posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 04:45 PM
Are you alright? yep
Are you awake? think so
Are you in need of the toilet? nope,
good, then lets begin.
So a lot of us are very inquisitive and questioning, we would have to be, we
have, the majority of us, rejected the mainstream medias stream of scheming
truth shielding distorted facts. But really, a lot of us are still being
sucked in from the same sources. How? Well a lot of you will already know what
i am talking about, and will be like, oh yea, the web, and the multiple
layers. I know that. So what is the web? What are the layers? who gets caught
by them? are you in it? and where is that damn spider?
The web:
Most basic of components, the inner web:
so here we start. the most simple of the web's layers. The inner layer. This
layer is designed, for the uninquisitive, the foolish, and the well programmed
(in simple terms). The majority of yesterdays society fell into one of these
categories. As we can all see the web of lies designed for the majority, is
mainstream documentaries, media, and basically everything that is taught in
the mainstream syllabus. It is very unusual for someone to start questioning
something that appears to be true, when they are very young. Children, humans,
are not often born believing everything to be an elaborate lie, they are born
trusting, and in love. Although many can be born in false love, the illusion
of the image, the fact remains, humans are not born, thinking everything they
are told is a lie. Quite convienient.
So lets look a little further to how deep the subconcious programming of
portraying truth as lies actually goes, and also how incredibly early it pops
its head up in childhood.
Remember when you used to eat some seeds, or some vegetable and your mum or
dad would go, if you eat that a tree will sprout in your tummy and it will
grow out of your mouth. or if you dont eat your crusts (of your bread) your
hair will grow curly. Or santa is coming, and if your bad youl get coal. Plus
a whole load of other questions you ask, like where does the sea come from,
and your parents not actually konwing the answer make up a bs awnser like, god
left the tap on. or why is the sky blue, oh cos it reflects of the sea, i
mean, some adults STILL believe that! so have a little think, youl see that
the very people who claim later on in life when you may or may not have stolen
a soda, or smoked a cheeky cigarrette in school, the very people, claim to
have brought you up as honest decent children, have basically been lieing to
you since your little crying face popped out the womb and latched onto the tit
of milk love.
it may seem silly, oh they are just little white lies! that doesnt matter.
doesnt it? why do we feel the need to lie at all, jokingly or not.? i mean, no
wonder by the time we get to school we swallow a whole load of ridiculous
garbage, and become subservient pathetic unthinking slaves. everyone, else,
is, doing it! let me not digress. the point is the inner web. the begining of
the programming begins right at home, from your parents family, and that most
lovely of family members, the television.
Im going to digress briefly again. It will be quick, and on the subject of
advertisments. Hey girls, want shiney lovely smooth sexy hair, so some guy
will like you because your personality is so drivellingly boring you have to
look good to strike interest? yes? you do, well great, get crapulation shampoo
from australia made with natural tihs llub bark and loads of other parc stuff.
parc your hair up in this parc stuff. ok then. so. what am i getting at. check
the back of all your hairwashing products, and many other household cleaners.
it contains sodium lareth (laurel) sulfate, which, is, a, fu, k, i, ng,
IRRITANT. thats right. specially the ones designed for peepl with dandruff,
they putt a skin irritant in it! oh my gosh. the genius of the sustainable
ailment/illness that funds the profitering western medical and big pharma
affiliated industry.
so there is another lie. by products, which are sold to you on tv from as soon
as you can understand that if you wee when mummy is changing your nappy, you
can get her face, to get her back for smoking crack when you were foetal. so
you are lied to from all angels. desensitized from it. hey man! its ok to lie!
yyea i told your mum i like her food, if i didnt lie! she would be upset,
sometimes you HAVE to lie.!! everyone does it son.
so incestuastly conditioned to the programme, aslo the degredation of the
mindstate by foods, poisoned airs, and just general, not thinking, means most
people believe obama is actually going to produce change, and mercury in
vaccines is good for you, as some doctors now claim! i mean cbs and cnn said
it, so it must be true.
then further more the other thing that those who accept these facts, also
accept the "all are equal, but some more equal than others" so il move on to
police, im british, so this is done in that manner. but firstly il just
mention something about the law. its the same everywhere. you are getting
robbed. in english language, here is whats going on. weird as it seems... we
are assumed to be a ship for any of the laws to apply to us...
You know what a ship is right? Ever noticed how much we use the words ship
when in relation to a person and ship type words. For example. Ownership. I
have owner ship. Banks have money. Or fake money. And that is something tahts
the side of a river. The baby passes out of the berth canal. Birth would be
too obvious. Basically il let you work out why that is. The docks? The dock.
In court. Our legal system requires us to be basically, as absurd(ity of it
all) as it soundeth. Ships. All of these laws that you know somethinga aint
quiter right here. And when you feel like you just got robbed, but the guys a
policeman. But you did get robbed
“oh yes your driving at 85mph that will be a 100 pound fine” you haven’t hurt
anyone, and the car is designed to cruise at that, if not a bit faster. And
yes yes i know we drive much faster. But were aloud. Were different. Oh yea i
know we look like people but were different, were police men. Or officers now.
And yes we often drive thru red lights but we need to to catch up with naughty
people who do that. Its not naughty for us to do it. Because we come and take
your money, and then you learn a lesson, at least for about 1 week or a few.