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Major Stefan Frederick Cook v [et. al] (RE: Obama eligibility - Dr. Taitz)

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posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

All right, you win. Have a beer on me. You keep asking for the same thing, over and over, I provide it, over and over, and you reject it out of hand without any critical thought whatsoever, over and over. This discussion gets no where, because you simply close your eyes and refuse to entertain any notions that your messiah may not be as on the up and up as you wish. Bully for you.

As has been said, there are none so blind as those who WILL not see. To paraphrase another old saw, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him think.

By all means, continue to follow your leader, without thought or questions. Not my problem where you end up. Continue stonewalling critical thought, as this discussion leads to no where.

Everything has been laid out for you, and you refuse to give cogent answers, or entertain any thoughts critical of your beloved, so we get what we get, don't we? Don't feel alone, there are lots of folks in DC egging on a showdown too.

It would have been so simple to lay the problem to rest, just by producing the evidence. That is apparently an impossibility, as it hasn't been done as of yet. Consistent failure to do so leads only to where it leads.

To be honest, I'm glad you're on the other side. I prefer having folks capable of rationalization on this one.

So bask in your victory while you still can, I'm throwing in the towel. One cannot educate those who are not possessed of the faculties to be educated, and I've got better things to do with what time is left.

Your entire strategy has been to drag 'em down with irrelevancies, then beat 'em about the head with it, and continually refuse to provide the ONE thing that would end the argument, once and for all. Probably because that's an impossibility. Good job of following your leader. You can win a battle or two like that, but in the long run those tactics will by no means insure a victory.

It only stirs the pot.

[edit on 2009/7/14 by nenothtu]

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
All right, you win. Have a beer on me. You keep asking for the same thing, over and over, I provide it,

You actually provided me evidence that Obama was born off american soil!? How could of I missed out that one! If you could just point out that post to me would be much appreciated because I still cant seem to find it.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian

Originally posted by nenothtu
All right, you win. Have a beer on me. You keep asking for the same thing, over and over, I provide it,

You actually provided me evidence that Obama was born off american soil!? How could of I missed out that one! If you could just point out that post to me would be much appreciated because I still cant seem to find it.

Just can't leave a victory be, can ya?

Tell ya what. You go research what constitutes "evidence", in all it's forms, (make sure you don't neglect the "circumstantial" variety) then take a critical thinking class or two, then get back to me when you're educable, ok?

Leave out the part about evidentiary forms that are non-existent, such as your fabled "Constitutional Evidence". K? Asking for that which, by definition doesn't exist, is prima facea evidence that you haven't done your homework, and are unable to entertain cogent discussion.

Only then will you have much of a chance of keeping me tilting at your windmill.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 04:39 PM
I was trying to find out more about Major Cook when I saw the link The website says "Did not find any data for this TOPIC" Looks like they have already removed the active discussion from that site.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by sickofitall2012
I was trying to find out more about Major Cook when I saw the link The website says "Did not find any data for this TOPIC" Looks like they have already removed the active discussion from that site.

And the band plays on... Amazing how this stuff just disappears off the 'net, isn't it? You'd think, when there's nothing to hide, it wouldn't continually be getting hidden....

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 12:55 AM
breaking news...Obama wussed out and the orders were rvoked..
check it out:

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 02:08 AM
So has this case disappeared or are they still attempting to get it heard?

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 09:01 AM
Just found this.

Obama Immaculate Deception. Case Will Be Heard On Merits, There Will Be A Trial, Will Not Be Dismissed On Procedural Issues, The Trail Will be Expedited

Obama eligibility case will be heard on merits !!. Please distribute everywhere.
Just got off the phone with Orly Taitz, the attorney in Keyes v. Obama.

At the hearing today at the Federal Court building in Santa Ana, Judge Carter said the following:

1. There will be a trial.
2. It will be heard on the merits.
3. Nothing will be dismissed on proceedural issues.
4. The trial will be expeditious, and the judge pledged to give case priority.
5. Being a former Marine he realizes the importance of having a Constitutionally qualified POTUS/CINC.
6. Judge stated that if Obama isn’t Constitutionally qualifed he needs to leave the White House.

The DOJ will be involved with the case also…. I wasn’t clear if they would be trying to get to the truth or they would just be blindly representing Obama.

Orly will be adding members of the military from California as plaintiffs also.This is from what my interpretation of our conversation.Orly, asked me to disseminate this information out for her, she will be doing a posting later after she gets some sleep.

I don’t know how reliable the source is

Link ral-issues-the-trail-will-be-expedited/

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by iammonkey

That little lady is my new found hero! no matter what the outcome is she proved to be a fighter.

[edit on 16-7-2009 by JulieMills]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by JulieMills

Yes, and as it turns out your "hero" isn't legally allowed to practice law outside of the state of California.

I like how this guy puts it...

