reply to post by apacheman
To all you who think California is some sort of socialist welfare state, what world do you live in?
For all your socialism blather, you sure seem happy to live off our dime: California gets about $ .75 back on each tax dollar we send to Washington.
We're supporting your disrespectful butts, and getting pretty tired of it. I can't imagine how much we send to the New York banksters each year.
We've had Republican governors for quite awhile now, their fiscal policies have driven down the quality of education statewide, made a lot of peole
homeless, and cost huge numbers of jobs. They've allowed corporate ripoffs left and right, just like everywhere else. If this is socialism, it sure
looks a lot like conservative capitalism to me. We've been bled dry by successive frauds like Enron: my monthly electric bill hit $745 during the
height of the crisis, after we cut usage by 35-40%. I've never recovered a dime of what was extorted then. Corporate America likes to charge us extra
for everything: a sun tax for the privilege of living here. Gas were I live runs about $3.00 a gallon today, last year it hit $4.52 in some spots. We,
the people of California, are pretty fiscally frugal in our own lives, we have to be: wages are low compared to the cost of living. If I'm living in
a socialist paradise, nobody's told me about it, and I've never seen it.
My county supervisors just finished wasting several years and millions of taxpayers money unsuccessfully fighting state law about medical marijuana.
Does that sound socialist to you? The strongest union in the state is not the teachers' union, nor a labor union, but rather the prison guards union.
I guess that's socialist, too.
Someone suggested that what we need is our own state bank, so we can issue credit backed by our tax receipts, and quit paying interest to New York.
I'm all for that.
Regardless, we're screwed now.
And guess what?
You're screwed, too.
Because we've been supporting the rest of the country, and we can't afford it anymore.
Good for you! I get so sick and tired of Out-of Staters ridiculing Ca and calling it leftisit, liberal, utopian, etc. when it's been
Republican controlled for years. I'm sick and tired of being called a "dirt worshipping tree hugger" when there is real concern for our
environment's welfare. Tell me, what do you breathe when the trees are gone? What do you drink and eat when the water's unfit to consume? Bah! I'm