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The official story of 9-11 is just a conspiracy theory.

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posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:39 AM
I'm wondering how none of you have pointed this out so far. The official story of 9-11 is just a conspiracy theory perpetrated by our government about an evil-boogy man designed to bring justification for us to go to war with them. I don't see why so many skeptics, or, regular people buy into it. Anyone else see it like this?

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
I'm wondering how none of you have pointed this out so far. The official story of 9-11 is just a conspiracy theory

Yes, it is.

perpetrated by our government

Not really

about an evil-boogy man

evil boogy men perhaps.

I don't see why so many skeptics, or, regular people buy into it.

Because the evidence supports it. That's why.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by exponent

A ton of evidence contradicts it though. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered... like about the hijackers... and the propaganda used after the attacks. Al-quaeda originally denied responsibility for the attacks. If they're telling the truth- than the official report is just a lie. If they aren't- regardless- it's just propaganda, a conspiracy theory, to provide us with reason to go to war.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by exponent

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
I'm wondering how none of you have pointed this out so far. The official story of 9-11 is just a conspiracy theory

Yes, it is.

perpetrated by our government

Not really

about an evil-boogy man

evil boogy men perhaps.

I don't see why so many skeptics, or, regular people buy into it.

Because the evidence supports it. That's why.

Even bin Laden's son thinks so (he must be on the CIA payroll, too), stating in his bio book "Growing Up bin Laden" that his dad was " sick puppy".

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:00 AM
No one wants to admit that TPTB have the actual POWER to orchestrate such a travesty. You are not alone in your manner of thinking, my friend. The day after 9 11, when the shock and sadness subsided, I became enraged because this event WAS NOT supposed to happen in real life but only in movies. And the fact that it did happen made me mad as Hell because it was obvious we were not a safe and secure country as we had been led to believe for many years. And the ones who were in charge of our protection should have been tried before a jury no matter if they were involved or not. Incompetence IS NOT an excuse. A terrorist group sophisticated enough to slip through the radar, literally and figuratively, IS NOT an excuse. War excercises coincidentally taking place that day IS NOT an excuse. If ANY legit business not tied to the govt has a mishap that causes deaths there are people who are made to answer in a court of law so why should this be any different. I am disappointed in other countries for not taking action.

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posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
I'm wondering how none of you have pointed this out so far. The official story of 9-11 is just a conspiracy theory perpetrated by our government about an evil-boogy man designed to bring justification for us to go to war with them. I don't see why so many skeptics, or, regular people buy into it. Anyone else see it like this?

No, because the official theory actually has evidence to back it up, plus it has a list of chronological events which actually compose the theory, thus making it more of an "account" rather than a "theory". With the conspiracy theorists, they really no real evidence to back their theories up, nor do they have any actual list of chonological events, so their theories cannot be anything other than just a theory.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Yeah I dont know why people believe it either. Really the government just runs around and creates fictional documents all the time. That is just what they do. I think eventually we will figure out that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were just put there by the Illuminati to mock us.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 10:22 AM
Reply to post by grapesofraft

Grapes you are still one of my heroes. Glad you are not deceived by the final word the govt gives us and can clearly see more evidence proves this was a false flag. People need to realize you or me or anyone else are not traitors to America because we seek truth and justice. But I understand those people who do not want their perfect world to be exposed for what it is, because more than likely the ones here on ATS who stand by TPTB in the manner that they do makes it crystal clear they either have ties to the govt and are trying to keep us asleep or they are simply perfect examples of what a sheeple really is. God Bless those that are Awake(whether you believe in Him or not)

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posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 01:30 PM

posted by Frankidealist35

I'm wondering how none of you have pointed this out so far. The official story of 9-11 is just a conspiracy theory perpetrated by our government about an evil-boogy man designed to bring justification for us to go to war with them. I don't see why so many skeptics, or, regular people buy into it. Anyone else see it like this?

Actually many of us have been pointing out that the official tale is just another conspiracy theory among many others, for years and years.

In reality, the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY is the most whacked out nonsensical conspiracy theory of all.

Just imagine 19 Arabs who could not maintain a professional conduct, leaving personal items laying around and hanging out in girley bars, and an eccentric billionaire mastermind hooked up to dialysis machines, and dying of advanced kidney disease, and hiding out in mountain caves, managed somehow to allegedly defeat security in three airports, and somehow board four aircraft without getting their names on the manifests, and somehow allegedly hijack those four aircraft, and somehow fly them all over the northeastern US over multiple Air Force bases and several nuclear power plants, simultaneously defeating the most powerful multi-trillion dollar national defense system on Earth. Ridiculous.

On top of that, the FBI actually has no clue who these 19 dudes really were, because the FBI Director Mueller admits they were operating on stolen identities. They admit they have no hard evidence that the billionaire mastermind had anything whatsover to do with 9-11; yet they apparently are not lifting one finger to find out who the real 9-11 perps really were. They tortured a confession out of an idiot who could not have masterminded a trip to McDonalds, and he made fools of them by confessing to everything under the sun.

Logically that indicates the FBI already knows who they were and just does not want to catch them. Correct?

