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Swine flu 'cannot be contained'

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posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 11:29 AM

Swine flu 'cannot be contained'

The rising numbers of swine flu cases mean trying to contain the virus is no longer an option, the government says.

Ministers said the emergency response would now move to a new "treatment" phase across the UK as there may soon be 100,000 new cases a day.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 11:29 AM
It wasn't that long ago that government ministers were telling us that the infection rate of this virus would be slowing down during the summer months and then pick up again during the autumn/winter yet so far we are seeing that it is continuing to affect more and more people with no signs of slowing down, makes you wonder whats changing about this version of the flu that has changed the usual infection pattern?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 12:19 PM
Heat does not seem to affect it as it does the regular flu.

This quote is from an article in a thread I posted back in June talking about the INCREASE in South Carolina cases in 90 - 105 degree weather.

Swine flu thrives in heat; S.C. cases rise

"This is a new virus, and we don't know its behavior well," said state epidemiologist Dr. Jerry Gibson. "We're still learning. Its persistence does seems to be unusual."

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 12:23 PM
Ha! This is where it begins....all the numbers are "rising"

Vaccines, forced upon citizens, children. Oh boy here we go.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 12:48 PM
How slow can you go !

DePopulation.. Heard of it ? This thing isnt going away...

Even if you get an vaccine and works on one of the strains, you still have two more strains of flu , human and avian flu.. See the problem ??

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 12:58 PM
Meh, I'm not worried right now. You should all be worried when the actual flu season comes about though.

That's gonna be one hell of a long uphill battle next winter. We will probably see 2 perhaps as much as 5 different strains going around, and with a vaccine that will most likely only treat 1 of those, were in big trouble.


posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 01:00 PM
OP.... I heard this on the news earlier, definately looks like it is here to stay for a while..... i've been lucky enough not to contract it yet and i live in a City with 5 million people! 100,000 a day by August though does seem quite huge amount!

Vaccines will be available though..... who's up for that?

Should have grounded all flights when they found out.... at least out of Mexico anyway

[edit on 2-7-2009 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 01:16 PM
This is quite worrying, and i agree with the post about worrying later on in the winter season next year.

First of, for pritty blatent proof of swine flu being man made and made for a reason, why did they not release the vacine before the 1000 per day mark?? They all know it is far too later by then.

But back to the danger of the many straines by next year, well, here is a small guidline how it could happen (and most likley does).

Firstly, there are two different straines, european and asian, most virus's are created (not man made) in china (there is a swampy area where viral bacteria breed like rabits on viagra, its were the origin of SARS came), but anywho, after spreading around the world for several months, european and asian strains will mingle, and create several new strains as they go along. As it has been mentioned, heat does not seem to effect the flu as it useualy does, this points to other bacteria that spread rapidly in damp heat (in the uk, there has been a "heat wave" (or what i call, just a summer!) which always has damp heat due to storms, aka, a rise in cases. Recently i remember readin a thread about a new strain found in brazil, and brazil is a tropical climate county. Then we get back to the chinese swamp, its hot, damp, and is a breeding ground for bacteria. Once the western summer ends, all the strains would of met, had a pint in a pub, and collected idea's of a cunning plan, and then it cold strike the western countries when we are in winter, when our immune system is lower.

Just a though, but it seems to make sence.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 01:36 PM
I probably missed those golden times when any flu virus could be contained. I mean - what happens every year?? With vaccines available, antiviral drugs semi-available and less hysteria flu was never contained.
By the way, maybe someone who knows exact data can compare lethality of "normal" flu vs current flu. I do not have the impression that it is much higher. Of course i understand that winter waves could be more problematic, but at least for now how much more awful it is?

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 03:43 PM
I saw this too on bbc news, the report sounded like the start of a hollywood film.
Could not believe it when they said 100,000 new case's a DAY! this summer.
Even if only 10% turn out to be fatal, this will be awful.
If there are mass casualities, this could be the spark that ignites the so called "summer of rage" the met were talking about a few months back.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by ZeroKnowledge
I probably missed those golden times when any flu virus could be contained. I mean - what happens every year?? With vaccines available, antiviral drugs semi-available and less hysteria flu was never contained.
By the way, maybe someone who knows exact data can compare lethality of "normal" flu vs current flu. I do not have the impression that it is much higher. Of course i understand that winter waves could be more problematic, but at least for now how much more awful it is?

