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Major Stefan Frederick Cook v [et. al] (RE: Obama eligibility - Dr. Taitz)

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posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

The smears site one is a forgery, the fact check one is not. You know better than that FlyersFan.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by whatukno

No where in the Constitution does it state that a fake certificate of birth, admittedly forged by Jay McKinnon, posted on the internet by a left wing site, 'confirmed' by a group that the person in question had strong ties to and even sat on the board of ... no where in the Constitution does it say that this is an acceptable form of proof of citizenship.

Whatukno ... bud .... it's an admitted forgery and the fact that Obama's people were all pushing this forgery saying it was real ... well, they got caught with their pants down.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by andrewh7
I wish people would stop wasting time in responding to these wackos. They don't want Obama to be the president and they are willing to believe anything that might reinforce the idea that he isn't actually the President. The fact that the two largest newspapers both printed announcements with his name and his parents' names on the date of his birth is disregarded. Testimony of Hawaiian officials is disregarded. The birth certificate and the fact that it says at the bottom, "This document is proof of birth...." is disregarded.

They aren't interested in the truth so it is pointless giving them information that is inconsistent with what they want to be true. Ironically, they all voted for McCain even though he was born in Panama. Would they have seen McCain as illegitimate? Probably not.

My advice is simply to not waste your time indulging these people. They want people to argue with so that they still feel relevant, so they still consider the issue open to debate. If the people that disagree with them simply ignore them, they'll be left to feed off each other. Without someone with whom disagree or at whom to yell, maybe they will move on.

They'll then join the ranks of people thinking Obama is a Muslim terrorist, a communist, or maybe even the Antichrist.

[edit on 11-7-2009 by andrewh7]

With all due respect, you are completely clueless!
So nice of you to pay selective attention regarding the issue.

So, newspaper birth announcements are proof? What!?!? What deep cave have you been living in? My cousin and her husband who currently reside in Germany recently had their baby. There was an announcement in the Detroit Free Press, where he is from, and one in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where she is from. Isn't that so nice and sweet? They took the time to have it posted so that all of their freinds and family would know. Ironically, the baby was born in Hamburg, Germany!!!

Next, "Proof of Birth"?????? Um, the fact that the man is alive and walking around is proof of birth!!!! DUH!!!!!!!!!! I mean, really!? Seriously!?!?!? He wasn't hatched from an egg! It just doesn't go on to say WHERE HE WAS BORN!!! And if it was a forgery, are you saying that the forger should have put "This is a forgery and in no way proves birth"? WTF!?!?!?! You obviously didn't think this one through - at all!!!!!!!!!!

Your next paragraph about being "interested in the truth" is all the more revealing. In psychological terms we call this Transference. Look it up!

Finally, the little jab about voting for McCain... Hmmmm... I didn't vote for McCain and I still want the Obama to prove his eligibility by showing his BIRTH CERTIFICATE - not a COLB!

Congratualtions on just identifying yourself as one of those mindless Koolaid guzzlers that we refer to as Sheeple!

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
The smears site one is a forgery, the fact check one is not. You know better than that FlyersFan.

Whatukno .. bud .. ya' know I like ya and all .. but I just gotta remind you that Fact Check is run by Annenberg and Obama has extremely close ties to Annenberg .. even sitting on the board.

This would be like George Bush (43) proving he wasn't AWOL during Vietnam by having an oil company provide the long missing National Guard paperwork. Ya' know?

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by expat2368

Maybe.. Just Maybe this story will get legs and help stop this national nightmare we are in.

lol you really think taking Obama out is going to change anything?
silly rabbit

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by kozmo
I didn't vote for McCain and I still want the Obama to prove his eligibility by showing his BIRTH CERTIFICATE - not a COLB!

Ditto. I didn't vote for Obama or McCain. I still want Obama to prove his eligibility by showing the authentic original BIRTH CERTIFICATE. That's what I want. I'll never get it. But that's what we all deserve to see.

The fact that it's being hidden from us tells a lot.
The fact that Obama has hired teams of lawyers to keep this hidden tells a lot.
The fact that Obama could end most chatter simply by revealing it, but he doesn't, tells everything.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by kozmo

Originally posted by andrewh7
I wish people would stop wasting time in responding to these wackos. They don't want Obama to be the president and they are willing to believe anything that might reinforce the idea that he isn't actually the President. The fact that the two largest newspapers both printed announcements with his name and his parents' names on the date of his birth is disregarded. Testimony of Hawaiian officials is disregarded. The birth certificate and the fact that it says at the bottom, "This document is proof of birth...." is disregarded.

They aren't interested in the truth so it is pointless giving them information that is inconsistent with what they want to be true. Ironically, they all voted for McCain even though he was born in Panama. Would they have seen McCain as illegitimate? Probably not.

