posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 12:14 AM
Looking at crop circles simplistically, there may be a number of ways they MAY have been created but obviously the majority concensus appears to
attribute them to either an alien agency or entirely man-made.
I'm going to disregard the alien point of view as there is absolutely NO supporting evidence or even a minimum working theory or hypothesis as to how
or even why they would even take the time to do such an activity. Anyone with solid evidence supporting aliens, then here's your opportunity to speak
up !
On the other hand, the man-made faction seem to feel that all it takes is a bunch of people working to a design in the middle of the night and using
flash lights to create designs of the utmost complexity and beauty. But there is yet another possibility that keeps it within a human made framework,
and providing a possible explanation thats still well within human capability.
Now, here's an alternative explanation that simply needs us to do a little more than a little "outside of the box" lateral thinking.
We know for a fact that a certain major government has/is developing technology based on particle and/or energy and/or laser manipulation for shooting
down missiles.
We also know that said government also has space capable access e.g. ISS, shuttles, etc.
Now put these two facts together and lets posit a very realistic scenario.
Let's say that some of this particle, etc technology has been installed on a space platform. This capability has existed for quite some time and is
not flight of fancy or wild imagining ... it's orbiting above our collective heads this very moment.
So, this technology is deployed in space and one would tend to imagine that at some point in time there has to be tests conducted ... if only to
guarantee that they can target ground based and airborne locations with complete and pinpoint accuracy.... after all, thats one of the selling points
behind their design, the fact that collateral damage can be reduced significantly.
You don't simply conduct one test and say, "that's good enough for us" but rather you'd have a schedule of regular tests to conduct to maintain
peak weapon performance.
Also, one would assume that these space borne particle, etc based weaponary would be capable of having their power output controlled ... after all,
you wouldn't use a sledge hammer to kill a fly if other less severe options were available to you !
So what form would these tests take ? Well, if it was my desicion, I'd simply crank down the power output to a very low and safe level, pick a spot
somewhere on the earth below me and also pick a TOTALLY safe and people free location like, let me see ... how about an isolated farm field in the
middle of nowhere in the early hours of the morning ! Then to fully test the precision and controlability of the weapon, simply program the
controlling computer to create a complex pattern using the weapon on the selected isolated location and easily giving an unambiguous and VISIBLE
feedback of the weapons precision.
Now being automated and under computer guidance/control, even the most complex patterns could be created within a very short space of time.
This immediately removes the difficulty of explaining the following points:
- just how a few people can so quickly create complex patterns.
- just how they're able to do this in complete darkness with just flashlights
- just how they can do it without ever being seen
- just how they manage to leave no traces of their presence
- the various anomalies e.g. stalks all bent in a certain direction, etc
- just why these crop patterns can appear all over the world
However, one major side effect of this scenario is created unintentionally ... a raging debate as to whether aliens created these patterns OR a bunch
of people tramping around in the dark and stomping down wheat stalks ... in the meantime the weapons testers/designers are splitting their sides in
laughter at us !