posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:49 AM
While watching, it started to look very much like car headlights from behind, reflecting on a window, Especially at 2:46, You can see a indicator
light, as it passes, you can also hear the car overtake them.
The fathers lack of reaction doesn't really do anything for me either,
annnd at 3:53 that was a truck... -_-
Im not trying to "poo poo" on these kids in any way, but that would be my guess.
good find though.
On a side note, when you find videos on youtube, don't forget to have a look at their userpage. It sometimes gives you an incite into why they would
post this sort of footage (if it is for dodgey reasons) These kids have a running tally of the amount of visitors and views they get, >.>! just
reminds me of the gentlemen that shall remain nameless who posted very very interesting "paranormal" footage, and then the next week was hawking his
CD`s through the page.
[edit on 9-7-2009 by KoraX]