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quick chemtrails question?

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posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Sorry , no personal attacks intented, but I know they are spraying from planes, and people saying FALT OUT NO WAY , because this and that gets me on the , well .. Pffff..
I am not dumb, I do not See things, and I know what a normal contrail should look like !

But I see you changed your Mo, could you atleast care to say Why They Cold not or Would not do this to Day ?

[edit on 4-7-2009 by ChemBreather]

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 01:04 PM
Originally posted by ChemBreather
reply to post by Udontknowme

That is why they added the nifty 11:11 when they converted to the gregorian calendar....


Oh dear, oh dear.... p=1&qs=0&ac=3&g=26b5Sy8Tlea6Fu&en=te&io=0&ep=&eo=&b=a001&bc=&br=&tp=d&ec=1&pt=Calendar%20Converter&ex=tsrc%3Dvnru&url=&

The Gregorian calendar was proclaimed by Pope Gregory XIII and took effect in most Catholic states in 1582, in which October 4, 1582 of the Julian calendar was followed by October 15 in the new calendar, correcting for the accumulated discrepancy between the Julian calendar and the equinox as of that date.

[edit on 4 July 2009 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

But I see you changed your Mo, could you atleast care to say Why They Cold not or Would not do this to Day ?

I don't think I've changed my MO.

Always left the possibility open about Military operations...I would have no idea in that area. I can only speak to the Airline aspect of 'chemtrails' being non-existent.

Again, as to 'why'? Then, or now? Well, then is covered in that report from the UK. NOW? That's a problem, because I look at the skies a lot, and just do not see anything out of the ordinary. But, I'm trained, many are not. Therefore, it can be assumed that some without a solid background in such matters can misinterpret what are ordinary atmospheric phenomena.

What I mean is, let's say airplanes did not exist, hadn't been invented yet. You could watch a weather system approach your area, see the high altitude cirrus clouds forming. They would spread out, and cover the sky, in advance of the rain clouds that come later. NOW, throw an airplane into the air, where the cirrus would form naturally anyway, the contrail produced triggers a more rapid cirrus cloud is coincidence.

Clouds form in nature. High altitude jets can accelerate the process, not always, but when conditions are appropriate. That's it.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
reply to post by Udontknowme

Would not surprise me ! they are making people BrainNumb to the Co-Creation deadline october 28th 2011..
Thats why they made 2012 to be such an event, every one is focusing on Dec. 2012, and that is too late, The Powers have theyr Montauk Chairs to amplify their world... We are debating the Obviose Chemtrails and the Elite are rubbing their hands...

That is why they added the nifty 11:11 when they converted to the gregorian calendar, it is ALL planed, and I cant in any way show what I want too people cause the subject is too wide..

Or I am wrong again, cause it isnt in the schoolbooks !!...

I believe the "swine flu" is just another cover-up of the symptoms from us breathing the fallout from these in. The sinister thing is that I believe they are putting biomarkers in us through nanodust in this particulate fallout from chemtrails.

Craig Vetner has been leading in the research in creating digitally made viruses. These viruses can effectively be controlled through software programming. The signal is bounced around through the VTRPE and biomarkers can be tracked and more through these signals.

Biomarkers also cover the use of molecular indicators of environmental exposure in epidemiologic studies such as human papilloma virus or certain markers of tobacco exposure

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Ehhh, your funny
, like KJ never rewrote they bible . hehe
Stop it , I know it all.. I just cant find a way to show people ...

But why are they doing this ? What do you know ?

The Sunshine Project
News Release
24 September 2002
US Military Operating a Secret Chemical Weapons Program
Sunshine Project provides evidence for US violation of international law

From another person that obviously never have seen clouds or planes before.

