters and practical jokers as long as humans have lived in societies. But from what I can see in the wood engraving example, this may have just been a very crude and rudimentary type of circle and one perhaps well within the ability of one or a few people to decide to do. We're unfortunately given no indication of it's complexity (or lack of) at all ... so again, I think my slant on crop circles still stands

Also, we have to explain just why it is that there has been such a staggering increase in the number of and the complexity of crop circles created within say the last 20 odd years. Prior to that I can't really recall having heard or read about to many of them.
But if we couple the increase in the number of complex crop circles with a corresponding increase in technology (both weapons and space capability), this again tends to add even more support to my hypothesis.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:38 AM
I didn't know if you would see the edit I made, so here it is -----

These early cases are few. If there's a solid date for a huge number of cropcircle appearances, then it could be correlated with a rise of technology, such as airplanes (aliens see that we can fly, so they start making messages) or laser technology (secretive gov't weapons agencies beginning to test their precision equipment.)

There was an interesting hypothesis proposed by a few who looked at the Arecibo reply (I can't find the reference) as well. At the bottom of the Earth-borne message, the Arecibo telescope is depicted, and at the bottom of the supposed alien message, a vastly different form is shown. This hypothesis (I don't know how they concluded it) is that the ETs beamed a message into the various charged fields around the earth and they were drawn by these fields using microwave energy or sound itself.

I find the "sound" speculation interesting because of cymatics.
Sound Cymatics
Do you speak German?

Taking that into consideration, is it also possible that some of the more geometric crop circles (especially ones that occur on magnetic ley lines) are made by the planet itself?

Edit to fix links.

[edit on 12-7-2009 by Lifthrasir]

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Lifthrasir

There was an interesting hypothesis proposed by a few who looked at the Arecibo reply (I can't find the reference) as well. At the bottom of the Earth-borne message, the Arecibo telescope is depicted, and at the bottom of the supposed alien message, a vastly different form is shown. This hypothesis (I don't know how they concluded it) is that the ETs beamed a message into the various charged fields around the earth and they were drawn by these fields using microwave energy or sound itself.

The Arecibo incident is interesting but unfortunately I just don't see why an advanced alien civilization able to cross light years of space would make such a journey to Earth simply to "doodle" in a field comprised of food that humans ingest. I'd seriously suspect the logic and intelligence behind such an act. If it's an attempt at communication, then it's surely a ridiculous one given all the many more technological alternatives available. And what if they "created" a crop circle in some out of the way place and NOBODY stumbled across it for a few weeks ... by then the design would have degraded due to weather and additional crop growth ... again, not a very intelligent or clever way for an alien race to communicate with us ... in fact, downright moronic in my opinion !

I find the "sound" speculation interesting because of cymatics.

Yes, I'm familiar with the concept of Cymatics, the visual representation of sound vibrations and understand your point regarding ley lines as being the origin of some circles ... good points and not impossible I guess.
But I would suspect that such alternatives is simply shifting the blame from one "agency" (aliens/humans) to unknown Earth dynamics (ley lines).

I'm one of those that however, tends to go along with the simplest explanation that fits the existing evidence and provides a workable hypothesis.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:12 AM
Well, I'm saying that ETs, humans, and earth dynamics are the cause for crop shapes.

As for the motives for doodling, there are a lot of possibilities I've heard, from "showing us the door to our evolution," or "inviting us to the universal family." I do agree that there are much easier methods of communication, but I also subscribe to the "aliens manipulating humans" theories, so why the Greys (the ones who appeared to make the Arecibo reply and the Maldekian face and who have been accused of being part of the manipulation scheme) would want friendly communication is a little baffling unless the circles are just some form of disinfo as to their motives and/or identity.

As for TPTB motives, then they're probably doing lil' tests of their technology and/or drawing the spotlight away from some other truth or even an alien force.

If ETs had been making circles, the rise in appearances would coincide with creation of flying machines (most likely). If humans had been making them, then the circles would coincide with the advent of laser-technology (according to your hypothesis), or even before that. If the earth had been making them, if we had a flying time machine, we could go into distant antiquity and see them.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:32 AM
I think most of the really detailed ones are man made and the simple ones which are just circles are created by ufo landings.

Many crop circles generate electricity and have radiation left behind. Apparently it does not matter if the crop circle is man made or alien made, they still generate electricity which is really really weird.

Dr. Simeon Hein has a really interesting interview on coast to coast, there is so much broad information on the subject, it is really worth watching all parts.

part 1

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by chowyoungfat

Many crop circles generate electricity and have radiation left behind. Apparently it does not matter if the crop circle is man made or alien made, they still generate electricity which is really really weird.

So again, even the above lends further credence to the possible use of some type of EXISTING particle and/or energy based weapon ... and leaving behind indications of it's useage.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

I have already pointed out in my past posts that crop circles are the work of government/military satelite beam technology.

Yet there are nuts around believe these made by aliens.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by wisdomnotemotion

Good to see I'm not the only one capable of applying a bit of rational thought to explaining not only HOW crop circles might be created but just as importantly, a possible REASON for why they're being created ... definitely no need of mysterious aliens or field tramping humans !

People ... try reducing the level of complexity and think of LOGICAL and DOABLE ways rather than inventing ridiculous and unproveable reasons for crop circle creation.

Humans are ENTIRELY responsible !

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:08 AM
Ed and Kris Sherwood (authors and crop circle examiners/researchers)

claim that many circles are made by hoaxers with bribing farmers to use or damage their fields.

They claim to be able to know by sight if the cirle is man made or not.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by suzque66

They claim to be able to know by sight if the cirle is man made or not.

Can't see how this claim could possibly be true ... just try to create something as simple as an angle of EXACTLY say, 58 degrees in a field of wheat in pitch darkness and with a time constraint looming over your head.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

It is in the weaving of the crop material, apparently real circles (alien made) are always inter-woven, unbroken and do not damage the stems.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by suzque66
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

It is in the weaving of the crop material, apparently real circles (alien made) are always inter-woven, unbroken and do not damage the stems.

So how does this "unique property" you mention definitely prove it is of alien manufacture as opposed to an effect of a particle/energy beam type of discharge into the crop ?

I have still to have a SINGLE poster show how any crop circle could NOT have been created by the method that I have hypothesised. Why do you all keep insisting on alien involvement and NOT show a single corroborating or linking piece of evidence to implicate aliens ... do YOU have such evidence ?

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by afoolbyanyothername

lol I don't claim anything. I am on the fence about the entire subject. I don't study crop circles much, is interesting but so-so on a give-a-care spectrum.

I only noted that this couple (who I heard on C2C last week sometime) claim to know the difference. me? I have no clue.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by suzque66

Same here ... I basically could care less

It's just that it bothers me no end that so much time, effort and debate rages about the how and why crop circles and yet with just a little application of common sense, logic and knowledge of technology have managed to come up with a hypothesis that explains as far as i can see almost every property of these "mysterious" crop circles and does away with the need for aliens or mysterious people trampling around in wheat fields in the dead of night.

The technology I've postulated EXISTS and is proveable ... but aliens doodling in fields or phantom wheat tramplers ... c'mon, give me a break !

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 04:07 AM
I don't get it either., why would aliens make them? Why would anyone make them? The only reason I can fathom is to send/leave messages to other um what? planets? who have the telescope capacity to see this far?? If it were for 'us' why not just learn English or any other language? If they can travel across a galaxy, I am sure learning ABC's couldn't be THAT hard.

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