posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 05:07 AM
Hi friends,
I noticed that there was much more coverage on flight AF 447 then the last plane accident in the gulf of fact i struggled even the flight No
which is Flight 626 whilst AF 447 is now an icon and everone knows about it.
Also noticed that there were fewer threads on ATS which tallies with less news about the crash on the Internet and TV.
Now our task must be to understand why these two plane accidents were valued so differently by the Media, the people and ATS
Was it one of these factors?
Less People on board?
Plane was found immediatley?
People are now imune to plane tragedy?
It happned in Yemen a part in the World people doesnt really take care of?
People were exhausted by the Af 447 news, Michael Jackson?, North Korea, Iran Elections?
I mean both planes crashed till now with unknown reasons, there were huge amount of victims on both planes, both planes had safety records, both ended
in the sea due to suspected bad weather.
Why than the World acted so differently?
Thank You