reply to post by projectvxn
I twisted it around from the norm. Yes they are an oppressive theocracy, but they are devote communists too. They take wealth and redistribute it.
Their king is as wealthy as a peasant. He is purely a voice of the people. There's no money, other then word of mouth and written trade of services,
and the people own the means of production, having to give up all they make to the central planning government as to where to redistribute it. So it
is communism. But rather than have a central planner oligarchy and dictator, God is viewed as the king, the "pope" his voice, and the king as the
enforcer of their laws. Of course, the other nation despises using God to enforce a repressive government, but they have no interests and are
isolationaists. It's basically communism whereas the oligarchy is the church, but even they are constantly inspected by other officials, and those
officials inspected by the church, to eliminate any gathering of wealth. It's kind of like a divided branch of government spying on each other
constantly, but the church still holds total control.
The Amero are kind of like Protestant-Catholics who still obied by religious law, but feel that one can worship their faith as they please. They are
secularists, seeking to make a government off of logic and science, as opposed to doctrine. They also have no central government, and are more like a
confederacy of states under a senate as opposed to a US federal government. The military are commonly running for senate seats, and when war occurs,
they leave their seats to lead the army.
It's odd. I kind of took Conservative America and put it in control of the USSR, and then took liberal America and put it in control of conservative
It's such a twist. Atheism doesn't exist on the planet because science and government are tied together. The church supports most, if not all,
scientific studies. It's viewed as worship to progress humanity's knowledge. As such, there's no division between science and religion.
But this car went perfectly with something I wanted to do. So thanks for the compliments and the opportunity to see the communities response. It's
always great fun to try out my skills in the digital arts and see what people think about it.
This car you described is very well thought out, and you really should consider a career of military engineering, or engineering in some
mechanical/automobile sector.
For anyone interested in helping me with it, PM me.
[edit on 9-7-2009 by Gorman91]