For several reasons:
Regan 2.0: Efforts to reduce nuclear arms amongst USA & Russia.
It is expected that they will agree to reduce their stockpiles down to 1500 and then eventually down to 500. The largest reduction yet.
Israel/Iran/North Korea/Honduras/China/Pakistan.
As I've said on another post, I'm pretty sure WW3 is going to be a load of regional conflicts with the superpowers sitting on the sidelines and
concentrating on being the special operatives on anti proliferation missions. It's an all star game with 10 teams playing at once with only 3
referees. The UN is likely to intervene in something, too.
Regional battles will begin to ramp up as the superpowers start to talk dramatic peace measures. The intention is to let the devil sort out the
regions and deal strictly with the victors.
UFO footage from Mexico should hit the mainstream! Wow!
A new solar cycle has been born! Sky watchers are watching again.
Crop circles and the theories they breed.
Revolution galore! Every region has a tale to tell of some sort of revolt ramping up or down.
Economic conditions and forecasts will go even further to the negative side.
Further propagation of the H1N1 Swine flu. Likely more stories on the intensifying of the strain.
Hollywood news out the ying yang.
Political activity in the USA reaching new lows. Political groups reaching to their depths to smear future candidates & the current president.
It feels like the Regan era at it's peak. CHAOS & an equal amount of PEACE!!!
I figure skunkworks is a good place for this as it's only a reminder of the obvious attractions coming to a land near you. But what a week this will
be. The news personnel must be creaming at the prospects this week.
PS: Don't forget to wear your B.S. filter!
[edit on 6-7-2009 by Atlantican]