posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 11:24 PM
In college I had a girlfriend who was a practicing witch Siax (sp?) wicca. Something along those lines.
She once gave me a deck of tarot cards and taught me how to read them.
In my dorm room one night, was giving a reading to a friend. Major Arcana, nothing detailed. After the reading, I was putting the cards away when I
noticed that there were two cards in the box that I had failed to get out prior to the reading.
They were two of the cards that I had 'dealt' and discussed during the reading. Panicked, I looked at the deck in my hand but could not find the
cards that I had just read.
They were the ones in the box.
That was the last time I ever fooled with ANYTHING remotely supernatural.
I also downed a very large bottle of scotch with my friend who was as freaked out as I was.
I gave the cards back to my girlfriend the next day, and all she did, after I told her, was smirk, and say, "told ya so".
I don't do home dentistry, home brain surgery, or home nuclear weapon disarming. Just as dangerous is home "supernatural" stuff.
If it's real, I keep it to the professionals.