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Bail outs for THEM, But 9/11 Rescue Workers Can Fend for Themselves!!

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posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 07:06 PM
First the Bush administration scraps a health care plan for 9/11 rescue workers.
Then members of New York City's congressional delegation hold a hearing with the rescue workers and the Bush administration decides to skip it.
United States Health and Human Services Department blows off news agency.

I wonder if the Obama Administration will keep with the same plan?

"It simply was an aircraft, residue of two aircraft and residue from the materials used to build this building," Issa said.

GOP Rep. opposes sick Sept. 11 worker fund

WASHINGTON, April 2 (UPI) — A California congressman said Wednesday he has reservations about a proposed new fund for rescuers sickened by the 2001 terror attacks, not supporting victims.

At a hearing in Washington Tuesday, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., balked at the idea of a new compensation fund for emergency responders who fell ill after the Sept. 11 attacks in New York, the New York Daily News reported.

Issa insisted the airliners that crashed into the World Trade Center towers in New York were not weapons. He suggested the cause of illness for the responders was simply debris from the collapse of the towers.


So your telling me its just fine and dandy to Bail out all these failed Companies and their Criminal friends.. But when it comes to the Heros of 911... They can just fend for themselves??? WTF!!!

We can talk about this or that all day long folks.. How the buildings fell, And what happened.. But to me this is just as bad..

IF you want a conspiracy.. Well start here folks..
This is sad!! Why would they do this to the only people who where there to help clean up this mess!!

And this is how we treat our heros???

I guess they would have been better off if they sent in Bank of America.. Or another failed company to have gone in and done the job..
Maybe they would have gotten some funding.. Or some help.

It just burns me up.. This whole time, they are talking like they don't have the funds to help them out..
And in a few years, turn around and Bail out every failing company out there!

Billions no wait Trillions in bail out money.. Yet they can't even help out those who put life and limb on the line..
YAY! America!

What shall we see from the Obama Admin? Any Change? Or just more of the same?
I guess our government can call them "Heroes".. But in the same breath they can treat them like slaves..

You know I thank all men and women fighting for my rights.. But I do not like how they are treated when they come home all blown up and messed up inside... Its just how this works..
And I don't understand why.. ITs all backwards!!!

There is so much more to all this that I will digg into more as I go on with this thread.. But heres a little taste of what is to come while I defend these true heros.. And not fruads like Guiliani!

Guiliani nauseates me so bad. I can't stand how he's hailed as a hero but all you have to do is watch what the first responders say about him. Calling of the search for bodies right after the gold was found. Giving the responders faulty communication devices which resulted in their not being able to tell each other to get out of the collapsing buildings, not issuing masks so that the 1st responders breathe the toxic dust, etc.

[edit on 9-7-2009 by zysin5]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 07:19 PM
PLEASE PLEASE HELP OUR HEROES!!! yes our fire fighters and everyone else who was at Ground Zero on 9-11, they are getting sick, very, very sick and hundreds have already died from lung and upper respitory issues from the debres at ground zero. And the government is not doing enough to help! many have a hard time getting any assistance for they're illnesses. Please get the word out.
Call your local/state governments/senators, NYC's mayor ANYONE & EVERYONE

Sadly most of these cries went unheard.. This went to the government only to be slapped down..
Will Obama Bring the change he so promised us?

WHY can they not see that from 911 so many are ill, we came from across America to help now no one helps us. .HR-847 MUST BE PASSED WRITE TO PRESIDENT OBAMA AND LET HIM KNOW HOW YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE SUFFERING,HE IS OUR ONLY HOPE! PLEASE CALL,WRITE AND EMAIL THE CONGRESS AND WHITE HOUSE NOW!!!!!!!!

Lets take a look back shall we?

This is back in 2006! Many people now have lost their lives trying to fix this mess..
Now no matter what you belive about 911.. This should help show you something is not right here..

Im not talking steel or Jet fuel.. Im not talking Thermite or bombs..
No Im talking about human lives here..
Those same humans who put their butts on the line to save people like you and me..

What gives? And what has been done for these people?

Out of all the 911 stuff I go through.. I think this stuff bothers me the deepest.. Granted theres enough on 911 to make a man depressed.. But gezzz.. This just really goes to show you don't it?