“Dr.” Orly Taitz, a woman holding herself out as a lawyer, has managed to leverage the far-right’s distaste for President Obama into a number of conspiracy theories, a few scurrilous lawsuits, and fifteen minutes of fame, billing herself as the defender of obscure constitutional phraseology and – apparently – the republic itself. But “Dr.” Taitz may be the only “ineligible” player in her little farce.

Turnabout: Is Obama Denialist Orly Taitz Really a Lawyer? Will She Be For Long?

Some interesting information on this posting. Seems that Yes, your little hero is a lawyer in the state of California only. It also seems that by shoving this farce down the Supreme Court's throat she may be in violation of some serious rules for lawyers.

And it appears your little Russian mail order bride hero is also violating another serious solicitation rule as well. Suckering idiot soldiers into filing these useless lawsuits.

See unlike Birthers, the rest of us can provide actual proof of our claims. Unlike Birthers, the rest of us can show legitimate sources and not compile a huge load of horse manure and call it gold.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by whatukno

The storm is going to come no matter how much stuff Obama and his minions attempt to dig up.

Even if this lawyer gets thrown out of the case, now other no which judge to go to and will only happen again until the truth comes out

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by whatukno

And it appears your little Russian mail order bride hero

was orly taitz really a russian mail order bride? interesting tidbit. where did you learn this? i know she was born in the soviet union, is now a naturalized citizen, is passionate about american freedoms. she's a dentist, practicing for the past 10 years in california during which time she went to law school and passed the bar in California. I believe most lawyers are admitted to the bar only in their own state, unless they have some national practice that requires more. Could you point me in the direction of you russian mail order bride info?

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by earlywatcher

It's an insult, I don't know for sure that shes a mail order bride, but like Birthers, I don't need any real evidence, I can just make stuff up. She might be a mail order bride, it is one way that Russian women come to this country.

I believe most lawyers are admitted to the bar only in their own state, unless they have some national practice that requires more.

But she is practicing on the national level. This is a no no as far as lawyers go. She would have to be able to practice law nationally in order for her to bring these lawsuits up. (it doesn't prevent her from doing so, she just can get in trouble as an attorney if she does.)

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 06:09 PM
The tactic of the left is "attack and destroy the messenger" if someone threatens them ie: joe the plumber, sarah palin, the firefighters sotamayor screwed, and now dr. Orly Taitz...(I'm sure I have forgotten many)
they go after the person and not the problem these people destroy lives.
it is their way of dealing with something they don't have a legitimate answer to. how dispicable to call her names and a mail order bride?? WTF?? I don't know why i am suprised, these are the same people that made fun of Palin's baby.


[edit on 16-7-2009 by JulieMills]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by JulieMills


Because us "lefties" CAN'T show you the birth certificate. We don't have access to it. Oh wait did you mean this one? There you go.

it's like one big conspiracy, every liberal American has some secret code that allows them to view the long form birth certificate. We go clad in dark robes, chanting, down the road to the "meeting place" and enter our secret code and view the long form birth certificate, we all ohh and ahh in it's splendor then quietly disperse, reminding each other no conservative must ever find out.

Course then there's the ever growing realization that Obama believe it or not has rights under the 4th amendment. I know you must feel it's sickening that someone that doesn't look like you do has rights under the 4th amendment, but he does.

Birthers want to destroy the 4th amendment and therefore open up the ability to do this to anyone they feel is "questionable". The right wing want's the right to search you without probable cause, wants to detain you if they don't like your papers, or if you don't happen to have the "right" papers with you at the time.

[edit on 7/16/2009 by whatukno]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by JulieMills

Sarah who? I heard she was off baking pies now..............


On Topic:

I say just Chillax a bit. If the case has merits it will move forward.

You do believe in the American Justice System, right?

[edit on 16-7-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

If it didn't have merit the liberal machine wouldn't be out there trying to destroy Dr. Orly...

they are running scared..


posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by JulieMills

I'll answer your question although you somehow neglected to answer mine.
"You do believe in the American Justice System, right?"

I am in no rush for this case to "go away."

Justice takes time, just ask Scooter.

If the allegations are true, Biden would assume role as President and so on down the line. At least the neocons will be held at bay for 3 more years.

posted on Jul, 16 2009 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

we can do with waiting 3 years if we can get this disaster out of office...
Biden is a fool and can be controlled easier.

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by kinda kurious

At least the neocons will be held at bay for 3 more years.

but obama and his clinton alumni have proved to be a virtual clone of bush policy in most things. plus the czars, taking over banks and car companies, giving the fed--a private banking group--even more power without accountability, shoving bills through congress that get passed unread, committing this country to unbridled debt to repay political favors. so what could the neocons do that would be so much worse than what obama is doing so proudly and with the full enthusiasm of the democrat controlled congress?

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