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Aliens theory's

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posted on May, 6 2004 @ 11:47 AM
Does anybody ever think that we could be really alien too, just half way, like what if a bunch of aliens got drunk, and came to earth one day, and did u kno what to a whole bunch of ape's. the end result: us. that would reason the whole theory that man came partly from apes. and that also why they have been studying us for soo long. And maybe the reason why they havent made contact with us, is because they are scared of what our capablities are, and we have come from so far because of free will, and knowlege, that they are worried that we could overpower them, and with the human minds that we have, enslave them. That also could prove why they fly at high speeds, and are also cautious about everything that they do to us, and use constantly, the power to erase our memories.. maybe we already have had wars with them, and we just dont remember, cause we accidentally wiped out most of us with one shot, and we cant remember anything. that would reason also the atlantis therory. What do you guys think?

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 12:00 PM
I think it's a stretch but intelligent design is gaining acceptance in some scientific communities who aren't satisfied with evolution or creation. Unfortunately many I.D. proponents ignore important data and some claim knowledge of the subject without any schooling or true research. Most of the time you'll see the kind of misrepresentation of the facts like you might see some of the people on this board post.

As for the whole "we blew ourselves and them up". Doubtful...there's nothing in history that would indicate that...not even the Vedic Scriptures.

[Edited on 5-6-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 12:01 PM

also why they have been studying us for soo long. And maybe the reason why they havent made contact with us, is because they are scared of what our capablities are, and we have come from so far because of free will, and knowlege, that they are worried that we could overpower them, and with the human minds that we have, enslave them. That also could prove why they fly at high speeds, and are also cautious about everything that they do to us, and use constantly, the power to erase our memories..

your theory brings up many good points, but is so egotistical that i don't think any of your points can be considered valid. crossbreeding between aliens and apes?!? Please, DNA evidence alone would refute this. the difference between our DNA and apes' is lower than 1%. if we were a product of a cross breed we would see very different and unkown parts of DNa among our own "apelike" DNA. And the probability of the species being compatible is incredibly low. species from earth usually can't crossbreed, so why would a species from a different planet be any different?
also, you are assuming that an alien race would be as sick-minded as humans to rape a completely different species just for fun. and that other civilizations, if they exist, would even have something as counterproductive as a depressent drug. get your head out of your a$$ and see the big picture.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by NothingMakesSense
but is so egotistical that i don't think any of your points can be considered valid.

Any less egotistical then believing that we are the loved children of some ultimate being?

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 12:17 PM

Any less egotistical then believing that we are the loved children of some ultimate being?

hey, exactly my point. religion was created to stroke mans' ego, to make him feel special, to give him someone to blame things on, and to provide an proverbial "altar" to sacrafice on. i don't know why, but man always seems to need something to worship.

but this is not the right forum for this......

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 12:19 PM
Maybe the war ended because of a draw between the two sides. like we lost a whole bunch of people to them, and vise versa. and there are craters off the coast of brazil (and a whole bunch of other places around the world) supposively that could only be made by a huge blast. I really dont know all this is true, im just posting a theory on why we are here, and why aliens continue to watch us.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 12:25 PM
I dunno about the whole breeding thing either... mabye that one percent of apes that we do have in common is all they needed to make us. maybe we were experiments that happended to work out in a way that they never thought of. i have ton's and ton's of theory's about this kind of thing. or even maybe we are an experiment that put 1% of any kind of anything in the universe, about 100 them, and it actually worked... i dunno.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 12:28 PM
P.S. "It's like prego, its all in the sauce"

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 12:40 PM
well, i was originally going to post this in the religion forum because it kind of ties in but i'll post it here because it seems to make sense.

