posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 10:45 AM
I reckon you should go ahead with your first idea. It'd be a wonderful tribute and a very moving moment. Maybe listen to it lots and lots now, and
try to break down that emotional barrier you're worried about. And there's nothing wrong with being a blubbering wreck on your wedding day dude,
it's a day crammed full of emotion, and your nanna will be on your mind as it is. Your wife to be will be at your side, she can be your strength.
Basicly, I reckon that whatever you decide to play, you will always have that feeling that someone is missing. And that's going to hurt no matter
what. Go for it Shane, you've already decided that you want to pay this tribute on your special day.
But, with that said, what ever you decide to play, will be great. Congratulations to you and your future wife. may you have many years of happyness
ahead of you both.