We can Bail out Criminals.. Yet this is how we Treat our "heroes"

[edit on 9-7-2009 by zysin5]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 07:32 PM
RED TAPE!!! They spread it far and wide! They want to fight this in courts while they hand out Trillions of dollars to their criminals friends on WALLSTREET!!! You have to be kidding me? right?

I wish it was some sick joke.. But its not!
H.R. 847 - FealGood Foundation

So this is where we are at today.. And still talking about it like should we fund the 911 heros?

They claim this and that.. They say well.. Becasue they are not contracted by the government.. We can not fund them..

But its okay to Fund all your criminal friends on Wallstreet.. The Fed.. You name it... How many Bail outs have passed since 911?

And these people are still trying to find help?

Here is your conspiracy..
Death Toll Continues after 8 Years for 9/11 Responders

[edit on 8-7-2009 by zysin5]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 07:55 PM
No good deed goes unpunished.

I'll do what I can to make sure this gets attention, email friends and family n such.

Good thread, needs more attention, regardless who done it, people got hurt! Even the ones who really risked their lives, they knew the job but, that doesn't mean we shouldn't pay back the favor!

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 07:58 PM
If anyone would like to check out the Youtube page for this foundation check it out by click here!
All I ask is that you go see the videos and hear what they have to say.

I normally steer clear of 911 threads, and posts.. But this just has me so damned bothered!

If you know anyone still on the fence about 911... Just show them what is happening to these people.. The same people who ran in and gave their lives to save others..

While all those Fat cats who sit in their Ivory towers, getting Bailed out for failing to do their jobs.. Those who fail get trillions of dollars!

While the men and women who gave their lives to save the people of this country get to die off slowly.. Have to Beg, and ask for help..

When their own countries government has turned their back on them..
Something sertinly just burns me up inside..
And rarely do I ever make 911 threads..
But this one needed to be done so I could atleast sleep at night.. Or at the least look at myself in the mirror and say.. I did my part to atleast try to inform others of whats going on..

Belive what you want about 911.. These are some cold true facts about the men and women who gave so much to save those with so much less!
As I stated before.. This isnt about buildings or inside jobs.. This is about the human factor that seemed to sit on the way side, for how many God Damn years now? Close to 8 freakin years.. Shameful!

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by Republican08
No good deed goes unpunished.

I'll do what I can to make sure this gets attention, email friends and family n such.

Good thread, needs more attention, regardless who done it, people got hurt! Even the ones who really risked their lives, they knew the job but, that doesn't mean we shouldn't pay back the favor!

Thanks you for your time and effort! Your right.. Theres so much back and forth about this and that.. That the real victums of 911 have sat by the way side for too long!
Granted there are many questions to be asked and answered.. But honestly we are not going to get those answers any time soon..
These people need our attention!

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 08:27 PM
I know how you feel, the 'burning up inside' thing is eating at me as well.
It's your inner sense of justice, that gets bombarded day in day out with reports of massive injustice, the bailouts being an excellent example, ...and there's not much you can do with limited resources, so you feel helpless.
What bothers me the most, I guess, is that I do not believe in Karma or Judgment Day, so I do not believe the scumbags always get punished for their scumbaggery.
They probably believe the same thing and simply get away with it. We can tell ourselves that money doesn't buy happiness, but I bet they enjoy their high class hookers in their high class resorts with 5-star meals and hardly a worry in the world...
And besides that, money may not buy happiness, but poverty certainly buys misery.

Being a selfless, kind person who wants to do the right thing at every turn simply doesn't pay off, and so in this system it's the coldblooded who run off with the goodies.
Don't expect Obama to lift a finger though, this electoral democratic system serves Capitalism, profiteering, and he's in the pocket.

Such a shame for the true heroes of the world, who are left to crawl the death pile without posters and bumper stickers glorifying them.

I agree, it's all backwards.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 08:43 PM
The government views the first responders as expendable or as bums looking for a handout.Looks like the new administration will simply pretend they don't exist,much like our POW's and MIA's in Vietnam.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by mike dangerously

As much as I hate to say it.. But much like they treat military folk? Now don't get me wrong.. I thank all you men and women out there fighting for my right to sit here on my PC and say this.. But aren't you getting screwed? And screwed hard?