If you put all that in a novel; you would be laughed out of the publisher's office and would not sell one copy. It is just too outrageous, and only a fairy tale that mindless sheeple would believe.

Then we have all these pseudoskeptics and government loyalists and shills desperately flocking to website after website to defend the silliest conspiracy theory of all. They lie and take threads off-topic and invent the most ludicrous strawman arguments, all to maintain the status quo. They get bounced out of the forums for their disruptive behavior and are soon back again under a new sock.

Oh yeah, this 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY is one whacko conspiracy theory.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 01:54 PM

It's such a tough hill to climb, that often I tell myself that I'm done with finding out the TRUE story to 9/11. I mean I have done exhaustive research on the subject, so I am comfortable in that I pretty much know of those who are responsible. What really capped it for me was the paper trail that is a mile long.

As much as I want to quit this journey, my conscious will not allow me, as I've served the majority of my adult life in military/government work. I know that for many, particularly those that have dedicated their lives to serving this country like I have, that the truth is too hard to handle. That it will diminish their accomplishments, that it will in some way make their lives one big charade of deceit and lies.

See, I don't look it at like that at all, because for me serving my country is not for TPTB, but rather for my commrades, family, friends and community. Screw them for lying to us, but it doesn't take away the many great service people that have given the ultimate sacrifice.

To me, the injustice would be not finding the truth for the fallen. I still love my country and would do it all again.

But, yes the official government explanation to 9/11 is one big conspiracy theory.

[edit on 10-7-2009 by OnTheFelt]

[edit on 10-7-2009 by OnTheFelt]

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
A ton of evidence contradicts it though.

This is just not true. I have been researching 911 now for a fairly long period of time, years in fact, and I have come across virtually nothing I would consider to be strong evidence against the 'official story'.

Oh sure there's plenty of speculation, and plenty of wild claims, but every time I have put the question to any truther of what actually happened that day, they are completely unable to answer.

The "evidence" that truthers present does not add up, it does not make sense together. For example people will believe that the terrorists were real and flew planes into the WTC, but then they'll believe that no plane hit the pentagon, and that flight 93 was shot down.

Why? This makes no sense whatsoever! Why fly planes into 2 buidings and then fail to fly planes into another building and the ground, and in fact fake it? There is absolutely nothing to support this in any way, and it is just the result of idle speculation without the requirement of verification.

Al-quaeda originally denied responsibility for the attacks.

No, they didn't. Originally a statement which was claimed to be from Bin Laden but with no verification appeared claiming that it was a Jewish conspiracy. However verifiable statements from Bin Laden include discussing the attacks and what they expected, calling the hijackers sons of god and blessed actors etc.

I urge you, read 'debunking' sites, they are not made by disinformation artists, they are made by honest people who are just trying to help out and stop these crazy claims being thrown around.

Notice in this very thread the claims made by SPreston. I know the source of most of these of course and know them to be little more than speculation and rumour. I urge you to research them though, because you will find exactly what you find with all 911 conspiracies, endless circular links to advocacy sites, where they claim events happened and claim certain things occured. You will almost always find that the proof of these events is either entirely speculation, it is misunderstanding of physics, or sometimes straight out lying.

For example;

Originally posted by SPreston
On top of that, the FBI actually has no clue who these 19 dudes really were, because the FBI Director Mueller admits they were operating on stolen identities.

This is entirely inaccurate, but based on actual facts. Statements were made in the days and weeks following the attack discussing how people were unsure of the identities of the hijackers.

This was resolved as more research was done, more documents and DNA was found, but people like SPreston refuse to realise this. The hijackers being not poitively identified is good for his case, and so he will believe it unconditionally.

Now investigate the response to other claims made which have been investigated and found to be supported, such as the existence of DNA evidence at The Pentagon and Shanksville. Thousands of people worked those sites and many of them were civilians, but this can all be brushed aside with the assumption that somehow this DNA could be faked.

It is this bias in belief that defines 911 truthers, the readiness to accept one side over the other, despite the massive disparity in support.

I only ask of you that you do not fall into this trap, try and construct a narrative for the attacks in your head, and if you cannot explain why people would do something rather than the alternative, and you have no evidence that they did it, then don't believe in it

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
Really the government just runs around and creates fictional documents all the time. That is just what they do. I think eventually we will figure out that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were just put there by the Illuminati to mock us.

They sure do. That is all they do.

Darn tootin!

[edit on 7/23/09 by QweeQwa]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by exponent

Oh no, not again.

Dont tell me there is still DOUBT about WHO DID 9/11???????

No, this cant be not at this stage.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by SPreston

A few more points that go way beyond the laws of averages, and missing or overlooked evidence.

Every airport in the entire world uses CCTV, the security personal are trained to monitor certain individuals, everyone knows that leading up to the 9/11 attacks that America had been warned by counter terrorist agencies world wide, to keep on their toes, be alert, Al Qeada was brewing up something, Al Qeada are suicidal maniacs and are of Arabic origin, middle eastern terrorists love nothing better than hijacking planes, let`s look at this whole scenario..

