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Identifying REAL Crop Circles!!

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posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Wow your username fits you well with your last post on this thread.
Ummm i think not using any logic would be me starting a thread stating every crop circle is made by ALIENS, belive it all, we are going to die! Or one of the CC's with a message! I do agree that it should have its own section as well, and of course there are alot made by man.

Why dont you break down for me, how man created these crop circles with stretched nodes, basically changing the structure of the crop, then adding radiaton, and sightings in the sky to go with SOME of these crop circles? I respect your view, but i think its hard enough for some people to do this in a night, or even a couple nights by just using boards, and excluding the radiation, and change in molecular structure. This thread is opened for the purpose of further investigation, and not just viewing aerial pics and searching for secret messages!

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by thesneakiod

IMO - We people are sceptical enough as is! If they were written in english, spanish, portugese, etc, they would be simply written off as a hoax by a person of that nationality. Its either too simple, or not perfect enough for some people. Even the crop circles that are 3d, done overnight, and meet the criteria i think would be good prior to trying to decipher the message is called bunk!

As for locations, i believe these circles could also be transportation points for craft, or they are marking a certain area as a anamolous "energy" source we dont understand. Hell, what if they arent trying to tell us anything? Or its just a message only the government can decipher, im not sure? But i do think its pretty cool that some of the recent crop circles were deciphered and had something to do with sunflares or spots on the 7th? Maybe they sun spot didnt do anything to us, but its pretty odd a crop circle hoaxer made the circle, knowing there would be solar flares or spots ahead of time...

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
Why dont you break down for me, how man created these crop circles with stretched nodes, basically changing the structure of the crop, then adding radiaton, and sightings in the sky to go with SOME of these crop circles? I respect your view, but i think its hard enough for some people to do this in a night, or even a couple nights by just using boards, and excluding the radiation, and change in molecular structure. This thread is opened for the purpose of further investigation, and not just viewing aerial pics and searching for secret messages!

I think there are some real (meaning naturally occurring) crop circles, made by dust devils, or similar meteorological phenomena sort of like a small tornado. One characteristic those naturally occurring crop circles tend to have is rough edges, instead of the sharp edges we see on the manmade circles.

We all know the hummingbird circle was manmade right? I don't doubt we can find stretched nodes there, though I haven't looked. And we've seen videos of some low tech guys making them at night right? With ropes and planks. I admit that doesn't prove they are all manmade, but I tend to try to conclude what's more likely. If the hummingbird is manmade they all could be. And I can't think of a simpler explanation for the others than that, and all else being equal, often the simplest explanation is the best.

Regarding radiation, it occurs naturally. A common test done by homeowners is to test for radon gas, caused by naturally occurring radiation. While homes with high radon levels tend to group together, it's possible for two homes to be situated next to each other where one home has higher radon readings (and hence higher naturally occurring radiation levels) than the other. This is not so much an anomalous radiation reading as it is naturally occurring variation. This same type of naturally occurring variation in radiation levels could also occur in fields so I wouldn't be too quick to label it anomalous.

[edit on 9-7-2009 by Arbitrageur]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Well i would call it anomalous due to the fact that the radiation levels are much higher in the crop circles than outside of it. Dust devils? i highly doubt that. Maybe a small oval or circle would be created but nothing of the intricacy we have seen.

Yes, i have no problem admitting that the hummingbird was hoaxed and i was one of the first on that thread saying i was happy this was brought to everyones attention. Now if that CC was tested for the things i would like it to (not sure any of them will ever be) we wouldnt even be talking of it, therefore eliminating that from the bunch of what should be further investigated.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 09:49 PM

Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
Well i would call it anomalous due to the fact that the radiation levels are much higher in the crop circles than outside of it. Dust devils? i highly doubt that. Maybe a small oval or circle would be created but nothing of the intricacy we have seen.

We are in complete agreement on the dust devils. I also do not think they can make the intricate patterns like the hummingbird. Just ovals, or circles with rough edges, or possibly some simple lines connecting them too. But rough edges instead of sharp.
I would be interested in seeing the data you have on the radiation levels being higher inside the circle than outside, I haven't seen that.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I knew you'd ask. Even though im on dial up connection
here are a few examples

High Radiation in crop circles - you'll have to atleast skim through to see the word "radiation" and then start reading.

I only have a dial up connection right now, or i would also include some youtube videos where it is stated as well.