I just think if anything will wake people up it will be this point right here..
The American people do not think of these guys as bums.. Yet our own government does..

Thats some smelling salts right there my friends.. And if anyone would try to defend the government on this one.. Well prehaps they are lost for good. But good people with good hearts will see this and honestly feel like I do.. Hurt and sad about this.

No matter what you think about 911.. Lets just say for the sake of agument, That Osma Bin Ladin did it.. Okay fine.. But what about these Heros? Why are they getted treated like this?
Makes more sense now that its an inside job doesnt it?

So instead of jumping right out with 911 was an inside job.. Lets start with the people who really matter..

They are dying off left and right the last 8 years.. And when they are dead we have no more eye wittness..

Is that what they want to have happen? Is that why the government wants them to die? As I truely feel the government wants them dead..
Or they would have thrown them some funding by now..

And Im talking good funding!!

They can throw out Trillions of Damn dollars to the real BUMS on wallstreet and their criminal buddies in their ivory towers..

It just really didnt hit me until last week.. I started to add up all the money in bail outs.. VS what the firefighters/police workers got.. And it was shameful!!!

Even to our men and women overseas.. I feel sorry for them when the good ole US of A is done with them..
Toss um out.. And bring in the New kids.. They are even dumber than the last batch.. No offense.. But how long must this go down before people really start to wake up!

People are doing pretty good comming around.. But theres alot of work to be done.. The ground work is laided out.. Good information is out there..

But if you want to start someone off on 911 threads.. I would suggest to start with something like this.. And not something like it was Thermite.. OR bombs where in the building..

That comes with time.. And no matter what you belive.. You can belive this.. Those men and women are suffering at the hands of our own Government.. They are not even trying to cover it up..

Yet people only care about MJ, or some other propped up Story that deludes the real stories from ever getting any air time..

Thanks for your replies!! Every reply counts!! And all the help is very much needed and I thank you for having a heart!

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 09:04 PM
VERY well put together information. It is a shame, but it's the cold hard truth. These hero's have been working very hard fighting for their lives.


After going through all that, to sit back and have to deal with these bureaucrats.


Thanks again for this post

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by The_Brave
VERY well put together information.
Thanks again for this post

No Thank you for taking the time to read and listen!! Im just doing what any good American would do.

Now to the final issue at hand to this thread..
Exposing the corruption and involvemnt and profiting off 9/11, as well as the deaths of NYC Firefighters because of his radio screw up. IAFF documentary Rudy Giuliani: Urban Legend, Giuliani Partners who created a business out of the tragedy making him millons. Censored profile and videos on Youtube and always featured candidate on Youtube banner.

Guiliani nauseates me so bad. Honestly when I look or think of the man I get sick to my stomach. Personal note.. He is a slimeball, He is a coward and takes so many things out of context its sickening!
I can't stand how he's hailed as a hero but all you have to do is watch what the first responders say about him. Calling of the search for bodies right after the gold was found. Giving the responders faulty communication devices which resulted in their not being able to tell each other to get out of the collapsing buildings, not issuing masks so that the 1st responders breathe the toxic dust and other toxic fumes!

Giuliani Gets Exposed As Fraud by Firefighters (Prepare to get angry!)

Take us back to the first WTC attacks in 1993

Giuliani Bungled Preparation in Years After 1993 Attack on Trade Center. Critical failures by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani before, during and after the terrorist attack on September 11, 200...
Giuliani Bungled Preparation in Years After 1993 Attack on Trade Center.

Critical failures by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani before, during and after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, raise serious questions about his ability to be commander-in-chief.
So Glad he didnt make it into office.. But he never really stood a chance.. But his platform was sickening!! Truth be told, he is a snake!

In this thirteen minute documentary, fire fighters, fire officers and family members give dramatic testimony about Giuliani's leadership failures. Their dramatic stories tell how Giuliani failed to provide the FDNY with radios that worked, which led to the deaths of 121 fire fighters inside the World Trade Center's North Tower because they were unable to hear orders to evacuate.

Fire fighters also point to Giuliani's poor judgment in placing his emergency command center at 7 World Trade Center, a known terrorist target after the 1993 bombing.

This video documents the mayor's lack of respect for the fallen when he called off the recovery effort at Ground Zero on Nov. 1, 2001, after $200 million in gold bullion was recovered.

