posted on May, 7 2004 @ 11:44 AM
Still, people refuse to learn the foundation of this nation and continue to follow what they prefer and what the left tells them.
Were you to lern a bit about your country's history, you would find out that at the request of Congress, the same Congress that just the day before
passed the 1st Amendment, proclaimed a day of "public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and
signal favors of Almighty God."
Among other things James Madison said in reference to this (Madison is considered the Father of the Constitution), stated that religion is, in fact,
the basis of government.
John Jay, the first chief justice to the Supreme Court, said, "Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as
well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers."
Were you to do any reading on George Wasahington (Not a sanitized, history revised book but an objective reading on his life and leadership) you would
find that in regard to mentioning God and having a firm Christian belief, he would put George Bush to shame.
The fact of the matter is this nation was, indeed, founded to be a Judeo-Christian nation, the 1st Amendment did not do away with God but only meant
that the federal government would not select one denomination (Or sect, as they referred to them) as the official denomination of the land, and this
nation was not to be without firm and clear morals, ethics and principles.
No nation has ever been created with ideaas of relative morality and the like, but many nations have fallen into that trap and many of them have
become despotic and dangerous nations (Study a bit of Hitler and his wicked influence). Considering this and considering the power the U.S. has,
you'd better pray that what many want for this nation never comes to fruition.
The conspiracy is not that some want this nation to get back on the right path, the conspiracy is the fact that for the last few decades history has
been rewritten to exclude God and twist the original meaning of the 1st Amendment and hide the real truth of this nation's heritage from the people
to the point where so many do not know the truth when they are told.