My advice is simply to not waste your time indulging these people. They want people to argue with so that they still feel relevant, so they still consider the issue open to debate. If the people that disagree with them simply ignore them, they'll be left to feed off each other. Without someone with whom disagree or at whom to yell, maybe they will move on.

They'll then join the ranks of people thinking Obama is a Muslim terrorist, a communist, or maybe even the Antichrist.

[edit on 11-7-2009 by andrewh7]

With all due respect, you are completely clueless!
So nice of you to pay selective attention regarding the issue.

So, newspaper birth announcements are proof? What!?!? What deep cave have you been living in? My cousin and her husband who currently reside in Germany recently had their baby. There was an announcement in the Detroit Free Press, where he is from, and one in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, where she is from. Isn't that so nice and sweet? They took the time to have it posted so that all of their freinds and family would know. Ironically, the baby was born in Hamburg, Germany!!!

Congratualtions on just identifying yourself as one of those mindless Koolaid guzzlers that we refer to as Sheeple!

OH MY GOD! Why did I get involved? I never said that newspaper announcements were, on their own, proof of being born in Hawaii. My point is that these announcements were printed in those papers on the day of his birth. If you are going to argue that he was not born in Hawaii and the birth certificate was forged than these birth annoucnements would necessarily have to have been lies as well since you are saying the information they convey is untrue. Understand?

Given that the copies of these newspapers are stored in the archives of University libraries all over the country, most likely in microfiche form, this would mean that a conspiracy began on the date of his birth to fraudulently claim he was born in Hawaii.

The purpose of this conspiracy would be to fulfill the eligibility requirements for the president of the United States, and the conspirators knew that in 2008, he would win the Democratic primaries and would be one of the final two candidates for President. So, these conspirators would either have to be time travelers, psychics, or acting with the intention to rig the primaries decades in the future.

Having the money and personnel to perpetrate this fraud involving both state and hospital records, they knew they could bend this baby to their will to carry out their secret plan.


Like I said, YOU are a wacko!

[edit on 11-7-2009 by andrewh7]

[edit on 11-7-2009 by andrewh7]

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by kozmo
I didn't vote for McCain and I still want the Obama to prove his eligibility by showing his BIRTH CERTIFICATE - not a COLB!

Ditto. I didn't vote for Obama or McCain. I still want Obama to prove his eligibility by showing the authentic original BIRTH CERTIFICATE. That's what I want. I'll never get it. But that's what we all deserve to see.

The fact that it's being hidden from us tells a lot.
The fact that Obama has hired teams of lawyers to keep this hidden tells a lot.
The fact that Obama could end most chatter simply by revealing it, but he doesn't, tells everything.

If I slandered you publicly, saying that you, your mother, and Hawaiian government are liars, would you not defend yourself using the law. If you were sued by others claiming you are lying, would you not respond with your own lawyers?

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by andrewh7
My point is that these announcements were printed in those papers on the day of his birth.

That's impossible.
It would take a few days from a birth to get the info to the paper.

And even if it was printed a few days after he was born, they did NOT require a birth certificate to have the birth announcement in the news paper. Now they do. But back then they did not. Also, the birth announcements only said that a birth had taken place but it didn't say where and it didnt' provide any proof of birth.

the actual birth announcement from 1961

More info

The Birth announcements which announce Barack Obama’s birth mention as the address: 6085 Kalanianaole Highway. The problem is that we have no records, other than the two birth announcements, that Obama lived at this particular address.

The owner of the residence located at 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy, the alleged address of Senator Obama’s parents when he was born, was Orland S. and Thelma S. (Young) Lefforge, both of whom are deceased.

more info

they had talked to Beatrice Arakaki in Hawaii and that she told them that 47 years ago in 1961 there was no black baby living next door to her at the address in the Sunday Advertiser

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by andrewh7

This is a legal matter. I'd just show the darn piece of paper and get it over and done with. If I was innocent of the charges there would be no problem.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by andrewh7
My point is that these announcements were printed in those papers on the day of his birth.

That's impossible.
It would take a few days from a birth to get the info to the paper.

FINE. Then, a few days later. Once again, they are in the papers from the 1960s and copies of those papers are stored in archives all over the country. How does this fact change anything that I said?

You disregard the validity of a certified government document as well as the testimony of Hawaiian government officials and argue that they are coconspirators in a fraud that began decades before on the date the birth announcements were printed, and yet you find the alleged testimony of a neighbor about a "black baby" she didn't see 47 years ago?

They don't print birth certificates in the newspapers because newspapers are filled with articles and advertisements. Any paper that printed birth certificates every day would go out of business because newspapers aren't used as a proof of birth. What could possibly be the purpose of placing false birth announcements in multiple newspapers in the 1960s for an unknown baby who would grow up in poverty? What foreseeable benefit could come from making such announcements?

