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This is how Satam's Passport made it through the WTC.

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posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker

The level of ignorance involving matters of science is staggering in this Forum, sometimes.

Thanks for finally saying it. I've wanted to say it for a long time, but never had the opening that's presented here. One can not have a reasonable knowledge of science and be a "truther" at the same time. They are mutually exclusive.

This is an excellent commentary on video about what happens in a aircraft crash. I've never seen it addressed in this context previously.

Cudos to waypastvne for composing this and posting it. Outstanding work!

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:16 AM
excellent theory. thanks for taking the time to do this. still seems kind of "convenient" to me, but that's just my gut talking.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:21 AM
Venturi effect?

1500 pounds of air?

So the aircraft doesn't displace air that is moves through? Are you for
real? People starred this and responded in support?

What happens to that air in the cabin when people fill the seats?

The nose of the plane breaks and the air accelerates out?

By your theory the passport is more dense than a similar volume of air
and would have more force when it hits the window. Why not say the
paper cut through the column instead?

Do you know how big the elevator shafts were? Compare that to the
size of the airplane cabin and figure out how much pressure you would
need to fill the 1/4 mile length of elevator volume and fill the lobby before
exerting enough pressure to blow out all of the lobby windows!

OMG! I am going to show this to everyone including government loyalists!

P.S. I love the balloon on the scale!

[edit on 3-7-2009 by turbofan]

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by waypastvne

Interesting theory, seems like a whole lot of work to explain something regarded by most truthers as a strange coincidence, not proof of an inside job.

Obviously the momentum of the cabin parts + air and the explosion would force objects out through to the other side, the key is why this particular passport, and why in such good condition?

But nice vid anyway.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
I think a lot of light items were found to have exited the buildings, there is even a photo somewhere of an airplane seat that landed on the boot of a car.

i'm not suggesting items weren't thrown out by the impact, just questioning the reason why they were thrown out. i believe they were but not because of the force of the air in the cabin traveling through the building.

just pointing out the flaws i see, to be honest. i have no particular stance on the issue, seems a ridiculous coincidence to me but it's not as if they can't happen. i don't see that this explanation of how it might have possibly happened makes it less of a ridiculous coincidence.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 09:44 AM
Beware when ANYONE ever tries to explain something without including a single equation.

The Venturi effect is the reduction in fluid pressure that results when a fluid flows through a constricted section of pipe. The fluid velocity must increase through the constriction to satisfy the equation of continuity, while its pressure must decrease due to conservation of energy: the gain in kinetic energy is balanced by a drop in pressure or a pressure gradient force. An equation for the drop in pressure due to Venturi effect may be derived from a combination of Bernoulli's principle and the equation of continuity.

The Venturi effect does not apply in this situation. There was no constricted 'pipe' for the fluid air to pass through. The volume of the WTC floorspace was greater than the volume of the plane cabin.

Besides showing one calculation for the figure of almost 1500 pounds, there was no mathematics presented to support any of the arguments in that video.

I nearly hurt myself, falling off the chair laughing, when it was claimed that the air pressure from the cabin caused the lobby to blow out. All claimed without a single equation.

Honestly, I've watched some pretty bad videos produced by truthers and government loyalists. This has to be the worst I've ever viewed.

I know that there are a couple of intelligent government loyalists who post on ATS and I don't expect that we'll see them in this thread offering any support for this video. Seriously, they would break ranks and agree how terrible this video is.

[edit on 3-7-2009 by tezzajw]

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 10:48 AM

posted by Reheat

Cudos to waypastvne for composing this and posting it. Outstanding work!

Unscientific work no less; but what the heck it may snow a few people seeking out the truth.

Surely this would be deemed outstanding compared to your own outstanding scientific efforts.

Top-down Explosive Demolition


[edit on 7/3/09 by SPreston]

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 03:51 PM
The funniest part is the 1500 ponuds of air, or the balloon on the scale!!!!

FIrst of all, the don't account for passengers displacing the air in the

Second, they don't account for what happens if you remove air from
the fuselage (ummm, the fuselage collapses in on itself)!

Third they don't account for the atmosphere which replaces the volume
of the fuselage as if the aircraft did not displace air by it's volume!

Well, maybe the funniest part is all of the GL's agreed with the 'science'

I"m going to upload some photos that prove the weight of air in the balloon
makes ZERO difference between an inflated and deflated balloon.

Take screen shots and mark this day as the happiest of your lives. We have
just learned the level of education and scientific comprehension of everyone that
agreed with that video!

[edit on 3-7-2009 by turbofan]

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 04:25 PM
I didn't have a balloon handy, but I used a very big bag instead.