From what I have read, regular flu has a lot more casualties than swine flu. I do not trust that the people in power are telling the truth.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 04:42 PM
This is an illusion. What's happening is the echo affect. A small number being infected spreading to others. This happens to ever disease but because it's swine flew it makes news.

All that's happened is a larger community being infected by a relatively weak flu.

I'm pretty sure I had it a few months ago when I was near someone from St. Francis (the original hot spot) in NYC. I was rougher than normal flus , but people, it isn't bad. It's just meh. It's like any flu. Comes for a week and leaves. It's hell, but that's any flu.

It is not any more lethal than other flus. Sometimes people die from the normal flu too. That's not news?

Calm down everyone.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 04:49 PM
...but it's just the flu. It's not like it's some flesh-eating disease that has a 99% mortality rate, ffs...

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 07:10 PM
I know its just a harsher version of the flu (personally I'm looking forward to a week off work) but add, the distrust and anger of the general public towards govt (m.p. expenses), an overworked NHS already under pressure trying to prepare for the predicted summer heatwave, mass lay-offs in the coming months also probably the most irresponsible news media Britain has ever had (remember the MMR debarkle) and I think its fair to say that the percieved threat, even if its not based on fact will add more fear and anger to the already angry mob.
Of course I could be confusing the Resident evil plot with reality again.
If any of you ats americans live in Raccoon city, here's a heads up, don't work for umbrella, it never ends well...

[edit on 2-7-2009 by Badfuture]

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 06:50 AM
A young man of 19 has just died in London from swine flu which means it can kill anybody not just the elderly or babies or the vunerable.....

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
A young man of 19 has just died in London from swine flu which means it can kill anybody not just the elderly or babies or the vunerable.....

Some of the early stories about this virus stated that it wasn't attacking the usual very young/old victims but concentrating on the young/middle aged instead


posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by solidshot

hi solidshot we have had our first confirmed case up in monsoon cumbria.
this hot damp and sticky environment is ideal for all manner of critters. my missus went to hospital the other day due to an incident where she was kicked in the chest by grandson (14 months) which developed into a haematoma (spelling!). she waited six and a half hours to be given superstrength antibios. what miffed me was that her doctor rushed her in (as it was the size of a small orange) to get the thing drained off. she told me there was an old dear there who had been waiting a lot longer for treatment amongst a packed waiting area only to be held back by footie players coming in with sports injuries. i myself have been waiting since 1989 to see a specialist regarding work injury! just about given up on that one! i am also waiting to see specialist (approx 4 months now) regarding meningitis type thing for which i spent three months in bed and two months walking around like a zombie. my own choice regarding the hamdemic (cannot take credit for this one) is not to take anything for it and if my body cannot cope maybe c u all on the other side.
regards cdi
wash yer hands and be well.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by solidshot

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
A young man of 19 has just died in London from swine flu which means it can kill anybody not just the elderly or babies or the vunerable.....

Some of the early stories about this virus stated that it wasn't attacking the usual very young/old victims but concentrating on the young/middle aged instead

Well looks like it can kill any age now.... 79 year old died up in scotland and a young girl died up in birmingham.....

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by solidshot

I think your headline should actually be:

Swine flu 'will not be contained'

I saw no effort in my country (Australia) to contain anything. If TPTB were serious about containing, there would be quarantined countries at the first signs of such a thing.

Unfortunately all we see is the sacrifice of public health to appease big business and ensure their ongoing profits. That's why airliners run unimpeded spreading infection throughout the world.


[edit on 3/7/09 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:47 AM

Unfortunately all we see is the sacrifice of public health to appease big business and ensure their ongoing profits. That's why airliners run unimpeded spreading infection throughout the world.


[edit on 3/7/09 by InfaRedMan]

My sentiments exactly..... on one of the other threads about this i said 'why did they not stop all flights out of Mexico for a while? But no, they continued to fly and spread the disease! Pretty stupid if you ask me, if this thing get as bad as it sounds like it's going to get do you think people will be staying away from work or still be worried about paying bills? If it gets to 100,000 a day and like people are dropping dead then i think we should just stop work altogether until it has cleared...... everyone stocks up on what they'll need for a month and then when it's announced that all infected have been treated and there is no more risk to public health then people can go back to work if they wish....

[edit on 3-7-2009 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist]

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