"We produced this documentary because we need to make sure our members know Giuliani's real record," said IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger.

"The UFA participated in this video to correct the myth that Rudy Giuliani has perpetrated on the American public," said Steve Cassidy, president of the Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York, IAFF Local 94.

The Giuliani campaign defended the former mayor's record by issuing a release that lists items he purchased for FDNY.

"But the campaign, with its response, has neglected to address the charges of failed leadership outlined in our documentary," President Schaitberger said.

"Purchasing equipment for a fire department doesn't qualify any mayor to be president," said Jack McDonnell, president of New York City Local 854, the Uniformed Fire Officers Association.

"If that's the litmus test for president of the United States, then most mayors in this country qualify for the job. Giuliani is running on his 9/11 record, and his 9/11 record is laced with failures in preparedness and response," McDonnell said.

The IAFF has not made an endorsement in the 2008 presidential election. Local 94 supported President George W. Bush in the 2004 election, while the IAFF
and Local 854 endorsed Sen. John Kerry.

The International Association of Fire Fighters, headquartered in Washington, DC, represents more than 280,000 full-time professional fire fighters and paramedics in every state in the United States and in Canada. More information is available at and at

You can find much more information on this by doing some of your own foot work.. I just wanted to lay down something to start with..
You can learn alot here aswell..
IAFF Fire Fighters Website
And lastly..
Rudy Giuliani Urban ledgend

And thanks again folks!!

[edit on 9-7-2009 by zysin5]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 02:24 AM
One post up is very important part of this thread to understand and watch.
This is a must see for any truther seeker.. Member of any truth movement.
Or just your everyday person that holds no ties to any one group!
And even those who are anti truthers..

You know theres so many labels I get confused here.. So lets just say this thread is FOR everyone!! No labels here.. We all depend on these people to save our skin when we are in danger!!

For once they should feel like they have others looking out for them..
Please help me make this thread worth while..
Its not one of those threads where you will see alot of heated flame wars.. Or any bickering about this or that.. Its very solid and needs to be addressed by all members who take part in 911 truth. 911 movements.. Or just simply give a damn about the whole thing!

If you care.. Please flag this, star it.. And give it your time to read and watch each video..
Im not here to prove much of anything.. Thats for you to decide..
But I am here to spread the word...
In times like these its a damn Shame, that our government will hand out so much money.. And have to hold meetings and courts to consider funding these sick Heroes!!

When was the last time you saw a Bail out take 8 years to pass?

What they write them up and pass them within hours or days..
And this they pander and slip and slide for years upon years!! Damn this pisses me off more than anything 911 related..
Not much I can do for those who are already dead.. But I sure the hell can do something about those still alive!

[edit on 9-7-2009 by zysin5]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:03 AM
I'm surprised this thread hasn't reached 3-4 pages by now. This thread deals with reality. There is no conspiracy here. It shows outright contempt and complete disregard for human life.

People put their lives at risk attempting to save the lives of complete strangers, and their selfless acts have been all but ignored by the US government. Yet, international banks receive their bailouts, and high level executives receive their bonuses.

It is disgusting, and it certainly shows that the previous administration, as well as the current, have very little concern for the well being of their own citizens.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by zysin5

On behalf of all my brothers and sisters in the Fire service thank you my friend!

The elite cared nothing for the First responders on 9/11 except to use them as martyrs for an insane agenda. If they cared and really saw them as the hero's they were that day they would have been helped.

Instead they wait for them to die off.

The NYFD sent in battalions believing this was like any other disaster.

343 of them never went back to the firehouse because of greed.

Zy5 thank you again for such a great thread and taking the time to put it al together. I dont understand why so many are not outraged, do they not believe it?

God help us all if America does not stand up and help Firefighters, if you only knew the sacrifice we are always ready to make.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by LoneGunMan

Thank you sir! And you are welcome! Its the least I can do on my limited income! If I had the money myself I would do as much as I could. But many of us are barely able to just keep up with the month to month thing. Just like these men and women.

I will just keep trucking with this thread, and hopefully it will be seen by the right folks, and get the word spread.. But Im not holding my breath. 8 years is a long time for them to side on the side lines..