See the progression of photos that proves the video linked in the
original post is nonsense:

Scale precise to 0.5 grams. Set bag on scale and get weight of bag:

Fill bag with 'air' and zero the scale:

Remove air from bag and observe the change in scale reading:

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 04:39 PM
Not watched the video yet but I will just to be fair to both sides....

The gov or some higher source was involved in it......However.....Not all the conspiracy's floating around are correct. Some things just happened the way they did and we need to except that...

My problem is that people will use this video as proof that everything happened the way the gov and media tells us it did..

There were cover ups.....It did not ALL happen the way we are told and the truth is somewhere in the middle of both of these sides of arguments....

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
I"m going to upload some photos that prove the weight of air in the balloon
makes ZERO difference between an inflated and deflated balloon.

Take screen shots and mark this day as the happiest of your lives. We have
just learned the level of education and scientific comprehension of everyone that agreed with that video!

Well, Turbo you've finally PROVEN to one all all just how ignorant you are. This series of posts vividly shows the meaninglessness of all of your personal incredulity that is your trademark.

I've taken screen shots of your posts on this subject to display in the future when you tout your false bravado of knowledge.

While there is some speculation in the video it is absolutely correct regarding the basics of what it portrays. You may certainly argue with the speculation, but you can't legitimately argue with the science of what it portrays.

I'll give you a while to determine how and why you're ignorant.

Would you like your humble crow pie hot or cold? (I would normally use an LOL smilie here, but there are none left, you've used them all, but I'd guess there'll be plenty when you find out just how vividly you've displayed your ignorance.)

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Reheat
While there is some speculation in the video it is absolutely correct regarding the basics of what it portrays. You may certainly argue with the speculation, but you can't legitimately argue with the science of what it portrays.

For the record, Reheat, will you please confirm the scientific principals, mentioned in the video, that you consider to be true?

Also, can you please link me to where the NIST report discussed the destructive effects of the cabin's air? I'll look for it, but if you find it before me, then you can link me.

Note to all: As I stated earlier, there will be some government story loyalists who will avoid posting in this thread. They are far too intelligent to try and defend the OP.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by Reheat

Bring it on Reheat. You supported the video and all the 'science' within.

Let me list off the errors that I can recall, and you can pick the ones you
agree with and disagree with:

- Acceleration of air out of the fuselage
- Weight of air in a balloon
- Venturi effect
- Weight of air in fuselage
- Vacuum "pulling" in tail
- Air in fuselage traveling down and up elevator shafts and blowing out lobby windows

Please go ahead and waste my time debating any of the above

[edit on 4-7-2009 by turbofan]

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
Also, can you please link me to where the NIST report discussed the destructive effects of the cabin's air?

You mean the same air (pressure) that sits upon us 24/7/365? The same
air we displace as we walk around Earth?

Hey Tezz,

What's your best guess at measuring the weight of water in a balloon
at the bottom of the ocean? Would it weigh more than the water column
that's already upon the scale, or would it weigh the same?

What if we moved the scale and balloon up 700 feet from the bottom
of the ocean floor?

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 11:25 AM
I didn't read every reply.
I didn't watch the video.

I sat down with an objective mind and started to watch.
Within one minute the narrator said the word "conspiracy theorist" and at the same time showed an image af a man holding a toaster in one hand and a fork in the other.

Everyone who said the video was unbiased is an intellectual child and not worthy of debating me. I mean that.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by patent98310

This video also does not address all the profits that were made on 9-11. Somebody in the United States Government knew what was going on.

posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by turbofan

Man that is like a Saturday Night Live sketch. You should have made it into a YouTube video with that guy from Monty Python narrating. I wish I could give you a hundred stars for lifting my spirits today.


posted on Jul, 4 2009 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by turbofan
Hey Tezz,
What's your best guess at measuring the weight of water in a balloon
at the bottom of the ocean?

Nah, much too hard for me.

I'm waiting for the follow-up video where they show how to insert a passport into a protective balloon and then weigh it.

Anyway, I've given this thread more bumps and points than it deserves. That's enough for me!

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 12:15 AM
This thread (and original video) should really die. Moreso for the
embarrassment it gives the GL's and those who agreed with the

I mean, how does a gas accelerate out of a forward moving object?
What mechanism, or force accelerated the air out of the fuselage?

Maybe I should strap myself to a skateboard and ride into a curb
so I can measure how much my body accelerates as it flies into
the air!

[edit on 6-7-2009 by turbofan]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 10:42 AM
I'm getting hungry; still waiting for some 'crow pie', or Reheat to explain
any of the falsehoods of the video I highlighted in my post. This happens
so often...the thread sinks down the list for a few days and then Reheat
will re-appear in another thread and forget to school me on fizyks.

Maybe he is still accelerating from the weight of the air at sea level?

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