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UFO releases intelligent moving spheres!! First ever video footage!

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posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 04:36 PM
Guys, it's the same UFO that was seen by ufoorbhunter in Derbyshire 2006. Also the same UFO from the documentary Ship of light: The Carlos Diaz Experience. Anyone who's interested in a spiritual path should have a look at it.

[edit on 6-9-2009 by hermantinkly]

posted on Sep, 6 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by hermantinkly

Why do you say that, did you saw it's licence plate?

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 06:07 AM
Looks like CG, but then I've watched so many youtube video's like this I'm always a bit skeptical when I see a mexican video they seem to most often be cheesy fakes.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 01:53 PM
im realy sorry if this video has been posted already, but forgive me for not trolling threw endess pages, i would end uplike my avator if i read threw it all

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by GezinhoKiko

It was, and with a much better quality than the one you posted.

Sometimes looking through the thread is really the best way.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

thanks for the little jab there with the "better than the one you posted" much appreciated. Thanks

Hows about, "yep thats been posted already, but thanks anyway" would of done the trick fella!

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by GezinhoKiko

It was only to try to show you that reading the thread may help avoid embarrassing moments.

Sorry you were offended by my post, it was not my intention.

PS: I spent three hours making a translation of one of the videos and why I posted I saw that there was a translated version posted 3 posts before, but lucky for me the translation was only of the beginning of the video, so even when we read the thread we can always be caught off-guard.

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Ok thats cool, i understand that you have put a lot of investigation into this thread, i just wasnt up for the task of going threw page after page. Next time i will tho, sorry for the confusion.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by GezinhoKiko

Don't feel bad he does it to everyone

Just kidding, you would be wise to listen to him. He knows alot.

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by alfafox
reply to post by necati

necati wrote...

Unfortunately I still haven’t received a reply from Josué Hernandez, therefore I can’t finally approve if he used a particle plug-in or not until he confirms it. However I’m 99.99% sure he did. I also wrote a U2U to Alejandro in order to ask him if he could contact him in Spanish. Still waiting for an answer!

alfafox wrote...

.... I wrote also to Josué's personal e-mail since august 22 and have had no answer from him. I'll keep trying.

I have some news necati. Josué answered to my post yesterday and he is going to make a video as from the "UFO in London 2009" but with a different camera's location or point of view. He didn't give me the name of the CG software but I hope he'll add some realism to make it match Pedro's and Alfredo's videos.

I did a short video with a different angle of view (inverted) of the original video bellow with VirtualDub 1.8


Josué told me he has not been invited to Maussán's TV show. He was at the TV studio long time ago and one of Maussán's "vigilantes" or 'sky watchers' Rubén Villatoro showed him some videos and ask him if he could tell if they were real or fake, Josué answered they were all hoaxed videos. Since they got his honest opinion they never called him again.

Jaime Maussán has been sued by renowned UFO researcher Ana Luisa Cid and on september the 10th is going to be the first audience at 10:00am in the 55th Civil Justice Office. Maussán must appear in person to testify, not through lawyers or representatives, which has already been officially notified of this. The conflict arose when, on 8 May 2008, Jaime Maussán accused Cid of fraud during an interview he conducted in the radio program "Realidad Punto Cero" (Reality Point Zero) with Yohanan Díaz Vargas, and the attack on the researcher was repeated in a news magazine on May 11th, and then repeated again in his own show on May 18. Researcher Ana Cid was accused of scams, apparently it was all for not supporting a case Jaime Maussán and Santiago Yturria said was real, now, say many, proved to be false and that is the Alvin Texas UFO (CGI) hoaxed video from Mauricio Ruíz 'luckymauro' of april 11-2008.

I think it's time to put some hoaxers scammers and defamers were they belong or at least make them pay for the damage they've done using their power and fame against many investigators including myself. My turn will come soon and I have more evidences than Ana Luisa Cid has from Maussán and his bunch of gangster's

See news link and you can translate to english in Google:


posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 03:56 AM
I watched the video and read a few of the comments on the first and second pages of this thread. You can probably tell I'm a little late to the party. But was an explanation for this ever found or submitted?

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by Amalgam

No real explanation, only hypothesis.

The only difference between the two first pages and now is that a second video, from a different point of view (apparently exactly or almost exactly from the opposite side of the UFO) was presented, but besides that video and the videographer testimony things remain the same.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:31 AM
What were the hypotheses proposed? I have to admit the video is pretty intriguing. It's almost like the UFO released the smaller UFO's as a precaution against the airplane which flew past.

