posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 04:12 AM
Sometimes names mean nothing. Take mine for example.
Today I had someone assume wrongly that I was meaning that I had an advantage over them or
whatever... really got their panties in a wad. Jokes on them
How I got my name? Well Ive been here on and off for several years. When I would move cross country or out of country Id get rid of my account or
forget a password.. changing providers, I couldnt get a password reminder sent to me. I was getting annoyed and was looking for a name.. any name
would do I guess since one or 2 I tried were already taken. We had just gotten our 2nd chinese hairless puppy and he had a few fleas. We had bought
flea powder called "Advantage". Its a cat flea powder, but you use it on Hairless dogs since its milder. I saw the bottle and used the name. Yes, I
am named after a flea powder..
NO moron out there.. I dont think I have an advantage over you unless its superior flea killing powers..