Originally posted by Zuzubar
Sitting on the computer one day
Quietly lurking aroun ATS I decided it was time to become a Mason.
Congratulations on an excellent decision. You'll never regret it.
Bro. "Mirthful Me" seems to have addressed your desire in a useful way... find the website for your local Grand Lodge and go from there. My grand
lodge (
www.freemasons.ab.ca...) also has links to (I believe) every other recognised GL. I'm sure you can find a good lodge near you (and if
you're Canadian, make sure to choose a Canadian Rite lodge, not a York Rite one (little Canadian Mason in-joke there, sorry
I continue to work on becoming a mason. So here are a few questions you can help me on.
1. Is join Masonary 100% safe?
Absolutely. There is nothing in Masonry of any danger to you, despite the jokes we sometimes make to new candidates about goats etc. Not only that,
but as a Freemason you will
never be asked to do anything that will conflict with your religious or social duties (including your duties as a
citizen, father, etc.) I would go so far as to say that any organisation that asks you to do anything contrary to religious or social freedom is
non-masonic (although that is only my opinion).
2.Do you suggest Zuzubar joins?
Masonry is not for everyone. Albert Pike (to my mind, the greatest Masonic Philosopher in history) once wrote that Masonry has no place for the idler
and the drone. The Mason has an obligation to improve himself and the world. If a man is unwilling to live a moral life and do what he can to serve
God and his fellow creatures, he should not become a Mason (in my mind).
Essentially, what I'm saying is that if you want to do the above, you should become a Mason, and you'll never regret it. If you simply want to join
out of curiosity or because you have the misconceived idea that Masons control the world or something, then the order is probably not for you.
3. Does anyone know a lot about Masons? 30th or higher rank for example.
I've seen so much talk here about so-called 33rd degree Masons and the like that I hope you'll indulge me if I use this as somewhat of a
Freemasonry itself only has 3 degrees. That's it. A Freemason can only be a 3rd degree Freemason. There is no "higher" rank. You can become a
Master of a lodge or even Grand Master, but those are only administrative titles. Ultimately, you are still a 3rd degree Mason. I am proud to say
that I am a 3rd degree Mason, and I hope I have lived up to the honour of that title.
Now, there are some other organisations that require that you be a 3rd degree Mason before you join... they are called Concordant bodies, and include
such things as (the popular) Scottish Rite, the York Rite proper, the Order of the Eastern Star, the Shrine, and (the less popular) Societas
Rosicruciana in Anglia, the Tall Cedars of Lebanon, and the Grotto. They have ranks of their own, which are irrelevant within Freemasonry proper. I
myself think that the Concordant bodies have a lot to offer, and am proud to say that I have the 32nd degree of the Scottish Rite, the degree of Royal
Arch Mason, and will soon be joining the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia.
I'd like to talk about two of these bodies for a moment.
The Scottish Rite
The Scottish Rite is a body with 32 "ordinary" degrees and one "honourary" one. The first three degrees of Freemasonry are also considered the
first three of the Scottish Rite (although the S.R. has its own first three degrees, but they've never been given in North America to my knowledge).
This, along with a hoax by one Leo Taxil implying that 30th, 31st, 32nd, and 33rd degree S.R. Masons are satanists, has led some people to speculate
that the "higher" degrees have some sort of dark purpose. I'm a 32nd degree SR Mason, and I tell you right now this is (politely) poppycock. I am
a Christian, and I hope a good citizen. I have several friends who are 33rd degree Masons and they are all deeply religious and are very dedicated to
the betterment of humanity and humanity's situation. I am also fairly good friends with the Soverign Grand Commander of the SR for all of Canada,
and he is also a deeply religious Christian, and truly dedicated to the principle of Charity (as per I Corinthians 13:13). Some people will
inevitably say that as I am a 32nd degree SR Mason, I must be lying and nothing I say can be trusted. There's truly no way I can argue with this.
As a religious man and a human being I tell you that it is the honest truth that the SR means no harm to anyone, only to promote the happiness on
The York Rite (proper)
This includes the degrees up to Royal Arch, the Cryptic Council, and the degrees up to Masonic Knight Templar. I am a Royal Arch Mason (VI degree in
the Canadian system, because we have no virtual Past Master degree), and I give you the same assurance that I gave about the Scottish Rite. Some very
upset and confused individuals pick out one word used by some Royal Arch chapters and claim that it is our name for God. This is of course nonsense.
I personally believe that the true "name" of God is ineffable, and to call God by a name except for purposes of theological discussion is
blasphemous. This is of course my own opinion. I once again assure you that I am a Christian, and I worship the same God as all other Christians
(and, to my mind, the same God worshipped by Muslims and Jews, but some Christians disagree with me). No Masonic organisation has ever done anything
other than strengthen my religious faith.
I vainly hope that the above will change the minds of some people who have the unfortunate idea that some Masonic organisations are up to something
wrong. If it convinces even one person, I will be happy.