[edit on 11-7-2009 by andrewh7]

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by awakentired
I don't understand why a formal impeachment is necessary if he wasn't qualified to accept the office in the first place. Inullment would be more appropriate.
Wouldn't the entire election be rendered void?
In which case Clinton wouldn't be recognized as VP.

The presidency would have to be assumed by the speaker of the house?

What a freeking mess!

You mean Biden right?

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85

Originally posted by awakentired
I don't understand why a formal impeachment is necessary if he wasn't qualified to accept the office in the first place. Inullment would be more appropriate.
Wouldn't the entire election be rendered void?
In which case Clinton wouldn't be recognized as VP.

The presidency would have to be assumed by the speaker of the house?

What a freeking mess!

You mean Biden right?

This movement puts its best foot forward. They don't even know the name of the Vice President and yet they have uncovered a conspiracy that began with false birth announcements made in multiple newspapers in the 1960s. Dan Brown should write a book called the Obama Code. You people are a joke.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by JulieMills

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by JulieMills

It's good enough for the state department. Too bad it's not good enough for you. It's not my or your problem what the state department requires. It's not your or my problem what the SCOTUS requires.

if you were a true patriot it should be your problem.

Just because someone does not agree with you, or think just like you do, does not then mean they are not a patriot.

That sounds so Bush rhetoric crap. If you don't think and believe like I do you are not a patriot. I call crapeola ten miles deep.

Personally I feel all parties are basically the same, not really working for the people, but for themselves.

I am tired of hearing the wolf cries. It seems to be completely fueled by Obama being a democrat, who is black who has his religion being questioned by certain groups, and not real evidence of wrong doing.

Harm None

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by andrewh7
What could possibly be the purpose of placing false birth announcements in multiple newspapers in the 1960s for an unknown baby who would grow up in poverty? What foreseeable benefit could come from making such announcements?

While I'm with you in principle, there is something I have seen. Couples with a newborn from a less advantaged country go to special lengths to ensure that their child has American citizenship. This could include making announcements in the press to ensure a paper trail.

What do you think?


posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 01:49 PM
Babies are born everyday outside of the the U.S. and still have American Citizenship. The Military has hospitals all over the world...and as long as his Mother was a citizen at the time of his birth so is He whether he was born in Kenya or Timbukto. The only difference is He would then enjoy dual-citizenship in that Country as long as the laws allowed such is the case in Germany, England and many other Countries. As for the 39 SSN's when there is proof of that other than some shady PI saying so then appropiate action could be taken but I doubt it would be since the man has been in the public service for a few years any how and it would have come to light by now. Just because some says it is so does not mean its so. And as far as anyone doing research on the internet I say good luck with ever bieng able to find the truth.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 01:53 PM
This suit is interesting.

Without divulging too much info, a long-time family friend of mine is in the intelligence business. This person, too, has numerous ID's, addresses from different states, and a half of a dozen SS #'s issued by the agency. It reeks of spy work, but can't say, and I know better than to ask.

Obama may have been in the intelligence business- kind of like Hussein and Osama were rumored to be.

Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if we had a double-agent/ terrorist in the highest office of the land. And while we are having a supposed "war on terror".

Not surprised one bit.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 02:04 PM
Evidence is a commodity - expert witnesses, documents - anything is available for the right price - and evidence can be made to go away also.

That people are following this up indicates to me that they have very real evidence - I doubt they would be sticking their neck out based on nothing.

I see a few posting that all the accusations regarding the birth certificate etc have been 'proven' to be false or hype. I would say, thats fairly naive - if you own the court, and can pay any amount of money - then you can have anything thrown out of court and make it look laughable.

Why such a dogged and continuous attempt to discredit Obama? Really - why? I can only think that there is a lot of real evidence around.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

So your telling me, if you feel your commanding officer is not a resident from the U.S. and you are unsure of his intentions then it is ok for you to not comply with his orders?

how about all the phillipinos that have never stepped foot on U.S. soil before entering the military?

are they u.s. citizens?

do you not have to take ordes from them?

I would like to see someone say that to my old chief...haha...hed eat you alive.

"umm sorry chief, I think you may have lied during the recruiting process about your eligibility, therefore I don't have to do what you say"

sorry, it doesnt work like that dude. what you are talking about is if you were given an order that was against your morals or the law...nothing here is against either one of those.

hes wrong. i have no doubt the review board for his dishonorable discharge will see it the same way.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by andrewh7
If I slandered you publicly, saying that you, your mother, and Hawaiian government are liars, would you not defend yourself using the law. If you were sued by others claiming you are lying, would you not respond with your own lawyers?

Simply, "No!" I would have released my freaking Birth Certificate and PROVEN them as liars - end of story. At this point no one can be certain who is lying. Typically it is the guilty or those with something to hide that first turn to lawyers, ya know? Especially when proving his detractors are liars would be so easy!

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