posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 02:42 PM
Want to know why we're fighting in the middle east? It has NOTHING to do with human rights, WMDs, the 911 attacks, or Al Quaida.
It has everything to do with major corporations, primarily oil and dependent industries, being so far in bed with our government that they are
virtually 'married'.
The UCA is so intent on ensuring that the flow of oil, or industrial 'life blood', doesn't stop flowing to it that it will stop at nothing to
prevent 'clots' from happening.
The sad part is that there are alternatives to oil, such as fuel cells, solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear; but these all spell death to the oil
industrial complex. Thus they have all been suppressed for so many years even though the technology exists, at the cost of you, me, and our sons and
While our friends and relatives are being traumatized, maimed, and killed over seas under the guise of 'freedom', the UCA is doing nothing more than
ensuring that its power-base remains intact, regardless of the price we as individuals are expected to pay.
Wake up people!
[edit on 7/8/2009 by billybobh3]