posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 07:29 AM
This could very easily go in the rant forum, but I see an increase of absolutely useless people on Tv, who become famous for doing Nothing at all!
For instance..Mr. American Idol..Ryan Seacrest...he doesn't sing..doesn't judge..he just looks prettyful and makes bad jokes while telling you to
call in.
Like a male version of Vanna White.."See what you can Win?" or The Price is Right models..
Gee..the toaster oven looks so much better with a blond draped over it...
"What's my boobs? oh.I mean bid?" lol
Then you have reality TV show hosts...
Survivor's Jeff Probst comes to mind.
Ever wonder what goes through his mind while he's in his cushy hotel room and people are starving?
What a halftard. They should give awards for the most useless TV show job.
Nominations please?