Then again, it may be that the airplane was supposed to act as some sort of cover or observer of whatever was going on up there. Military experiment perhaps? And though I doubt it, I guess it might have been some sort of natural phenomenon.

Interesting never the less.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by alfafox

I have some news necati. Josué answered to my post yesterday and he is going to make a video as from the "UFO in London 2009" but with a different camera's location or point of view. He didn't give me the name of the CG software but I hope he'll add some realism to make it match Pedro's and Alfredo's videos. Josué told me he has not been invited to Maussán's TV show. He was at the TV studio long time ago and one of Maussán's "vigilantes" or 'sky watchers' Rubén Villatoro showed him some videos and ask him if he could tell if they were real or fake, Josué answered they were all hoaxed videos. Since they got his honest opinion they never called him again.

Really some great news, thank you very much for keeping us up to date! Would have liked to have some info on the software as well but perhaps he’ll provide it later on.
In the meanwhile you might like to take a look at my attempt at recreating the sphere ejecting effect:

YouTube Video
No idea why, the embedding doesn't work, I'm entering the ID only.

Of course I don’t have the experience, yet, to achieve nearly perfect results, especially with the zoom effect but I am quite optimistic to come up with better results soon. (Unfortunately I’ve only little time these days.) The amount of different parameters and ways to do things with the plug-in and After Effects makes it difficult to yield exactly the same appearance. However, it should suffice to give fairly an impression of how the Hernandez/Carrillo video might have been done.

I think it's time to put some hoaxers scammers and defamers were they belong or at least make them pay for the damage they've done using their power and fame against many investigators including myself. My turn will come soon and I have more evidences than Ana Luisa Cid has from Maussán and his bunch of gangster's.

I wish you good luck. You’re doing a great job!

[edit on 9-9-2009 by necati]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by necati
In the meanwhile you might like to take a look at my attempt at recreating the sphere ejecting effect:

Hey Necati! Nice job for a CG beginner!

But in Josué's video I can see some signs it's not real, like CG artifacts. ArMaP is even better than me at spotting those I think and I'm sure if he had seen any he would have mentioned it by now. However I admit the absence of artifacts could mean it's just really good CG.

I'm still thinking it's more likely to be real, as in the elaborate kite theory. But if someone can propose more evidence it's CG I'm willing to look at it.

And to whoever asked about possible theories I guess in addition to CG and elaborate kite theories, the third one is "intelligently controlled craft coming out of a mothership" with seemingly alien implications. Are there others? Only those 3 pop into mind at the moment.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Rams59lb

Totaly hilarious how people scream birds,when they totaly lose focus of the huge giant yellow oval shaped object which obviously is not a bird nor plane,nor helicopter,nor clouds,nor swamp gas,nor anything other than a giant oval shaped object which is out of focus from the camera.People are so stupid over the UFO subject it is down right embarrassing.

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by necati
YouTube Video
No idea why, the embedding doesn't work, I'm entering the ID only.

You enterered the whole youtube link into the url box

you need to put only the ID # 1GHVYMJiV04 into the

[edit on 9-9-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by necati

No idea why, the embedding doesn't work, I'm entering the ID only.

I thought embedding didn't work too because when I looked at it in the preview, it never worked.

When I went ahead and posted it, it worked, so maybe you are having the same problem as I was? That is, thinking it's supposed to work in the preview when it doesn't.

[edit on 9-9-2009 by Arbitrageur]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 04:21 AM
I really don't get why people try to recreate a UFO video with cgi.
As stated in numerous threads, as well as modern general common sense tells you, anything can be RECREATED. It's taking everyone 15 trys to get it to look remotely close OR real so it's seeming to give the original video more strength in my opinion.

Even the vid on this page, which is actually a good one .. is still light years away from resembling reality. The only thing anyone has to say regarding the cgi part is "I think it's cgi".

We have one person who claims to have the raw footage and has repeatedly said the original is nothing like all the you-tube recreations yet they still come in youtibe quality.

patience.. wait for the raw and supporting testimony/footage before wasting time recreating something of lesser quality than is already out there.

Quick question. Is there a way to download an entire thread without going page by page? That may help people catch up or stop reposting info because they "don't want to commit the time" I've looked a few time but have failed to find anything other than 1 persons profile for a thread.


posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 05:44 AM
Is there anyway that people can vote for a) real, b) cgi, c) nut job etc and have the highest vote percentage on the topic lists to save everyone having to trawl through all these pages? Or even just having the option of full thread, pix only or video only.

Bit cruel, but it would make it easier to get at the meat and potatoes rather than having to wade through alien commanders' various personal views of the universe.

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