ok, have u ever played halo? because this ties in very heavily with that. basically, i believe we are second generation humans. that is, before our time, there was another time very far back in history that humans had very advanced technology, more advanced than we do now. like deep space travel. and something happened. most of the humnas were wiped out, along with their technology. but 1, maybe two starships got away, and fled deep into space. and later, when they came back, they found earth had regrown around the remains of their civilization, and humans had regressed into very primitive stages. so instead of landing and re-establishing a very advanced society, they decided to wait until later when the second-gen humans had become more advanced and stopped being so violent. and to try and influence our behavior, they sent down a missionary with, maybe two others. we called him Jesus. but his mission pretty much failed. seeing the futility of attempting to modify our behavior themseilves, they set up their starships in orbit around a planet (pick one, it doesn't really matter) and put the remaining crewmembers into suspended animation. their AI construct was set up to monitor earth and determine when they could be revealed to give humanity a technology boost and get us spread out to other planets.

so to tie all this in to this forum, the "aliens" are ships sent by the construct to monitor us. this is still egotistical, but slightly better than agent23212's original scenario.

of course, there are a zillion variations on this basic scenario i just laid out. like instead of a construct, a small skeloten crew is kept awake to monitor us and they keep their population stable

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 01:00 PM
that very likely. good post iknownothing... maybe they are, maybe there are no aliens, they're us, but they are aliens to us, cause we we dont know how advanced we are supposed to be.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 01:04 PM
well you got my name wrong but thanks for conceding the point

and i see yours as well.
even if their origins are human, they are still "alien" but not in the traditional sense. because they are more advanced.

anyway i have to go to class so i'll check this forum when i get home...

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 02:28 PM
sorry about the name thing, i was thinking about something else...

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by NothingMakesSense
well, i was originally going to post this in the religion forum because it kind of ties in but i'll post it here because it seems to make sense.

ok, have u ever played halo? because this ties in very heavily with that. basically, i believe we are second generation humans. that is, before our time, there was another time very far back in history that humans had very advanced technology, more advanced than we do now. like deep space travel. and something happened. most of the humnas were wiped out, along with their technology. but 1, maybe two starships got away, and fled deep into space. and later, when they came back, they found earth had regrown around the remains of their civilization, and humans had regressed into very primitive stages. so instead of landing and re-establishing a very advanced society, they decided to wait until later when the second-gen humans had become more advanced and stopped being so violent. and to try and influence our behavior, they sent down a missionary with, maybe two others. we called him Jesus. but his mission pretty much failed. seeing the futility of attempting to modify our behavior themseilves, they set up their starships in orbit around a planet (pick one, it doesn't really matter) and put the remaining crewmembers into suspended animation. their AI construct was set up to monitor earth and determine when they could be revealed to give humanity a technology boost and get us spread out to other planets.

so to tie all this in to this forum, the "aliens" are ships sent by the construct to monitor us. this is still egotistical, but slightly better than agent23212's original scenario.

of course, there are a zillion variations on this basic scenario i just laid out. like instead of a construct, a small skeloten crew is kept awake to monitor us and they keep their population stable

Really you should write sci-fi novels, this is better than Babylon 5.

In any case, we find fossils of dinosaurs hundreds of millions of years old, surely if there was any manmade structures dating before that we would of found them. So for your theory to hold up our ancenstors would of had to be from another planet.

So they never "got-back", they would of had to "discover" earth or move here.

The creation vs evolution debate is a complex one, but clearly something did happen which caused our ancestors to walk upright, stop being nomads, grow food, etc.

Gene manipulation?

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 04:24 PM

Really you should write sci-fi novels, this is better than Babylon 5.

thank you. i actually have one in the works and a second story idea that is more of a current events thing that covers most of history.... anyway

we find fossils of dinosaurs hundreds of millions of years old, surely if there was any manmade structures dating before that we would of found them. So for your theory to hold up our ancenstors would of had to be from another planet.

well this theory of mine isn't perfect but i beleive it makes a certain kind of sense.
off the top of my head the equivalent of a massive nuclear holocaust (or any other yet-to-be-conceived WMD) would wipe the surface clean of any evidence of a prior advanced civilization.
and again off the top of my head, other experiments might have been tried besides just "Jesus". Like giving slightly more advanced tech to egyptians, bablyons, others. ATLANTIS... not anything that they wouldn't develop themselves in a couple hundred years, but just a little tiny push and boost, may be keep a certain civ from atlantis may have been a completely different kind of experiment...or maybe a schism in the governing head of the gen 1 humans that they should live on earth instead of just aiding existing people.....
by the way senshido i am happy to see another intelligent person who enjoys speculation enter this conversation....

