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AE911 Going to DC and Talking to Congress

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posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:42 AM
I'm not getting my hopes up, but it's uplifting to see professionals facing political
leaders and demanding an investigation on our behalf.

On both Monday 7/13 and Friday 7/17 we will be speaking individually to your Congressional Representatives and Senators. We have several appointments already and expect to have a couple of dozen appointments. The key is that you have to be there! Some of you may be able to drive or even fly out to DC to attend a meeting with your representative on these dates.

More here:

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by turbofan

Thanks for that news, turbofan! And excellent news that is indeed! 911 truthers want action, well here's action! So you better believe this gets a star and flag from me! It will be interesting to see the results from this. Even if we can get the interest from just one legislator, that's better than none.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 04:37 PM
YES, Please post as Help Needed.... read the article and thats what we do best.... spread manure.... so treat it as manure and spread...
eveything is manure.... I just try and make something out of it... call me a optimist...

Here is where we need you the most! On both Monday 7/13 and Friday 7/17 we will be speaking individually to your Congressional Representatives and Senators. We have several appointments already and expect to have a couple of dozen appointments. The key is that you have to be there! Some of you may be able to drive or even fly out to DC to attend a meeting with your representative on these dates. And we will be there with you to make the 10- or 15-minute presentation at the appointment. We've done this a few times already and have it down now. The trick is that you have to be there as a constituent for us to have access. As soon as you have successfully made an appointment, call Dave Slesinger at 410-499-5403 and/or email him at davidslesinger (at) Don't worry about the schedule. Just make the appointment for any time on these two days that you can be there physically. Chances are you will only be able to make an appointment with a staffer. That's OK! You can call them and ask for a 15-minute appointment because you are bringing a representative of over 700 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth — some of whom live in their district — who are all calling upon Congress for real investigation of the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11. And that you believe it is a matter of grave importance to the United States that this new explosive evidence be brought to their attention immediately.
How You Can Help from Home.............

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
I'm not getting my hopes up, but it's uplifting to see professionals facing political
leaders and demanding an investigation on our behalf.

On both Monday 7/13 and Friday 7/17 we will be speaking individually to your Congressional Representatives and Senators. We have several appointments already and expect to have a couple of dozen appointments. The key is that you have to be there! Some of you may be able to drive or even fly out to DC to attend a meeting with your representative on these dates.

More here:

Can I ask a favor? Don't waste my representative and senators time. They don't do much up there on the hill, but whatever it is they DO do they don't need any freak show stealing time and oxygen from their offices.


posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
I'm not getting my hopes up, but it's uplifting to see professionals facing political
leaders and demanding an investigation on our behalf.

On both Monday 7/13 and Friday 7/17 we will be speaking individually to your Congressional Representatives and Senators. We have several appointments already and expect to have a couple of dozen appointments. The key is that you have to be there! Some of you may be able to drive or even fly out to DC to attend a meeting with your representative on these dates.

More here:

something tells me they will fail.....again.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:00 PM
It must fail.
They are talking to the same people that the group who wants the GAO to audit the Federal Reserve are vainly attempting to persuade to act.

For similar reasons. The whole 9/11 event was an attack on the Federal Reserve. The towers of babel, to cast out the money changers. They no more want to expose that attack upon them, than they want transparency in their financial manipulations of the "free market" system.

Too many questions that cannot be answered without the collaspe of both systems.

I'll make a prediction:
1.) There will not be a review of the 9/11 report, and
2.) There will not be any GAO audit of the Federal Reserve System.

Sorry. It cannot be allowed within the current system.

[edit on 8-7-2009 by GriffinRD]

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:22 PM
I will be contacting my elected officials to ensure that not one second is wasted on the paranoid delusions of Richard "box boy" Gage.

I do not pay them to listen to woo.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:26 PM
Can you ask them to ask Congress to release all the footage of the Shanksville excavation to prove most of Flight 93 was buried under that shallow crater.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by GriffinRD

The whole 9/11 event was an attack on the Federal reserve


I am not asking you do my research for me GriffinRD; but if you would be so kind, could you please provide just one single link so I can take the time and read it.

Thank You.

posted on Jul, 8 2009 @ 08:24 PM
I am glad to see AE911 who really wants a real investigation care to risk everything to get it. These men are not a bunch of conspiracy theories nut job and some people will listen to them in congress, at lease the one that are not involved in the cover-up. I hope someone will record their meeting in Washington. I would like to watch it if possible.

I hope AE can convinces enough people in congress that the OS of the WTC demise is not acceptable and that NIST sciences does not stand up to par. Let’s, wait and see, if nothing becomes of it, I wouldn’t be surprised.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by ATH911
Can you ask them to ask Congress to release all the footage of the Shanksville excavation to prove most of Flight 93 was buried under that shallow crater.

Why don't you ATH911? You sit her a spew "Inside Job" in every thread you start or participate in. When will you do your own research? I have offered to share with you information I have that will lead you to the REAL answers to your questions. Why wont you?

Simple: You don't want the truth. You like so many others want the conspiracy. It's so much more sexy to think our government orchestrated it.

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