On July 1st, 2009 xxxxxxxxxx says:
puffy white clouds. They are often not real. They are the result of spraying at night. It is funny to watch some of them for 15 minutes and they morph to nothing and into another cloud sometimes very rapidly. Not like the real clouds I know. Also, sometimes they have lacy edges and smooth interiors, again not like the real clouds of old. Also you can sometimes see streaks of chemicals between the clouds that look like a very light fog up there. Then in the sunset, there is all this "nice" pink. Not nice!!

Some other guy just thinking :

Read the Obama article all the way down
On June 23rd, 2009 xxxxxxxxx says:
As I have suspected, I don't think they can now stop the chemtrails because I think they have destroyed the ozone layer and stopping the trails would result in extremely hot weather.


President Obama is full of surprises. But even expectant reporters were taken aback when White House science adviser John Holdren used his first interview on April 18, 2009 to announce, “Global warming is so dire, the Obama administration is discussing radical technologies to cool Earth's air.”

With the first feedback effects from methane releases starting to kick in and our space colony's atmospheric CO2 levels surging toward the “Do Not Exceed” redline of 440 parts per million, Holdren declared that the Obama administration is considering “last resort” technologies to chill the global greenhouse village - aka the 'hood.

Is the Obama administration about to “out” chemtrails?

Referring to “radical” technologies that include spreading a sunlight-reflecting artificial cloud cover, Holdren declared, “It's got to be looked at. We don't have the luxury of taking any approach off the table.”

And on this clip, arent this planes pretty close to eachother, NO they are not thousands of feet apart. the have the same size in the clip..

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Ok, listen, a clear blue sky, and lots of planes goes by as they usually do, ok, and then some planes come out of 'order' one could say cause they path dont add up to any airport i know of here, and the ones they are close enuogh too , they are flying too high for landing or taking off at.

A couple of hours the whole sky is like a thin layer off something looking like looking thru cellofan ... It do not add up with normal Plane exhaust ..

Why could that be ? and why isnt this happening to every plane ??

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

And on this clip, arent this planes pretty close to eachother, NO they are not thousands of feet apart. the have the same size in the clip..

Sorry, again. No, they are NOT at the same altitude. Please search the term 'RVSM', for Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums. For many years, now, the minimum separation standard above FL 280 has been 1,000 feet --- it used to be 2,000 feet for decades, before. More accurate altimeter systems have allowed closer tolerances for air traffic.

ALSO, search 'TCAS', or Traffic Collision Avoidance System. ALL commercial jets operating in the USA have this installed. IF those two airplanes were anywhere close to colliding the pilots would have changed altitudes, per the TCAS alerts.

I'm not going to link the citations, you can see for yourselves.

ALSO, just because two airplanes look like they're the same size when viewed from a distance of several miles, doesn't mean they ARE the same size!!! A larger airplane (B757) at a higher altitude (farther away) will appear smaller, while a smaller airplane (B737) closer to the observor, will seem bigger. I mean, that's just common sense.....

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

So, your commen sense tell you what kind of planes these are and what altitudes ? Good eyes.. The are in no way flying in normal flight patterns, you know it , that is not normal flying.

What you see there is close to what I saw here tuesdey this week at 05:30 am, to Learjet look alikes making a cross... Who? there are no rich people here in norway with privet jets and far from two and the chance of them both flying at the same area at the same time just as close as possible to the allowed distance between planes are equal to Zero,. This was schedualed flight paths to deliver their Load at this area . Nothing More than That !

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

Let's see if this snap of current airplane activity over Memphis, Tennessee comes thru the link:

Ed. No, just goes to the home page. You can play around with it, look at various airports in North America (only, sadly) and see how airplanes criss-cross in normal flight.

Have fun!!!

[edit on 4 July 2009 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

nice prog, sweet colors , see no criss crossing chemmtrails though !!

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

Really? Keep looking, especially pick some other cities.

It is real time, so it changes constantly.

Looky, looky at the airplanes, and the track they are following...that's the line thatis behind each target. Look at the data blocks, to see the altitudes and groundspeeds.

