posted on Aug, 5 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by projectvxn
This is an excellent concept. You have really put alot of forward thinking into this and covering most of the bases. Be a good canidate for BAE!
But why get used if you can make yourself.
I am glad I am the first one to mention this. I have been thinking it since your OP.
If you are pretty set with this concept being able to haul soldiers, it must have some windows. What will happen if the camera's, eyes, or
sensors become disabled? Whether through enemy fire, concusive blasts or malfunctions of other sorts, the crew must maintain a means of operating and
fighting in the vehicle manually or without the aid of the cameras.
This vehicle, maybe on a smaller scale, maybe ranger or mule size with a heavy hitting crew serve weapon would make an awesome unmanned scout.
Keep up the good work bro, you def. have a good mind for this kinda stuff!