*edit to add link

[edit on 9-7-2009 by ziggyproductions05]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 10:57 PM
I would agree with the person posting that crop circles should be in a category of their own. It seems to me that a lot of people assume they are connected with aliens and UFOs.

I understand that many people have reported that some crop circles are obnviously made by people whereas others aseem to be unexplained.

Also, there are different theories for the origins of crop circles.
I know that some people insist that all crop circles are made by humans, but I think it is at least an interesting question why there has been no major expose of who is funding this massive fraud and deception scheme if that is the case.

I would also suggest that the question posed in the thread should be reversed, that is:

How do you identify a crop circle as being made by humans?

I do agree with the sceptics that in my mind, the crop circles look more and more like they are being designed by humans - but how would I knw what an "aline designed" crop circle would look like?

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by ziggyproductions05

Thanks for the links, I look forward to reading them!

BTW you can post youtube links just like you posted those, it takes no more bandwidth so you can do it on dialup. Just look for the URL on the right hand side of the youtube page, it's in a special box where you can copy and then paste it here just like the other 4 links.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Oh i know, i just have to see the videos myself to know exactly which ones they are, and it takes about a half hour or so to load 1 minute of each video on this connection.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
We are in complete agreement on the dust devils. I also do not think they can make the intricate patterns like the hummingbird. Just ovals, or circles with rough edges, or possibly some simple lines connecting them too. But rough edges instead of sharp.
I would be interested in seeing the data you have on the radiation levels being higher inside the circle than outside, I haven't seen that.

I believe the "modern era" of crop circles began in the early 1970s. At that time all crop circles were round flattened shapes and many scientists believed they were all caused by meteorlogical causes (like a spinning dust devil). I know that back at that time, there were several sightings of similar cirlces in grass and fields that were associated with UFOs. In fact, these were labelled as "saucer nests".

It is possible that the crop circles started "evolving" into more exotic shapes as a result of some people who wanted to prove they were made by aliens as an attempt to debunk the idea they were all due to anomolous weather. Its a theory, but I still wonder why it seems that no one ever gets caught in the act and why there are not more "half finished designs" with big mistakes showing.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by bluestreak53

That is a really good point. Why dont we see unfinished, caught in the act CC fakers? It would make sense of what you say.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I knew you'd ask. Even though im on dial up connection
here are a few examples

High Radiation in crop circles - you'll have to atleast skim through to see the word "radiation" and then start reading.
[edit on 9-7-2009 by ziggyproductions05]

I found this statement in the 4th link: "Then there are levels of background radiation up to 300% above normal" so now what we need to see is the evidence upon which that statement was based. I was unable to find anything like that in any of the 4 links so far.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
reply to post by bluestreak53

That is a really good point. Why dont we see unfinished, caught in the act CC fakers? It would make sense of what you say.

Its because of where they're made. Mostly in fields in the dead of night.
And since a lot of these fields are in the middle of nowhere, usually next to motorways or country lanes, there is no one around to witness them being made.

Most CCs can only be seen from the air, so they are unlikely to be noticed at ground level if they are unfinished, untill the CCers or farmers tip people off that is.

And its more than likely that the farmers get a hefty wedge of cash to let these happen. Maybe even the tourist board could be involved as well.

posted on Jul, 10 2009 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by thesneakiod

Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
reply to post by bluestreak53

That is a really good point. Why dont we see unfinished, caught in the act CC fakers? It would make sense of what you say.

Its because of where they're made. Mostly in fields in the dead of night.
And since a lot of these fields are in the middle of nowhere, usually next to motorways or country lanes, there is no one around to witness them being made.

Most CCs can only be seen from the air, so they are unlikely to be noticed at ground level if they are unfinished, untill the CCers or farmers tip people off that is.

And its more than likely that the farmers get a hefty wedge of cash to let these happen. Maybe even the tourist board could be involved as well.

I agree with all your comments.

I watched a video of some guys making crop circles made with a nightvision camera, and from what I saw in the video, you could have driven right past them on the road 50 feet away and you'd have no idea what they were doing or that they were even there. It's not visible from the road.

I agree some farmers are collecting cash, like for the Jellyfish I suspect that's the case though I have no proof. The guys in that video I saw weren't paying the farmers though, they were just "being artistic" and then smiling when people oooohed and aaaaaahed at their artwork.

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