Looky, looky at cities especially near the cneter of the USA....I chose Memphis because of FedEx (It's their Hub).

Cincinnati is the Hub for UPS. Look at Kansas City, Missouri. Denver, Colorado. Look at the big USA map, with the red dots, and pick a region where there are a lot of targets, and keep looking. You'll see, eventually.

Ed. You may have questions about how to read it? I can answer them.

[edit on 4 July 2009 by weedwhacker]

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by jesiaha

They have been quiet lately. There were lots last year during the summer, but they kinda stopped during the winter, with only a few passes. One morning this spring there was 8 or 9 trails made within 20 mins They stayed most of the day. They passed over Levis, (other side of the St_Lawrence for those who dont know) But yeah the year has been quiet< for chemtrails, so far

Pics coming.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
Who? there are no rich people here in norway with privet jets

There are, plenty. On the other hand a MD 80 and some Fokker models can look like a Lear at distance.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 04:17 PM
Of course I come to my computer, start searching my harddrive (which I formatted this winter) and did not make backup of my images. I did send in gmail, but the images are greatly reduced.

I am just trying one image. (first time I post image) and we will see if that works. Maybe I made a disc. Me hopes.

In this image, the planes are coming from the bottom flying to either side of the image past me, then looped around and made a pass together. The double chemtrail is TWO planes. I witnessed them flying side by side, and they were not huge 747, but had the same look.

Here is another (thx gmail) taken about 30 mins later. You can still see the double contrail.

Yeah I know they are small and suck, I HAVE to find the larger images. Im on a mission.

Here is a close up of a chemplane that passed early that same day. This plane did not do the trails in above pics. This trail ended up turning the blue day into overcast. You can see in the above pics the overcast conditions. I check radar, and sat images for weather and there was no cloud cover that day.

[edit on 4-7-2009 by Le Colonel]

[edit on 4-7-2009 by Le Colonel]

[edit on 4-7-2009 by Le Colonel]

[edit on 4-7-2009 by Le Colonel]

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 05:04 PM
Alright, upon further looking, I have the images no longer on puter. BUT... I did find a larger size that I sent in Gmail.

This is the same as above post, with the double chemtrail.

and another taken 30 mins later

If anybody cares they were taken on Feb 29, 2008

[edit on 4-7-2009 by Le Colonel]

[edit on 4-7-2009 by Le Colonel]

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 05:05 PM
For the people intrigued by this and who don't know a lot, you gotta see the documentary "Don't talk about the weather". It's a must see!!

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 03:01 PM
take a look at this...

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

Very poor clip.

A few minutes in, they show a second or two of the iconic Evergreen International Boeing 747 dumping that horrid chemical known as "DiHydrogen Monoxide" --- H2O.

IF these 'chemicals' are so dangerous, why is the woman reporter just standing there, dumping them into a bowl, and WHO is playing with it with their bare hand?

Gaaaaghh. It never ends.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

yeah we already know how you feel about this. i should have said watch this everyone but weedwhacker. sorry. in the future i will be more careful.

in addition, it was just one with bits in it i hadnt seen before and i thought others would like to view it too.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 03:51 AM
I hope this has worked......

I would like to offer these pics for review. They were all taken at the same time and could, probably all be placed together. As you can see there is more going on here than simply hap-hazzard flying. This action has purpose and it seems it the same wherever you are on the planet. They do not appear regularly enough to warrant them as flight corridors leaving me scanning the news and web to discover any other reason they might be produced. Whatever your opinion on these sky scribbles ask yourself: what is going on? and who is paying for these planes to do it?
In my opinion, if we find out who pays for it we are closer to discovering what they are and why they are there. If they are simply contrails from planes paid for by my government- and ultimately me- I want to know why a flight plan from A-B is so diffucult to plan or why that plan is so outrageously ignored. Currently fuel for my car costs £1.02 per litre. How much is it costing to fly these babies? What justifies that expense?


[edit on 14-7-2009 by squizz]

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