1. America had been warned.

2. Airports and CCTV.

3. Al Qeada, Arabic members, 19 terrorists all of Arabic descent, airports and trained security personal, forewarned of Arabic terrorists, CCTV.

4. Not one clip of any of the 19 Arabic terrorists from any of the numerous CCTV`s, absolutely amazing.

503 first responders not to attend the behind closed doors commission, why?.

Many of these had reported and some where injured by explosions as low as the lobby, why the neglecting of testing for evidence of explosions?.

Normal protocols of serious crime ethics completely disregarded, no lengthy forensic evidence combing with the whole area cordoned off, in fact just the opposite as all the steel was shipped to China, even though this was the 1st, 2nd and 3rd time in history buildings built to withstand intense heat had obviously failed.

85 videos confiscated at the Pentagon not one frame of a plane hitting it is captured.

Original flight manifests did not show 1 passenger of Arabic origin, FOIA reveals the autopsy results from flight AA11 and again no DNA from bodies of Arabic descent.

First aviation disater in history where a plane managed to bury itself including the re-placement of soil.

20 plus at hand eye witnesses of the twin tower strikes all working for government controlled news agencies.

Bush stating he was shown via T.V. the 1st plane hitting, a day before the 1st plane hitting news footage was released.

B.B.C. Stating in graphic detail the collapse of tower seven 23 minutes before it collapsed.

Silverstein and the `Pull it` fiasco.

Adverse stock market trading still to this day being investigated.

Bin Laden has never been indicted for 9/11.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
I'm wondering how none of you have pointed this out so far. The official story of 9-11 is just a conspiracy theory perpetrated by our government about an evil-boogy man designed to bring justification for us to go to war with them. I don't see why so many skeptics, or, regular people buy into it. Anyone else see it like this?

I don't understand either....a HYPOTHESIS with NO evidence to back it up, ignores 'basic' physics, ignores eye witnesses, ignores evidence that would change the HYPOTHESIS....

The ONLY thing I can think of, being healthy enough to have NOT gone to the doctor or been on ANY type of medication for the last 30 + years, and trying to keep a low meat diet, I went for a physical for the first time in 25 years, last year,(my original Dr. died and never had the need to see another one),... The Dr. said I had WAY high cholesterol levels and prescribed pills.... there is NO high blood pressure or ANY heart problems with the family tree or anyone living, so I didn't feel like I need it, I never got the prescription filled.

On my visit 2 months later, and she was surprised how good my levels looked, "looks like the medication is working"...she said..then I said "I never took the prescription"...her face 'immediately' went blank and she looked guilty of something. She didn't say anything for about 30 seconds, then I said "I changed my diet", which I didn't, then she proceeded to give fake praise about my accomplishments, but said I should take the meds anyway....yea right...never been back to her.

So the moral of this story, is that I think most ALL meds, along with some foods, are changing brain patterns and destroying peoples them the mind and reason of 4 and 5 year olds...'waiting' and 'wanting' to be told what to do....all you have to do is look around to see this happening

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
I'm wondering how none of you have pointed this out so far. The official story of 9-11 is just a conspiracy theory perpetrated by our government about an evil-boogy man designed to bring justification for us to go to war with them. I don't see why so many skeptics, or, regular people buy into it. Anyone else see it like this?

No, because the official theory actually has evidence to back it up,

oh...PLEASE post this "evidence"

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by exponent

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
A ton of evidence contradicts it though.

This is just not true. I have been researching 911 now for a fairly long period of time, years in fact, and I have come across virtually nothing I would consider to be strong evidence against the 'official story'.

how about some 'PHYSICAL' evidence to BACK-UP the 'official story'

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by hgfbob

Originally posted by exponent

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
A ton of evidence contradicts it though.

This is just not true. I have been researching 911 now for a fairly long period of time, years in fact, and I have come across virtually nothing I would consider to be strong evidence against the 'official story'.

how about some 'PHYSICAL' evidence to BACK-UP the 'official story'

The problem isn't the evidence supporting the investigations. The problem is your willingness to accept the evidence produce from those investigations. Further, it is also about the complete lack of evidence to support any alternate theory, and ones ability to discern credible material.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Taxi-Driver

The problem isn't the evidence supporting the investigations. The problem is your willingness to accept the evidence produce from those investigations. Further, it is also about the complete lack of evidence to support any alternate theory, and ones ability to discern credible material.

[color=gold] “The problem is your willingness to accept the evidence produce from those investigations.” You might want to try the same. Pot calling kettle.

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by impressme

[color=gold] “The problem is your willingness to accept the evidence produce from those investigations.” You might want to try the same. Pot calling kettle.

I HAVE tried the same. Everytime it turns out to be doofus web-junk. Circular referenced, cherry-picked, non-contemporaneous, poorly constructed. You name it.

If it had any validity, don't you think someone would have a working account of events backed with evidence?

Most don't even have a clue as to what "theories" they believe, they just kinda jump from one to another, even if the theories contradict themselves.

All I really want is something to compare.

If the "conspiracy" is soo obvious then it should be simple to construct a more legitamite account of events. 8 years in and ..NADA.. just some sophmoric story fragments that paint what could be best described as a deranged Piccasso.

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