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by NothingMakesSense
a massive nuclear holocaust (or any other yet-to-be-conceived WMD) would wipe the surface clean of any evidence of a prior advanced civilization.

You're theory was holding a bit more water than this threads theory until you said this.

A massive nuclear holocaust would not wipe the surface clean of any evidence of a prior advanced civilization. There would still be sediment layers.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 04:52 PM

You're theory was holding a bit more water than this threads theory until you said this.

i was speculating, nothing more.

perhaps i should reiterate: THIS THEORY STILL HAS MANY HOLES!

any amount of time could have gone by between the two "generations".

There would still be sediment layers.

please elaborate. of course there would still be sediment layers. no weapon humanity has could completely scour the earth of sediment down to bare rock. i you mean there would be sedimentary evidence of the previous gen, yes, there would be.

a different idea: ever heard of a gaia (or something like that) bomb? that erases any signs of humanity? just sci fi but an interesting idea... if you have a better idea preest i would love to hear it.

time is the biggest factor. in my original post that included my theory i almost put a couple hundred years right here: and later, when they came back,...

but it really could have been any length of time. almost definitely longer than a couple hundred years.

another idea: perhpas they set up a human colony on a different planet before returning to earth. agina presst, speculation.

[Edited on 6-5-2004 by NothingMakesSense]

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by NothingMakesSense
ever heard of a gaia (or something like that) bomb? that erases any signs of humanity? just sci fi but an interesting idea... if you have a better idea preest i would love to hear it.
Do I have a better idea of how your theory might have happened or worked? Maybe I'm missing the question.

I understand speculation can be fun...but it also leads to obsession and eventually instability.

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 05:13 PM

I'd like to ask you, do you have an obsession with calling other people unstable, or ingraining in people's heads the beleif that thinking out of the box causes "instability"?

The more I read posts with your replies in it the more it becomes evident that you are here to ridicule others into thinking that ideas which transcend people's comfort zone, is loony, and it is evident that you are doing this for a reason which most can find out by themselves by just reading between the lines and using common sense.

Sorry for you but the truth is coming out man, and you can't deny it.

You are causing other's to stay within the bounds of their own beleif system, within their box. It is limiting. You may intimidate, you may ridicule, you may attract others with your "archetype" of a closeminded skeptic, but that will soon be over sir. People are realizing that there is a viel which must be torn down.

You can't deny this.

[Edited on 6-5-2004 by The Quiet Storm]

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by The Quiet Storm

I'd like to ask you, do you have an obsession with calling other people unstable, or ingraining in people's heads the beleif that thinking out of the box causes "instability"?

The more I read posts with your replies in it the more it becomes evident that you are here to ridicule others into thinking that ideas which transcend people's comfort zone, is loony, and it is evident that you are doing this for a reason which most can find out by themselves by just reading between the lines and using common sense.

Sorry for you but the truth is coming out man, and you can't deny it.

You are causing other's to stay within the bounds of their own beleif system, within their box. It is limiting. You may intimidate, you may ridicule, you may attract others with your "archetype" of a closeminded skeptic, but that will soon be over sir. People are realizing that there is a viel which must be torn down.

You can't deny this.

Thinking "out of the box" can be fun and it's healthy...but it can lead to serious obsessions and can very well cause instability. Or is that impossible?

I'm not "here" for anything but to post ideas and opinions. I know some of you would like to believe I'm here to "disinform" people so they won't believe in our Reptilian President or Jesus and his Hybrid powers but I'm, unfortunately for you, not.

The "truth" is coming out and I can't deny it?

You insist on following me post to post, forum to forum dismissing my legit questions and opinions and it's funny because that's essentially what you're accusing me of.

