posted on May, 7 2004 @ 07:45 AM
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, are developing a self-powered exoskeleton.
Potential functions include allowing dismounted soldiers to carry much heavier loads - such as weapons, other equipment and wounded troops - than is
possible with muscle power alone. The Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton (BLEEX) consists of mechanical metal leg braces that are connected rigidly
to the user at the feet and more loosely elsewhere.
BLEEX is designed so that the wearer becomes an integral part of the exoskeleton and requires no special training to use it. More than 40 sensors and
hydraulic actuators form a local-area network for the exoskeleton that functions much like a human nervous system. The sensors, including some that
are embedded within the shoe pads, constantly provide the BLEEX central computer with brain information so that it can adjust the load based upon what
the human is doing.
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