Those radios really upset me.. And what Rudy said about those 121 firefighters who died.. Rudy said.. Well they decided to stay to help out others.. Thats a bold face agenda pushing LIE!! They where told to get out! And when your brothers tell you to GET OUT, you get out!!
But no Rudy claimed they wanted to stay and die out of honor.. So Rudy the little worm would gain credit from their deaths!!!

Rudy should be run out on a rail!!! And never be allowed in the public eye ever again!! Border line Treason! The least he should be put out of any office permantly! The most put in %#@%# Jail!!!

astrij posted on 9-7-2009 at 03:03 AM
I'm surprised this thread hasn't reached 3-4 pages by now. This thread deals with reality. There is no conspiracy here. It shows outright contempt and complete disregard for human life.

People put their lives at risk attempting to save the lives of complete strangers, and their selfless acts have been all but ignored by the US government. Yet, international banks receive their bailouts, and high level executives receive their bonuses.

I keep telling myself that prehaps there are other threads that are grabbing the attention span of ATS right now.. MJ's ghost on CNN I guess is more important.. Or prehaps the 911 folks just have not seen this yet and I just made it yesterday so I will give it some time before I get upset that no one is really listening or wants to talk about this..

Sometimes the things based in reality get the least attention on here because some people do not want to deal with the cold hard facts of life.
Some would rather pander and argue with one another and create this divsion line down our ranks. You see it works to the overlords favor to have truthers on one side and debunkers on the other.

No one can debunk this thread.. Thus why bother posting? Or some just don't want to face the fact that something is really wrong with this picture.
What ever it may be.. I will give it a few days for this to catch on before I go off on some wild Rant!!

But trust me.. My heart is in on this one.. And it hurts me deeply to see what has happened to those who put life and limb to help others...

God forbid there is another attack, and all firefighters and other first responders stand in their doorways, and not want to throw themself in harms way..
But we all know NO matter what happened to them, they wouldnt do that.. Unlike our government and officals.. Firefighters HAVE HONOR!

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:20 PM
It is a sick that... I wish it was surprising and some kinda fluke rare thing but it aint. The US government has taken to treating all of its citizens like servants of the state rather than the free men and women they are.

Those that went in to help save others on 911 now have all kinds of lung diseases to deal with, Emotional issues few can comprehend, and on top of that lets face it, Firefighters do not get great pay in comparison to a banker...yet they get treated in such a manner it makes one wonder why they even bother?

Great men and women all.

They deserve so much more.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by titorite

Is all true too.. And my questioin would be why are they just letting them die off.. While at the same time funding their criminal friends on wallstreet and beyond now..

Id like to find a couple debunkers to come into this thread and tell me what they think about all this..
I'd like a few answers to all this.. I think our government owes us some answers on this..

We hit the brick wall on trying to get answers for questions about so many 911 problems.. I feel this one should take a front seat..

If we can expose this. Just think of what would follow..
One foot in front of the other..

Its a house of Cards.. and this Card is ready to be pulled!

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 07:52 PM
I hear crickets... chirp chirp.. No debunkers or skeptics of 911 would like to challenge this information? I just thought maybe I would get one hard core skeptic to come in and defend his government!!

But as it stands I honestly don't see how.. In light of the bail outs, and other things that have happened the past 8 years.. This I guess is an open shut case..

People would rather fight or argue about things that will change nothing.. While letting those people who risked it all JUST DIE!!!

I won't risk going off the wall here.. I understand all to well about 911 maddness.. Ive pulled my hair out a few times really trying to get people to listen to me.. But now that I have a good angel this time.. I don't think anyone can debunk, or defend their government for such SHAMEFUL acts of treason VS their fellow man!!!

If this doesnt wake up a debunker or skeptic nothing will folks.. NOTHING!

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:47 PM
Rudy and many others would love for the firefighters to just die off that way less questions are asked and the politicians get to play hero.This issue is quickly becoming becoming taboo and anyone who brings this out will be treated like a paranoid lunatic.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 07:34 AM
This is further proof the US govt is erasing the events of 9 11. They truly want that day to be forgotten. This could be a blessing in disguise though. Maybe this blatant disregard for not only US citizens but Heroes who put their lives on the line is what we need to stir up the dookey and get the foul stench of Treason in the nostrils of the sleeple. How CAN anyone be proud to be American? This just hurts. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. TPTB do not care and do not hide that fact.

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