Stick to the topic. I posted my opinion and asked NothingMakesSense a question...stop bitching like a little old woman. ATS is for those that "think outside of the box" and for those that believe "outside the box" should be a bit more realistic. Ever think the conspiracy is NOT being perpetrated by the debunkers and critical thinkers but the fringe "thinkers", quasi-religious & pseudo-scientists? Conspiracy to obfuscate goes both ways.

Before you follow me to the next post...I don't care what your opinion is on why I'm here or what you think I'm trying to accomplish...stick to the topic and stop flaming.

[Edited on 5-6-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 6 2004 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Preest
Thinking "out of the box" can be fun and it's healthy...but it can lead to serious obsessions and can very well cause instability. Or is that impossible?

I'm not "here" for anything but to post ideas and opinions. I know some of you would like to believe I'm here to "disinform" people so they won't believe in our Reptilian President or Jesus and his Hybrid powers but I'm, unfortunately for you, not.

The "truth" is coming out and I can't deny it?

You insist on following me post to post, forum to forum dismissing my legit questions and opinions and it's funny because that's essentially what you're accusing me of.

Stick to the topic. I posted my opinion and asked NothingMakesSense a question...stop bitching like a little old woman. ATS is for those that "think outside of the box" and for those that believe "outside the box" should be a bit more realistic. Ever think the conspiracy is NOT being perpetrated by the debunkers and critical thinkers but the fringe "thinkers", quasi-religious & pseudo-scientists? Conspiracy to obfuscate goes both ways.

Before you follow me to the next post...I don't care what your opinion is on why I'm here or what you think I'm trying to accomplish...stick to the topic and stop flaming.

[Edited on 5-6-2004 by Preest]

You stated a DEFINITE in your last post. You said that it leads to unstability. Now you are saying that it can in order to numb down whatever you meant to say in your last post. I never stated that it is impossible, but by stating a definite you are trying to ingrain people's heads that it eventually does lead to instability, and that its not only possible, it is DEFINITE. That can lead to others beleiving that this is true, and thus becoming a self fullfilling prophecy. There are hidden objective behind every single one of your posts.

IMO you are here to disinform and pretend like you are someone who is not here for that purpose. If it is in fact not true, then I would like for you to ask yourself, "now why are all these people accusing me of this? This is the 3294812394289431342139102124532058234th person to accuse me of this!!!" If you aren't here to disinform, then perhaps something has gotten ahold of your psyche, but that seems too far out for some. It is possible, but I don't think the government would do such a thing as to manipulate one into coming here for the hidden purpose of controlling that person like a dummy and disinform the masses with subtle yet obvious to the trained eye techniqes. Like I said it is possible for one, or perhaps some misguided concepts that are in your head which were implanted in your psyche by your past experiences to be controlling you. If you are now becoming aware of this I congratulate you sir, you are one step closer to self realization, but far from ending the infinite journey of it.

Your damn right the truth is coming out! That is honestly the smartest thing I have ever seen you post.

You insist on putting words into my mouth, and trying to intimidate but it does not work. Who do you think you are trying to fool? Come on you MUST be kidding. I don't need to ridicule you, I don't need to label you, or judge you. I state the truth, and the truth can be hard to accept for some at times and even *gasp* YOU.

You insist on using definates, like stating that I am following you from post to post when really I just happen to run into your posts. I don't actively look for your posts.

You state that people who think outside of the box should be more realistic? *laughs* most here don't even know what is REAL, or what is realistic and that is the truth, when viewed from a spiritual transcendant aspect, a higher perspective.

You don't intimidate me, you don't lead me to "bitch like a little old woman". Only thing I am doing here is the inform the masses of your doings and your hidden objectives behind the posts I run into that are typed by you.

If you are not aware of the hidden objectives you have within your posts, I guess this is a wake up call for you, or perhaps not.

My intuition tells me that you are here to disinform. Don't underestimate those who have trained senses.

Be well sir, I hope you learned something from this.

BTW this might not be ON topic but it contributes to the topic by opening the public's eyes and keeping them from being manipulated by subtle tactics which you may or may not be conscious of.

[Edited on 6-5-2004 by The Quiet Storm]

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