posted on May, 6 2004 @ 02:41 AM
Once again "the family" of one of the guys who took the patterson film came forward and said that it is a hoax and they can prove it.
And the gave the same wooden feet used to disprove it last time, which by the way don't match any of the bigfoot foot-print casts taken, that are
kept as evidance.. including those taken at the time of the filming! but this time they also have evidance with the same suit they used in the
patterson film!!
There is a comparison of the 2.. now any fool can see those on the right are obvious hoaxes, and it looks quite alot like liquified crap. The image on
the left however, doesn't look like a suit at all.. and if that is in fact the same suit.. wouldn't it be reasonable to believe that it would look
exactly the same; instead of absolutely nothing the same?
Until that film is disproven I will believe it is real. It sounds to me like they are just trying to get some attention again; which is sad. Anyway..
I still believe in bigfoot, and probably always will; because everytime someone tries to disprove it this happens: a) They then start believing it's
real because of their futile attempt to disprove bigfoot. b) they produce crappy evidence that it's a hoax, that is debunked as crap and attention
whoring as soon as it's released c) they die of old age.. :p
So what are your thoughts on this?
[Edited on 6-5-2004 by EWom]