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You're Not The Boss Of Me

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posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:54 PM
Not sure if anyone here is familiar with Larkin Rose, but he gave this speech in front of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia this past July 4th...

I think his words bear repeating here...Please read the link in its entirety before commenting...

You're Not The Boss Of Me

This July 4th, like every year, millions of Americans are celebrating Independence Day with various parades, picnics, fireworks, and so on. But how many of those people celebrating have ever actually considered what the Declaration was actually about, and what the colonists actually did? The colonists did not merely beg the king to change his ways. In fact, the Declaration explains how they had tried that, to no avail. Instead, the colonists were doing something far more drastic.

In short, they committed treason. They broke the law. They disobeyed their government. They were traitors, criminals and tax cheats. The Boston Tea Party was not merely a tax protest, but open lawlessness. Furthermore, truth be told, some of the colonists were even cop-killers. At Lexington, when King George's "law enforcers" told the colonists to lay down their guns, the colonists responded with, "No, you're not the boss of us!" (Well, that was the meaning, if not the exact verbiage.) And so we had "The Shot Heard 'Round the World," widely regarded as the beginning of the American Revolution.

Imagine the equivalent of what the colonists did so many years ago, being done today. Imagine a group of people writing a letter to the United States government, sending a letter to Congress and to the President, saying that they would no longer pay federal taxes, they would no longer obey federal laws, and that they would resist--by force, if necessary--any attempt by federal agents to enforce those laws. How would a group which did such things be viewed today, by most Americans?

They would be viewed as nut-cases, scofflaws and terrorists, despicable criminals and malcontents. They would be scorned as the scum of the earth, despised by just about everyone who today celebrates Independence Day.

How ironic.

I am not afraid...are you?

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:09 PM
I may have put this in the wrong area...but I'll give it a bump to see if there is any interest...

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:29 PM
Imagine the equivalent of what the colonists did so many years ago, being done today. Imagine a group of people writing a letter to the United States government, sending a letter to Congress and to the President, saying that they would no longer pay federal taxes, they would no longer obey federal laws, and that they would resist--by force, if necessary--any attempt by federal agents to enforce those laws. How would a group which did such things be viewed today, by most Americans?

My view, They will be takeing a stand..

Others views that i know, will be the same ...

My new question.. Who would think people makeing a stand like this would be nutcases, Terrorists and the like today ?

ATM i believe to many people are programmed to think that the majority would turn against them.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 08:45 PM
It's a long read, but a good one. Makes me wish I could have heard the speech. I think the beginnings of a revolution have already started. More and more people every day are becoming fed up with the government. I think it's only a matter of time now.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:15 PM
As Gerald Celente is fond of saying, "When people have nothing left to lose, and they've lost everything, they lose it." We will certainly see riots and worse in the coming days. We may even see a second revolution if things get bad enough.

Everyone has to make a personal decision for themselves every day: Do I hunker down in the bunker while the bullets whizz overhead, or do I go over the wire and make a desperate charge? As the grinding forces of evil get closer and closer to the bunker, the decision to "go over the wire" gets easier and easier to make...the Powers That Be think, "we can do anything because as long as Americans have a TV remote control and a 6-pack of beer they won't do anything." Well, guess what...the repo man is coming for the TV and there ain't no more beer in the fridge. We'll see soon enough what that means, for millions of people.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 11:25 PM
I posted this a couple of days ago, and had no response, so I've asked the mods to close this one out and continue the discussion here:

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