Originally posted by Cameoii
I knew this was a touchy subject
It certainly seems that way...
Here on ATS, we are able to tackle just about any issue, be it religion, global warming, politics and so forth, but having a
FICTION writing
contest about something as controversial as Indigo children
appears to be too much for some.
Have no fear, Cameoii... there are no restrictions on anyone's imagination in regards to writing fiction. It's supposed to be
FUN and a PhD
in paraneurology is not required.
I've hunted through the web looking for anything which could be construed as scientific proof for both Indigo and Chrystal children but all to no
avail. I'm not saying there's nothing to it, mind you, it's just that there's been no clinical studies done that I could find. Maybe someone
reading can educate us all on it.
So far, I've enjoyed the stories submitted and I hope many more members decide to join in the
fun. I also hope that those who consider
themselves Indigo's will take the opportunity to use the medium of
fictional writing to bring their message to the readership. They
might be interested to read my own interpretation in the story
A revolution may be defined as a struggle toward change. It can take many forms and does not necessarily require violence. Remember what I said about
Ghandi and the salt. However, even a revolution attempted through non-violence can have violent repercussions.
There are those who will stand against change, no matter how peacefully that change is being promoted. If Obama is an Indigo, as N.A.T stated on her
website, all you need do is listen to those who oppose him. You needn't go to Google for that... there's plenty of evidence right here on ATS.
Edit to add
What born-indigo said.
[edit on 6/7/09 by masqua]