posted on May, 7 2004 @ 01:05 PM
Hello from California , I am amazed of all the information that goes through here , some quality research stuff and alot of bull crap that everyone
beleives , people read a book which the author made up without real research then they beleive it and pass on this fake knowledge to others making
fake controversies even hate against anothe group. I was an amature anthropologist , I even wrote a very researched thesis for a friend , hahaha yeah
tha was cheating ! I beleive all data should have some form of evidence or direct contact and experience before giving out information that confuses
people into believing things . I work for the department of Defense , I am in the inside , alot of strange things are talked about in the forum that
is made up are totally way off even though odd things exist or happen that I know first hand do not correlate with all of this made up stuff.
Ehat I do like about this site is some of the real information that floats around , I like that especially when evidence is shown, not an interview
with a wierdo or some offf the wall book that someone made up.
Don't get me wrong I am very glad to have found this site , it is very interesting.