posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 01:52 PM
So who are the real disinfo agents? Many have said, including William Cooper, that Alex Jones is CIA disinfo. "Controlled opposition" as others have
put it.
Well I am really starting to believe it. My username at prisonplanet forums was 911analyzer, and I lasted all of about 11 posts. I had just signed up
a few days ago out of sheer frustration that they would treat CIT's info as disinformation. They have put a thread about CIT's NSA video in a
disinfo forum, and changed the title of it several times, as well as the IP of the thread.
The thread is now called "Pentaconned spreads disingo (ranke CIT disinfo artists)" and can be seen here:
At least one other user named element was banned as well. He was also defending CIT. Many of their long time members stand behind CIT's work, and are
complaining as well about their questionable treatment of CIT's info. I wouldn't mind if someone would make a post in that thread to let the others
know that I have been banned.
I also suggested on another thread that Alex Jones interview CIT on his show. Guess they didn't like that too much either.
I did not personally attack anyone, and really am kind of baffled at why they would ban me over just what I said... Or maybe it is becoming clear.